All Things Jashon Cornell Thread: Cornell commits to Ohio St

He'll end up at Notre Dame. Notre Dame gets a lot of those Cretin guys because of the Catholic connection. The Gophers would have a better chance at these guys if they didn't play exclusively for Cretin. They need to stay at their local high schools if we want them.

He will? Good thing we have a mind reader on hand.

He will? Good thing we have a mind reader on hand.

Agreed. Free agent mentality. Funny though, Freshman leaves CDH and starts at East Ridge this past year. Has a Gopher offer. It is as much about today's student athletes as it is CDH's. It has alway been the case for CDH.

Agreed. Free agent mentality. Funny though, Freshman leaves CDH and starts at East Ridge this past year. Has a Gopher offer. It is as much about today's student athletes as it is CDH's. It has alway been the case for CDH.

The football staff doesn't push players to Notre Dame. They're highly supportive of the Gophers. Ray Hitchcock is obviously a big fan. At CDH though, Notre Dame is held up to the students from day one as the best a person can possibly do. They start with the Notre Dame trip/tour after 9th grade & it continues on from there.

The football staff doesn't push players to Notre Dame. They're highly supportive of the Gophers. Ray Hitchcock is obviously a big fan. At CDH though, Notre Dame is held up to the students from day one as the best a person can possibly do. They start with the Notre Dame trip/tour after 9th grade & it continues on from there.

Absolutely don't buy that, if the staff supported the gophers more of those top kids would consider the U. They don't and the kids haven't.

The football staff doesn't push players to Notre Dame. They're highly supportive of the Gophers. Ray Hitchcock is obviously a big fan. At CDH though, Notre Dame is held up to the students from day one as the best a person can possibly do. They start with the Notre Dame trip/tour after 9th grade & it continues on from there.

Absolutely don't buy that, if the staff supported the gophers more of those top kids would consider the U. They don't and the kids haven't.

I can't speak about whether or not the academic administration pushed kids towards Notre Dame, but I do know that the dean of students is a Notre Dame alum. I think a lot of CDH kids like the transition from a private catholic high school to a private catholic university.

Their coaching staff does not push their student-athletes towards Notre Dame.

I can't speak about whether or not the academic administration pushed kids towards Notre Dame, but I do know that the dean of students is a Notre Dame alum. I think a lot of CDH kids like the transition from a private catholic high school to a private catholic university.

Their coaching staff does not push their student-athletes towards Notre Dame.

It's an institutional bias, not a football coach bias.

per Cornnell's blog on USA Today:

The recruitment is picking up more now.

I had taken a step away from it to focus on my season, but now that I have more free time I'm paying more attention to it. I'm hearing a lot from Texas and LSU right now I think those will be my next two offers. I think over the next two weeks I'll try and cut my list down between 10-15.

I'll definitely factor in academics, depth chart, what school can help me, not just in football, but can set me up to be successful in life.

I know it'll be tough to cut the list down; I just think it's necessary for me to get a better handle on everything.

Go Gophers!!

Honestly, if he gets a scholarship to Notre Dame, he should probably seriously think about going there. I would say the same thing if he got an offer to Stanford or an "offer" from a top Ivy.

If your kid had an offer from Minnesota and a chance to attend an ultra-elite university, what would you tell him? Be honest.

Life is long, football is short.

christ, it's not like we are some slouch school... CSOM has a great reputation and the twin cities is as good of a market there is right now. Of course I would tell my child i would disown them if they went to another school.

Honestly, if he gets a scholarship to Notre Dame, he should probably seriously think about going there. I would say the same thing if he got an offer to Stanford or an "offer" from a top Ivy.

If your kid had an offer from Minnesota and a chance to attend an ultra-elite university, what would you tell him? Be honest.

Life is long, football is short.

I would tell my son to go to Minnesota because, IMO, Jerry Kill would teach him more about what I have underlined and bolded from your quote above than Brian Kelly ever would.

Honestly, if he gets a scholarship to Notre Dame, he should probably seriously think about going there. I would say the same thing if he got an offer to Stanford or an "offer" from a top Ivy.

If your kid had an offer from Minnesota and a chance to attend an ultra-elite university, what would you tell him? Be honest.

Life is long, football is short.

Depends on where they want to be and what they want to do. If they want to live and work in Minnesota, and I believe that the Twin Cities are as attractive a place to live as any metropolitan area in the country, then Minnesota would be a be a very good option, particularly if they wanted to go into business. I believe that the Carlson School is competitive with the ivy's and Sanford, especially when one considers the employment opportunities available locally.

Absolutely don't buy that, if the staff supported the gophers more of those top kids would consider the U. They don't and the kids haven't.

I think a lot of people only look at this situation from a football recruiting standpoint. It's not a football thing, it's a school thing.

CDH, as a school, is always going to argue that a private school education is better than a public. They are a private school, it's not free to go there, and they are in the business of telling people that they should pay for something that would be free, because it's better than the free thing. So yes, as an institution, they are going to be bias towards private schooling. It's evident in the entire school.

I knew way more people that attended private (usually Catholic) schools than people who attended public schools. St. Thomas and St. Johns are full of Cretin alumni, Cretin kids are choosing those schools over St. Clouds and Winonas. It's often not a money thing, I knew a lot of kids at CDH who didn't grow up with money.

As a Cretin alum, I think it's overblown. I don't think my high school education was any better than my public school counterparts, but it's the perception in every private school or else they wouldn't exist.

I know nothing about Jashon Cornell's life and I'm not attempting to assume he is in this camp, but that private school bias is especially true for the kids from rougher neighborhoods. These kids, if not for CDH, would have ended up at inner city schools, where the achievement is less than the burbs or Cretin. So that bias gets engrained intheir family. They see their kid achieve a ton at Cretin and their neighbors' kids having trouble at North, it cements that bias.

It's a private school thing, not a football program thing. Ray Hitchcock is about the biggest Gopher fan in the world.

He said that he wants to major in either business or law in an interview last year, Northwestern would be the only strong academic school that I wouldn't cringe at if he went there but I would still be very disappointed but I would absolutely lose it if went to ND. Stanford and Duke as he mentioned in his blog would be just as bad because of tyus and Reid going there as well

And notre dame is no better then a school like Michigan, it is overrated, it is not on the level of Stanford, duke, northwestern or most ivy leagues, it's not a top 10 university, it is a top 30 university that is perceived as a top 10 university

per Cornnell's blog on USA Today:

The recruitment is picking up more now.

I had taken a step away from it to focus on my season, but now that I have more free time I'm paying more attention to it. I'm hearing a lot from Texas and LSU right now I think those will be my next two offers. I think over the next two weeks I'll try and cut my list down between 10-15.

I'll definitely factor in academics, depth chart, what school can help me, not just in football, but can set me up to be successful in life.

I know it'll be tough to cut the list down; I just think it's necessary for me to get a better handle on everything.

Go Gophers!!

As pumped as I am about the future of our DL, I have to think our depth chart will look more appealing to him than the LSUs, Ohio States and Notre Dames of the world.

The academic thing is tough because, like I rambled about in my previous post, private school kids naturally think that private school education is better than public (not everyone, but in general).

But he seems like a grounded guy. I think that helps our cause. He can see that this staff has made Rashede the best DT in the conference (maybe the first DT off the board in the draft?), they have made Cockran All Big 10 as a SO and they like to get after the QB.

We aren't just the hometown school. We are the hometown school with a track record of getting after the QB, a staff that puts DL in the NFL, and a coach that will get the best out of him.

He said that he wants to major in either business or law in an interview last year, Northwestern would be the only strong academic school that I wouldn't cringe at if he went there but I would still be very disappointed but I would absolutely lose it if went to ND, Stanford and Duke as he mentioned in his blog would be just as bad because of this and Reid going there as well

It's the perception thing though. There is a built-in bias towards private schools, IMO. I know a lot of Cretin people who went to St. Thomas and wanted to be engineers. It's flawed logic, but it's real.

He said that he wants to major in either business or law in an interview last year, Northwestern would be the only strong academic school that I wouldn't cringe at if he went there but I would still be very disappointed but I would absolutely lose it if went to ND, Stanford and Duke as he mentioned in his blog would be just as bad because of this and Reid going there as well

If he wants to study law then he better go to grad school not undergraduate and if he wants to study business then he better not go to Northwestern (nor most of the Ivies nor Stanford) as they don't have a business school. Carlson would be better.

I think a lot of people only look at this situation from a football recruiting standpoint. It's not a football thing, it's a school thing.

CDH, as a school, is always going to argue that a private school education is better than a public. They are a private school, it's not free to go there, and they are in the business of telling people that they should pay for something that would be free, because it's better than the free thing. So yes, as an institution, they are going to be bias towards private schooling. It's evident in the entire school.

I knew way more people that attended private (usually Catholic) schools than people who attended public schools. St. Thomas and St. Johns are full of Cretin alumni, Cretin kids are choosing those schools over St. Clouds and Winonas. It's often not a money thing, I knew a lot of kids at CDH who didn't grow up with money.

As a Cretin alum, I think it's overblown. I don't think my high school education was any better than my public school counterparts, but it's the perception in every private school or else they wouldn't exist.

I know nothing about Jashon Cornell's life and I'm not attempting to assume he is in this camp, but that private school bias is especially true for the kids from rougher neighborhoods. These kids, if not for CDH, would have ended up at inner city schools, where the achievement is less than the burbs or Cretin. So that bias gets engrained intheir family. They see their kid achieve a ton at Cretin and their neighbors' kids having trouble at North, it cements that bias.

It's a private school thing, not a football program thing. Ray Hitchcock is about the biggest Gopher fan in the world.

I went to a carholic school when i was younger but a public school in highschool and know a lot more people from both schools that went to St Thomas, St Johns then Winona or St Cloud, most of those catholic MIAC schools are just a better education then the division II schools in Minnesota but for high schools most suburban schools are just as good or better then private high schools

If he wants to study law then he better go to grad school not undergraduate and if he wants to study business then he better not go to Northwestern (nor most of the Ivies nor Stanford) as they don't have a business school. Carlson would be better.

He also said in the interview that he wanted to do an internship, that would be perfect for him here in the twin cities

I'm also disappointed that he isn't doing basketball, I love it when I see elite football players doing basketball and elitebasketball players playing football, that is the downfall of highschool sports, kids feel they need to be one sport elite

I wouldn't hire an ND grad over a MN or WI grad, and I wouldn't go to ND over MN or WI. The education will be what the individual makes of it. I've also worked with excellent engineers from small schools, the kind most people haven't heard of. That doesn't mean this kid won't have an overinflated opinion of ND from all the hype, he very well may. He would be wrong then.

I wouldn't hire an ND grad over a MN or WI grad, and I wouldn't go to ND over MN or WI. The education will be what the individual makes of it. I've also worked with excellent engineers from small schools, the kind most people haven't heard of. That doesn't mean this kid won't have an overinflated opinion of ND from all the hype, he very well may. He would be wrong then.

If you believe the striation level of ND families is = to most land grant universities you are fooling yourself.

That doesn't mean this kid won't have an overinflated opinion of ND from all the hype, he very well may. He would be wrong then.

So your facts trump his opinions. Sounds about right. Speaking of overinflated....

So your facts trump his opinions. Sounds about right. Speaking of overinflated....

Is that what I said?

I've worked with engineers from most of the B1G universities, the Big XII, the SEC, the small regional schools, and ND (actually I'm remembering an Ivy or two also). Their levels of success have been based on their personal abilities, not the school name on their diploma. What special priveleges are you expecting someone gets for having their piece of paper stamped "ND"? If he goes to ND thinking it'll get him anything special in my world he's wrong.

I went to a carholic school when i was younger but a public school in highschool and know a lot more people from both schools that went to St Thomas, St Johns then Winona or St Cloud, most of those catholic MIAC schools are just a better education then the division II schools in Minnesota but for high schools most suburban schools are just as good or better then private high schools

I'm not arguing that they aren't just as good. I'm arguing that the perception is that they aren't as good. Tons of Cretin kids live in fantastic school districts and their parents still choose to pay money to send them to Cretin because they believe it's a better education. I don't agree with it, but that doesn't matter. In recruiting Jashon Cornell, it's his/his parents/CDH admin opinions that matter on the subject. I'm only trying to explain the built-in bias many private school educated kids have with public schooling.

My point also wasn't to compare the local colleges, my point was that many kids who go to Cretin never consider public school, even in college. The girls who want to be nurses go to St. Kates rather than UW-Eau Claire or Winona (both really high rated nursing schools), I had very few classmates go to the U (countless of them ended up at St. Thomas and St. Johns/Bens). It's simply a different mindset and a different opinion on the subject. Again, I don't agree with it. I'm not saying they are right, it's a matter of opinion.

I'm not arguing that they aren't just as good. I'm arguing that the perception is that they aren't as good. Tons of Cretin kids live in fantastic school districts and their parents still choose to pay money to send them to Cretin because they believe it's a better education. I don't agree with it, but that doesn't matter. In recruiting Jashon Cornell, it's his/his parents/CDH admin opinions that matter on the subject. I'm only trying to explain the built-in bias many private school educated kids have with public schooling.

My point also wasn't to compare the local colleges, my point was that many kids who go to Cretin never consider public school, even in college. The girls who want to be nurses go to St. Kates rather than UW-Eau Claire or Winona (both really high rated nursing schools), I had very few classmates go to the U (countless of them ended up at St. Thomas and St. Johns/Bens). It's simply a different mindset and a different opinion on the subject. Again, I don't agree with it. I'm not saying they are right, it's a matter of opinion.

That and the religious angle.

public institution has A LOT MORE RESOURCES comparatively to a private school.

public institution has A LOT MORE RESOURCES comparatively to a private school.

depends how you look at it. privates will get you in, it's just that they will get you in with their people they've established. publics have many more resources, but may not get you in with them.

Why in the hell are we doing the public vs private thing again? This is a JASHON CORNELL thread so lets keep it that way please! I get how it may tie in but come on people stay on topic!

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