All Things 2023 Minnesota Twins In-Season Thread

Rays vaulting to 11 straight as they are killing the Dix at home7-1 in the 7th; MLB record is 13 in a row to start the season - maybe you can win the division in April 🤨

How many times does this dipshit have to get burned pulling a pitcher who's cruising before he learns?

You put Duran in there 100 out of 100 times.

The problem continues to be the offense.
Why? If a pitcher has retired 20+ in a row, without showing any signs of slowing down, you ride him to the finish line. That's how you develop an ace.

How many times does this dipshit have to get burned pulling a pitcher who's cruising before he learns?
Have to trust a rested bullpen there, IMO. Rocco is just following the blue print agreed upon before the game even started, plus as Morneau indicated he had fallen behind in some counts late.

Complete Games just aren't much of a thing anymore, especially in mid-April.

Thankfully, they still got a W.

Bugs me that Rocco is so by the book. Nice to see the bunt for a change.
Every yr seems like Sox can be counted on for bad defense

Lopez has been unreal. All 3 runs 1st inning runs(this was a big issue for him last year)

If he can figure that out, wow.

Also, props to Rocco. Bunting Taylor there was the clear cut right move...but Ive seen him not do the clear cut too many times. So good job taking the win.

Why? If a pitcher has retired 20+ in a row, without showing any signs of slowing down, you ride him to the finish line. That's how you develop an ace.
Because he has to not only manage that game, but be concerned about him being good for another 25+ starts the rest of the regular season - his early season results have shown he’s an ace already IMO.

Our own and no pen is gonna always be successful and Roberts is a 5 tool beast. Who will be an All Star and fringe MVP contender, if he can stay on the field. The other team’s trying to win also.

More importantly to me, is that the Twins are picking each other up and this is the type of game we could have easily lost last season. Thus far, we look like a mentally tougher team.

Arraez has gotten hits in over half his atbats this year. However as a Twins fan I still like that trade.

Arraez has gotten hits in over half his atbats this year. However as a Twins fan I still like that trade.
It’s a win win and I think it will be.

Miami has a huge Venezuelan population and Luis might help draw more interest to the team. He is also a cornerstone to build on and their offense last year was anemic.

Lopes can be the anchor for the staff and has electric stuff.

Best trades IMO care when both teams receive a reasonable return.
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I'd rather draft and develop pitchers of Lopez's caliber than have to trade future hall-of-famers for them. That is legal, you know.
That requires having a competent organization and manager we dont have that.

Also Arraez isnt making the hall lol

Rocco at it again. No logic.

Gordon batting clean up?? Larnach a lefty whose reached base every game is 6th?? Keeping Miranda in the 3 hole??

There is no rhyme or reason to anything this man does. Hopefully Miranda gets a slump buster today but him and Gordon3/4 with Larnach at 6 is mentally unhinged.

It’s a win win and I think it will be.

Miami has a huge Venezuelan population and Luis might help draw more interest to the team. He is also a cornerstone to build on and their offense last year was anemic.

Lopes can be the anchor for the staff and has electric stuff.

Best trades IMO care when both teams receive a reasonable return.

Yep, Miami probly happy with the trade as well.

Rocco at it again. No logic.

Gordon batting clean up?? Larnach a lefty whose reached base every game is 6th?? Keeping Miranda in the 3 hole??

There is no rhyme or reason to anything this man does. Hopefully Miranda gets a slump buster today but him and Gordon3/4 with Larnach at 6 is mentally unhinged.
If you think Rocco is the sole decision maker on the lineup/pitching decisions, you are sorely mistaken. I'm not saying I agree with the moves, but it's been obvious for several years that these are the product of "group think".

For better or worse.

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