All Things New Gopher Uniforms/Helmets Thread: UPDATED 1/20 with New Uniforms!!!

Approximately what time today are they going to release the new helmets?

I hope they have a full decription with the unveiling later today. The facemask looks black from the picture yesterday, but it could also be a really deep/dark maroon.

They better give me the pantone numbers so I can determine my level of outrage.

There Here!


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Nice helmet beside the black facemask. Maroon, gold or gray would've been miles better.

I like em. Even the black looks sharp.

They look pretty sharp. Color me impressed. I was really doubting they would look good. Let's hope the black they add to the uniforms is not more than simple outlines of numbers & logos.

Previous statements retracted. Those do look pretty sweet. LOVE the Ski-U-Mah.

Please please please let the unis be toned down.

The M's on the side are real high up on the helmet with all the holes and design of it.

Not as bad as I thought. Still hate having black, but at least they went with a black chinstrap so it matches.

I like the black facemask on the matte maroon. Darth Vader is a Gopher!


Helmets are #SIIIICCCCCK!

Darker, edgier. Coolest helmets this side of Boba Fett! Love, love, LOVE the Ski U Mah on the back! :D

Knew the black accent and facemask would kill. Ski-U-Mah on the back is awesome. Glad the matte maroon color is a dark maroon. We are going to look pretty good, hopefully we play good. Look good, feel good, play good!

I like them. The black isn't too much different from the maroon face mask we were using. Love the shade of maroon, the contrast really helps make the gold M "pop." The only thing I don't like is both the numbers and "Ski-U-Mah" on the back. Pick one or the other as both, along with the flag, makes it look busy.

Love the new helmets. Can't find one fault with them. I'll give proper credit when credit is due- the folks at the U and whoever helped in this process nailed it IMO

What is the "SKI U MAH" suppose to represent i for get??

I have to give props for the great fake out with this pick:


I was wondering why they put a dash between the U and M.


What is the "SKI U MAH" suppose to represent i for get??

It was some chant created by a couple rugby players, I believe, in the 1800's. "Ski" represents a souix battle cry while the "U Mah" is for the University of Minnesota.

I thought these helmets were going to be cool, but they far exceeded my expectations. Very awesome. Oregons helmets were the only part of their uniform I liked. These are way cooler.

Ski-U-Mah (pronounced sky-you-ma) is a slogan used at the University of Minnesota since 1894.

Two rugby players, John W. Adams and Win Sargent, invented it by combining "Ski", a Sioux battle cry, with "U Mah", for the University of Minnesota.

In the mid-20th century, Ski-U-Mah (magazine) was a U of M humor magazine.

The wording is used as the name of a meeting room at the McNamara Alumni Center and of a campus parking lot, and as the title of a yearbook-style publication published by the Minnesota Daily. It is also part of the lyrics of the "Minnesota Rouser", "Go Gopher Victory", "Minnesota Fight" and "Minnesota March".

Sooooooooo Sick!!!! They look great, I think that the white jerseys are going to look really good with these helmets!

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