All Things New Gopher Uniforms/Helmets Thread: UPDATED 1/20 with New Uniforms!!!

They will suck just like every other pro-combat design, but the players will like them because they are superficial.

I though Army's this weekend were great, I dont know if they were their combat Jerseys or not but Army's jersey were nice.
*Edit*: it was there combat jersey and they are sharp, not as flashy as other combat jerseys, I could see the gophers doing something like theirs.

These were the new Pro Combat Unis from 2011. Lukas even has a clever scale that measures the level of rage felt by middle aged fans (apropos for the gophers).

Anyway if we luck out and get either something that looks like LSU, Army, or Navy I'll be thrilled. MSU, is more of a meh to me, but either Stanford or tOSU really look horrible...

I'm starting to think I won't win this argument.:(

Right on, 19. It is kind of like determining arguments between a guy and his gal. When does an argument end and when does an argument start. Well, anything a gal says is the end of an argument. Anything a guy says next is the start of a new argument.

A few of the "pro combat" designs have been traditionally influenced, for better or worse. Oregon State's, for instance, were an upgrade from their current uni to a more classic look.

On the other hand, a lot of the "pro combat" jerseys have been ridiculous clusterforks that look like they were doodled by a bored eighth-grade comic book fan during math class.

Expect either an attempt to harken back to a classic design, or something with flashing lights on the shoes and a faux gopher fur texture. The fact that these things are called "pro combat uniforms" in a sport that is neither pro nor combat means Nike is not above appealing to the most stupid common denominator.

These were the new Pro Combat Unis from 2011. Lukas even has a clever scale that measures the level of rage felt by middle aged fans (apropos for the gophers).

Anyway if we luck out and get either something that looks like LSU, Army, or Navy I'll be thrilled. MSU, is more of a meh to me, but either Stanford or tOSU really look horrible...
I like the Stanford ones. MSU I think look good but shouldn't have been made for MSU. LSU, Army and Navy really didn't make any huge changes.

A few of the "pro combat" designs have been traditionally influenced, for better or worse. Oregon State's, for instance, were an upgrade from their current uni to a more classic look.

On the other hand, a lot of the "pro combat" jerseys have been ridiculous clusterforks that look like they were doodled by a bored eighth-grade comic book fan during math class.

Expect either an attempt to harken back to a classic design, or something with flashing lights on the shoes and a faux gopher fur texture. The fact that these things are called "pro combat uniforms" in a sport that is neither pro nor combat means Nike is not above appealing to the most stupid common denominator.

Amateur Pacifist Costumes is probably more accurate, but it's less flashy.

I like the Stanford ones. MSU I think look good but shouldn't have been made for MSU. LSU, Army and Navy really didn't make any huge changes.

I like the Stanford helmet, but the uniform doesnt make any sense to me. Some bizarre shade of red that doesnt look Cardinal IMHO. I agree that MSU's are cool but maybe not for MSU. And I suppose I like LSU, Army, Navy because they don't change it too much and you can still tell which team you're watching.

And here I expected to see camo on the Pro Combat Jerseys. I echo Bayfield's yawn.

I have to say, while the mason era jerseys have been my favorite so far, assuming you do not travel back to our classics, I think that getting the pro combat jerseys is the best for the program. Looking at the teams that have gotten them, they tend to be more of the traditional powerhouse teams. Anyone who says this won't be good for visibility is crazy. People tend to notice pro-combats whether the designs are good or bad. All we can hope for is something slightly toned down. I am in the crowd that thinks oregons jerseys are ugly as hell (except the matte black helmets, they rock) while most of my other college age friends love them.

If college football teams were as quick to sell out their image in 1991, Oregon would be decked out in green and yellow Zubaz and Maryland would have a heat sensitive jersey by Hypercolor.

None of the schools switching to trendy unis today can expect any consistency going forward. Dressing to impress 17 year-olds guarantees you'll look ridiculous in retrospect and will need a radical redesign at least once per decade.

They got uniform designs right in the 60s.

Agree with Ground Squirrel - radical changes are gimmick. Let's keep a standard look, with maybe one alternate for very special occasions. The maroon helmet and jersey are a great combo - make the Gophers look deadly serious. You can have Maryland and Oregon and most of the other new stuff (including Stanford's plum-colored embarrassment recently). One area of improvement would be in the road uniforms, which are a blah maroon and white.

The Pro-Combats will be worn for only one game. Hopefully it will be a home game. It will really help for amping up the game that week. The uniforms for the rest of the season will probably be more simple and sharp looking. On a side note, the founder or CEO or whatever for Under Armor announced today on the Scott Van Pelt show that they have gained the rights to a B1G team's uniforms starting next season. will be giving out uni teasers w/in a few days and more uni pics will be forthcoming soon from the athletic dept. The players do love wearing special uniforms and pumps them up for the games. As far as the pro combats, wether you like them or not, their here to stay and the designs keep historical aspects of the school in mind. A few of the universities such as Virginia Tech acution them off and make a nice piece of change from them. I bought seven full uni sets last year for around 5K.


Agree with Ground Squirrel - radical changes are gimmick. Let's keep a standard look, with maybe one alternate for very special occasions. The maroon helmet and jersey are a great combo - make the Gophers look deadly serious. You can have Maryland and Oregon and most of the other new stuff (including Stanford's plum-colored embarrassment recently). One area of improvement would be in the road uniforms, which are a blah maroon and white.

The pants should be gold, ALWAYS.

According to @ZachJohnsonGI we're getting Pro Combat jerseys for next year

Prepare to be either very excited or angry!

I'm excited and no one here should be angry. Here's my humble opinion on why:

1) The Nike Pro Combat jerseys are a one game deal... So no matter how ugly they are, we are only subject to them one game.

2) Thing is with the Pro Combat stuff is that teams that go through the process get A LOT of PR. We'll be seeing Nike (as much as many of us may hate Nike) pimp our program out. The more PR we get, you gotta believe that the better it is for the program.

3) Recruits apparently love that type of stuff. I'll take anything for an edge.

I could care less what the Nike haters say - looking forward to seeing what they come up with. Also in looking at 2012 I would love to see them on when the whore of Ann Arbor comes to town.

If I had to take a guess I would say the game on the road against the hawkeyes.

It won't be michigan or the skunks because they are addidas schools.

Unless we pull a TCU, who rotated their pro combats from last year into their regular uni set like boise.

ding, ding. we have a winner. the unis should be the warmath era unis. including the helmets. i.e. numbers on the side, no "M". we can put a small "M" on the front collar of the jersey and another small one on the front, left upper part of the pants if people just have to have it somewhere.

and i want us to go back to pure black cleats. white socks are fine. but pure black cleats.

see my avatar for an example of them. they are beautiful, classic football uniforms. should have kept them in the first place.

+1000 :clap:

I couldn't agree more...Love those uniforms!

I stand corrected.

If it's nike vs nike they both do it, usually.
Yea, I think that is pretty true. Oregon/LSU only had Oregon wearing them this season but that's only b/c LSU was wearing theirs later in the year versus Auburn. Which is why I'd doubt we'd see Iowa since Ferentz has made it pretty clear he hates uni changes.

Here is a tweet from GopherAthletics:

"Rumors about new @GoldenGopherFB uniforms have been swirling. FYI: They're coming soon! #GopherUniforms"

Go Gophers!!

The one thing I do hope for is that it is something unique instead of: an old template used by many teams or, a new template used by many teams (a la the hoops team).

The one thing I do hope for is that it is something unique instead of: an old template used by many teams or, a new template used by many teams (a la the hoops team).
Yea, even if they end up being hideous (to me/us/whoever) at least make them original. Or at least make sure you use an original take on an existing theme (the glove symbol, the blown up mascot on one side of the helmet, etc).

You want to make yourself both nauseated and fascinated? Picture those M_____M jerseys only Pro Combatized. ;)

@GoldenGopherFB: Rumors about new @GoldenGopherFB uniforms have been swirling. FYI: They're coming soon! #GopherUniforms

Yea, even if they end up being hideous (to me/us/whoever) at least make them original. Or at least make sure you use an original take on an existing theme (the glove symbol, the blown up mascot on one side of the helmet, etc).

You want to make yourself both nauseated and fascinated? Picture those M_____M jerseys only Pro Combatized. ;)

I actually CAN :D:


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