All Things New Gopher Uniforms/Helmets Thread: UPDATED 1/20 with New Uniforms!!!

I don't care what the UPS guy wears as long as he gets the job done. Same goes here. Win games and the players can wear whatever they want.

No, being a Navy vet, I had no interest in seeing Navy ditch their traditional uniform. Screw the nike "marketing" machine. Without the tradition: the Army/Navy game doesn't warrant a watch for me. That' s my take. Help yourself to your own.

Give me tradition any and EVERY time! But...that's just me...

; 0 )
If the uniform the team is wearing makes the game unwatchable, you clearly don't care much about that game.

If they start winning they can wear clown suits if they'd like. As long as they are maroon and gold clown suits.

There are entirely too many games on tv...

Besides that, the ONLY D-I football team I care about would be the University of Minnesota Football team.

I'm a Navy vet, but, they never stationed me in Annapolis and they never gave me duty attending an Army/Navy game.

Really, the ONLY NAVY teams I had any "loyalty" to were the Pensacola Gosh Hawks (with Roger Staubach as qb back there while he was on active duty between his Naval Acadamy days and before his discharge when he went on to star for the Dallas Cowboys... when I was at a Communications Technician School in Pensacola in 1968) and the 1969 and 1970 Hakata Station, Japan Navy Team when I was stationed there. They destroyed the Sasebo Navy Team, the Hakata Station Army team and the Itazuki Air Force team to claim the Armed Forces Championship in that region. Now THAT was a team! ; 0 )

The 2011 Army/Navy game wasn't very important to me at all. And, I checked out the Navy's Nike uniforms...not impressed at all. Of course, since Navy has won 10 in a row, I suppose I should jump on the band wagon...but...the way I see it, since it's not Golden Gopher Football, why should I care? I've really only got room to follow ONE Division I college football team...

But...that's just me...

; 0 )

you make some very valid points in your post. but yes, it is probably your age as you suggested.

Crazy Joe Davola was right. He came on here and said a month ago that there would be numbers on one side and a block M on the other.

Makes you wonder if he actually was right about the coaching stuff back when, but that Maturi was just stumbling all over himself, LOL.

hope not. it needs to be just one or the other on both sides. numbers on one side and the block M on the other side would be a poor choice, imo, and look out-of-place and strange.

really hoping that pick is of the side of the helmet (not the lower back where you sometimes see smaller numbers on a helmet) and that the numbers will be on both sides. the block M can be on the front v-collar portion of the jersey and on the front hip of the pants.

If the uniform the team is wearing makes the game unwatchable, you clearly don't care much about that game.
You're suggesting that Wren set aside his preconceived notions and use common sense? :)

You're suggesting that Wren set aside his preconceived notions and use common sense? :)

It's FAR better to have been "preconceived" than to have never been any other kind of conceived....

My 2011 Football Season ended when the Gopher's Season ended goaupher. And, as I so CLEARLY stated: "...that's just me..." I sure as hell wasn't telling anyone else what they should do...where they should go...or how they should get there...but sometimes it certainly is tempting...

; 0 )

There are entirely too many games on tv...

Besides that, the ONLY D-I football team I care about would be the University of Minnesota Football team.

I'm a Navy vet, but, they never stationed me in Annapolis and they never gave me duty attending an Army/Navy game.

Really, the ONLY NAVY teams I had any "loyalty" to were the Pensacola Gosh Hawks (with Roger Staubach as qb back there while he was on active duty between his Naval Acadamy days and before his discharge when he went on to star for the Dallas Cowboys... when I was at a Communications Technician School in Pensacola in 1968) and the 1969 and 1970 Hakata Station, Japan Navy Team when I was stationed there. They destroyed the Sasebo Navy Team, the Hakata Station Army team and the Itazuki Air Force team to claim the Armed Forces Championship in that region. Now THAT was a team! ; 0 )

The 2011 Army/Navy game wasn't very important to me at all. And, I checked out the Navy's Nike uniforms...not impressed at all. Of course, since Navy has won 10 in a row, I suppose I should jump on the band wagon...but...the way I see it, since it's not Golden Gopher Football, why should I care? I've really only got room to follow ONE Division I college football team...

But...that's just me...

; 0 )
Fair enough. I thought when you said you're a navy vet you were trying to suggest that means the game is important to you.

Matte Marroon Looks pretty good

i think this will be a good look with a gold block M -

Here is Mississippi St form this year...

Which leads me to my initial prediction: That the rectangles we are seeing is apart of the prepping of the numbers instead of apart of the decals themselves (think masking tape when you paint your walls). Eventually (revealing ceremony or sooner), the clear rectangles we see will be taken off.

Which leads me to my initial prediction: That the rectangles we are seeing is apart of the prepping of the numbers instead of apart of the decals themselves (think masking tape when you paint your walls). Eventually (revealing ceremony or sooner), the clear rectangles we see will be taken off.

That's not how it works, though. The decals come pre-fabricated with a paper backing which is removed, and the decals are then applied by hand using the pre-applied adhesive for suction. There is no "prep" work involved.

That's not how it works, though. The decals come pre-fabricated with a paper backing which is removed, and the decals are then applied by hand using the pre-applied adhesive for suction. There is no "prep" work involved.

Yep, decaling the helmets was done in one of the webisodes.

That's not how it works, though. The decals come pre-fabricated with a paper backing which is removed, and the decals are then applied by hand using the pre-applied adhesive for suction. There is no "prep" work involved.

I know what you're saying, and I'm not trying to refute you. When I first saw the numbers, it looked like they were on a rectangle that was trying to match the matte finish. But after looking at it again, it might be that I'm seeing air bubbles under the mask. Maybe they're showing it like that to throw us off the scent.

We'll know soon enough. I'm not gonna get my undies in a bunch over something where I can exercise no control.

Anybody else following the reveal on facebook? Looks like they are getting rid of the sparkles on the helmet.

Fuzzy Rumpton said:
Anybody else following the reveal on facebook? Looks like they are getting rid of the sparkles on the helmet.

Face what? Twitter is the new Facebook.

I only did TDY on any ships when they needed ct's on board to tell the Captain when we were going to be overflown by migs and things "...of that nature..." I had a lot more fun being stationed on Army and Air Force bases...and staying near some good sized cities in Japan...NO KP duty for this "land-lover" sailor. Things were pretty specialized with what Uncle Sam had we "ct" Sailors and Marines doing oneoldgopher. So, which branch of the service did you serve in oneoldgopher...if your are going to cast stones... and try to make tender ship funnies...let's have at it oldguy. You tell me what the hey you were up to back in the old your service days...IF you are going to try to be "cute..."

; 0 )

That's not how it works, though. The decals come pre-fabricated with a paper backing which is removed, and the decals are then applied by hand using the pre-applied adhesive for suction. There is no "prep" work involved.

For decals, you're right. Not to sound like a dink, but I played football in HS, and we didn't have the equipment manpower to take care of the detail stuff, so the players had to decal their own helmets. So in that aspect, I know how they work. But the way the matte helmets look (especially in the zoomed in shot we got from day one), I don't think decals are used at all on them just because of the texture. I think it's a different process altogether. Which is why we see an entire rectangle surrounding the numbers.

Anybody else following the reveal on facebook? Looks like they are getting rid of the sparkles on the helmet.


Please tell me you are being sarcastic. lol

Oh, and Dpo, I'm not trying to be or sound arguementive. I'm absolutely not trying to imply any sort of combative stance on my response to you. And I certainly didn't take your post as such either. I just wanted to clarify my post, that's all.

DL65, I agree in that I just want to see wins and don't really care about much outside of W's and L's. I watched a program on ESPN that went inside the Oklahoma State program. It showed how much the players cared about their different uniform selections and how they got excited about each and every decision they got to make regarding them (captains chose uniform combinations). Mike Gundy, the head coach at OSU, had some interesting quotes in that program, but the one that stuck out the most to me went something like "new traditions are created in a winning atmosphere" and "you can't create traditions while you are losing". That's why it's impossible to create traditions at Minnesota right now, a end of the 3rd quarter song only catches on if students/fans have a reason to dance/jump/scream/etc at the end of most 3rd quarters. If the Gophers are losing to New Mexico State, it doesn't matter if Rick Ross or Rick Springfield is played in the stadium. The uniforms will get the players excited and it's a chance to start a new tradition, but if two years from now we're an Insight Bowl team or worse, there likely just another jersey in a long line of them that won't mean much in the history of Gopher football. The last traditional uniforms the Gophers had probably existed in your childhood, and it would nice to be able to get back to a design that the nation recognizes as Minnesota's. That will require winning games on the big stage and if that happens, I'd be happy if the Gopher uniforms were Green and Yellow and looked like Packers West.

From my perspective, I don't care if they come out wearing panties, garters, and bikini tops ala the Ladies Lingerie Football League as long as they win BIG championships.

From my perspective, I don't care if they come out wearing panties, garters, and bikini tops ala the Ladies Lingerie Football League as long as they win BIG championships.

Some things are better left unseen, and I think 300 pound lineman in panties, garters, and bikini tops are one of them. I don't care if we won 10 B1G titles in a row, that will scar for life haha

Not to buzzkill, but it might be your age. Young fans/recruits/players care IMMENSELY about this sort of thing.

Think they don't? Watch this Ohio University video (which has a 1/4 million views):

This is one of the funniest things I've seen in my life. They straight up flipped out haha, 2:30 had me rolling. So many great things about this video.

The numbers could be a stencil if the matte finish effects applying decals. Or, it's possible Nike/athletics has figured out what is going on the helmet, but are playing around with decal positions.

For all we know the numbers could be on the back of the helmet floating above the neckline. If the helmet doesn't have a stripe, it could work. I can't imagine the U would get rid of the block M on the helmet. We kind of need that branding right now.

I'm looking forward to the uniforms. Based on all the buzz surrounding them, I'm guessing I am in the majority. Just look at the activity on this thread, which is based on not being excited about it. It is so exciting, even threads mentioning it isn't exciting, are exciting.

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