All Things New Gopher Uniforms/Helmets Thread: UPDATED 1/20 with New Uniforms!!!

Any chance the show them off at halftime of the MBB game tonight?

didn't crazy joe davola call the flat maroon color?

I thought i remember reading a post on that but cant find it back, was there any other info in his post if anyone remembers? I like!

What they're announcing now probably has less than a 1% chance of being Pro Combat. If you look at when the past ones have been announced it's always around the end of August or early September. I don't see why they would reveal Minnesota's in January. What they're showing now will be the uniforms the team wears on any given weekend

What they're announcing now probably has less than a 1% chance of being Pro Combat. If you look at when the past ones have been announced it's always around the end of August or early September. I don't see why they would reveal Minnesota's in January. What they're showing now will be the uniforms the team wears on any given weekend

Correct, these are the new uniforms that the Gophers will be wearing permanently (well, at least until we get a new HC). Anyone have any word on if the rumor about us getting the Pro Combat treatment this year is true?

Well they aren't black, camouflage, or white. So far so good.

Haven't been keeping up with this thread so I don't know if this is news or not, but I'm pretty pumped. Matte finish > sparkly helmets.

MVofDT Matt
#Gophers getting maroon matte helmets. Yep, we're going full Nikeification.

Now that I browse the thread I see that it is not. Sorry. Still pumped for these new uniforms/helmets though.

ahhh man. i can't wait until early 2012 to see the full thing. come on! i have no patience at all! me needs instant gratification. :eek:

p.s. was kind of hoping we went back in time to white helmets with maroon & gold striping from the crown of the helmet to the back of it. may still have striping down the middle of the helmet (which i would like), but looks like i won't get my "white" helmet wish. i will live.

I was always hoping for a matte maroon, but I was hoping that included a wide, glossy, gold stripe down the middle.

GoldenGopherFB Gopher Football
Every game, not a one-off. RT @WiIIMoore: @GoldenGopherFB are new #GopherUniforms going to be an every game thing or every once in a while?

Gopher FB's twitter confirms these are in fact every-game uniforms and not a special one time thing (aka not a nike pro-combat design.)

I was always hoping for a matte maroon, but I was hoping that included a wide, glossy, gold stripe down the middle.

agreed. not sure why they insist on not using a helmet stripe. not a huge fan of entirely monochromatic color helmets, regardless of the finish (i.e. matte, glossy, etc.)

me likes the helmet stripe. me likes! ;-)

Maybe I'm seeing it wrong but to me it looks like there will be no stripe down the middle of the helmet. To me that picture looks like they're showing the upper side and top of the helmet. I'm really pumped for a matte maroon.

I haven't been a fan of any of the matte black helmets I've seen. They seemed kind of unfinished, like a coat of primer waiting for some gloss. However, I actually like the look of this matte maroon. Beats magic pixie sparkles, anyway.

I'm hoping I don't see any piping, gradient colors, or tire tread textures in forthcoming photos.

I haven't been a fan of any of the matte black helmets I've seen. They seemed kind of unfinished, like a coat of primer waiting for some gloss.

I agree that black has been done, and done. Here is a pic of a Missouri helmet. I would really like to see this in matte maroon with gold as the stripe. Maybe I can mock something up at the office tomorrow.


Maybe it's my age, and maybe a minority opinion on this board . . .

but I really don't understand all the excitement about the supposed look of new uniforms for the Gophers. To be sure, I wouldn't want to see anything like Maryland's or the creations at Oregon. However, because of my bent toward a long term perspective, I can't get excited about what the uniforms are going to look like. For some, the new uniforms will be similar to a new car, once it's driven off the dealership lot it's dated . . . and then, the question to be asked, what's the next new toy to arouse one's interest.

I've enjoyed some great days during my many years of following the Gophers (championship seasons), and, of course, some long standing disappointments (44 years since the last conference championship). During the fifty-six years of following Minnesota football, I've seen uniforms come and go and some were a joke . . . sadly, however, the biggest joke has been the long drought of non-championship seasons. (The apathetic fan base and the willingness to accept mediocrity for so many years.)

The long and short of it, I want to see more wins and another championship before my final adios!

If Minnesota continues to go without championships or being a contender for one and the uniforms look real sharp, will that be another level of looking good in defeat? Equivalant to a moral victory?

Just one man's opinion, FWIW, and rant.

Go Gophers!!


Maybe they are doing throwback numbering on helmets with maroon instead of white? A little past and present fusion? This suspense is killing me though, I just want to see them!

Not sure where the numbers are going to be on the helmet, but I wouldn't necessarily be upset if they were on the sides ala Alabama. Guessing this is a minipic of part of the back of the helmet.
I definitely prefer the block M over numbers on the sides of the helmets. I really hope that pic is the lower part of the back of the helmet.

Quick! What uniforms did we wear in 1943?

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