All Things 2023 Minnesota Twins In-Season Thread

It would be one thing is all these injuries were breaking bones or tearing ligaments while playing the game. So many of these injuries appear to be muscular related. Those seem like they could be avoided or lessened by changing something.

8-4 going for 9 against the mighty Yankees in yankee stadium against a guy with a sub 1 era and is 2 and 0. The twins will either score 10 runs or get no hit. There is very little in between.
As predicted. Go twins.

With all due respect, do you ever shut up? Do you really hate everything this much? Just seems like a horrible existence. It's entertainment!

With all due respect.

I rest my case. A real batting order(based off available personel) and we dominated.

If people people talking about things that are legitamately happening makes you upset, probably should avoid the internet or public.

And I say hi to Rocco

a real lead off hitter

a real middle of the order.

an absolute laugher.

Enjoy the good vibes, nothing in life is guaranteed young Buck.

Working 9-4 not 100% accurate,but close enough -

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I might have jinxed it. I’m guessing Maeda. Ober just pitched so that’s probably why it wouldn’t be him. Just speculating of course but seems like he’s going to make a possible start.

Mahle being pushed back a day and then skipping Maeda.


My favorite first inning stat:

Twins score 9 runs
Yankees see 8 pitches

Nice win. Loved the aggressiveness of the hitters. Initials Taylor with 2HR - one of those things you just can't predict. although the ball does fly out of that park. there's a twitter account "would it dong" that charts home runs and tells you in how many MLB parks a particular ball would be a HR.

Correa's HR would only be a HR in Yankee Stadium. Taylor's 1st HR would have counted in 24 of 30 ballparks. Julien's HR would have been a HR in 11 of 30 ballparks, and Taylor's 2nd HR would have been a HR in 13 of 30 ballparks - but not at Target Field.

Mahle being pushed back a day and then skipping Maeda.

Sounds like the usual "dont think requires IL" then will.

Just get Ober up here in the rotation. Maeda can help spot start, long relief, even key relief(lots of experience in playoffs).

We have a good MLB arm in the minors we dont need to hope a 35 year old Maeda can pitch a full season off TJ.

Nice win. Loved the aggressiveness of the hitters. Initials Taylor with 2HR - one of those things you just can't predict. although the ball does fly out of that park. there's a twitter account "would it dong" that charts home runs and tells you in how many MLB parks a particular ball would be a HR.

Correa's HR would only be a HR in Yankee Stadium. Taylor's 1st HR would have counted in 24 of 30 ballparks. Julien's HR would have been a HR in 11 of 30 ballparks, and Taylor's 2nd HR would have been a HR in 13 of 30 ballparks - but not at Target Field.

As my Legion coach use to say, every Texas Leaguer looks like a line drive in the book, Both teams played non the same stadium.

Follow it up tomorrow night - take it to them again.

Agree that the aggressiveness was great- Julien gonna be a great every day player in the future - farm system starting to yield a bounty!😃

Sounds like the usual "dont think requires IL" then will.

Just get Ober up here in the rotation. Maeda can help spot start, long relief, even key relief(lots of experience in playoffs).

We have a good MLB arm in the minors we dont need to hope a 35 year old Maeda can pitch a full season off TJ.
Seems like poor planning not to have delayed Ober's start instead, but Varland pitched well at Yankee stadium last year.

Seems like poor planning not to have delayed Ober's start instead, but Varland pitched well at Yankee stadium last year.
My guess is Maeda threw a bullpen session yesterday (I believe starters still do that in between starts) and just didn’t have it.

If it’s simply because of weather, 3:10 makes more sense IMO. People can still work 1/2 a day.

I wonder if they thought a lot of schools would be closed today because of Easter?
Maybe on the Easter Monday thing.

3:10 is brutal in terms of shadows this time of year. For non-Opening Day in terms of in game attendance, really does not move the needle much regardless of what time the game is. We'll see how it plays out, for tomorrow's game at night, I will be shocked if there is much difference.

2-3k tops?

Just revisiting this, I was off by a little more than a thousand on my guess. Great weather may have pushed the total up. Yet, the largest crowd for the White Sox series was actually the Wednesday afternoon game, so I am not sure what the takeaway is regarding game times in mid-April during week.

Monday @ 1:15 PM- 12,078
Tuesday @ 6:40 PM- 16,153
Wednesday @ 12:10 PM - 17,658

Too small of a sample size.

Watched the highlights. That stadium is ridiculous. Those HRs were so short

Seems like poor planning not to have delayed Ober's start instead, but Varland pitched well at Yankee stadium last year.

Yeah it does seem odd that they didnt know about it prior to Obers start. They should have had an idea.

But whether its Varland or Ober for 1 game its not a huge deal to me(though Ober gives better chance). But I really think Ober should just be in the rotation. Let Maeda and even Mahle figure out their returns from big arm injuries, they wont be work horses this year anyways.

With all due respect.

I rest my case. A real batting order(based off available personel) and we dominated.

If people people talking about things that are legitamately happening makes you upset, probably should avoid the internet or public.
Haha! Not upset at all, just genuinely curious what makes miserable people tick.

If sports teams doing something that you don’t agree with and makes you upset, probably should avoid said sports teams.

Haha! Not upset at all, just genuinely curious what makes miserable people tick.

If sports teams doing something that you don’t agree with and makes you upset, probably should avoid said sports teams.

Wait, so your logic is that people shouldnt care about sports??? Like they shouldnt be upset at losses and happy at wins?

That could possibly be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Shit, Rocco would flat out say it himself.

Wait, so your logic is that people shouldnt care about sports??? Like they shouldnt be upset at losses and happy at wins?

That could possibly be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Shit, Rocco would flat out say it himself.
Just stop. You’re reaching for something that isn’t there my friend. You have been bitching incessantly about a 9-4 baseball team. End of story.
If you really want examples of “dumb”, siphon through some of your own posts.

Just stop. You’re reaching for something that isn’t there my friend. You have been bitching incessantly about a 9-4 baseball team. End of story.
If you really want examples of “dumb”, siphon through some of your own posts.

No you literally said what you said.

People get involved in sports...playing and spectating for the emotion. You made a dumb comment, own it.

No you literally said what you said.

People get involved in sports...playing and spectating for the emotion. You made a dumb comment, own it.
I completely own what I wrote. 100%. You’re miserable over a currently 9-4 team, your posts back that up. Enjoy the season, MU, I will. I’m done boring the other Twins fans here.

I enjoy this twitter account. Posts this for every HR across MLB. It will also post non-HRs that would have been a HR in at least one ballpark. Pretty basic, doesn't account for wind or elevation in Colorado but still kinda fun to see.

Interesting stuff!

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