All Things 2022 Minnesota Vikings Off-Season Thread

I wonder what happens to Jordan Love. I know one team without a very good backup.
I'd be shocked if they moved Love. His value couldn't be lower than it is right now, and moving him would be at least in some way admission of a mistake, not something teams like to readily admit.

If anything, this should make the value of Cousins in a trade considerably higher, but it's still unclear if the Vikings would even consider moving off KC. As always, if someone is willing to overpay, you have to listen to all offers

It became more appealing to Denver/Pittsburgh/Carolina/Tampa as well. Trade him.
That's because Rodgers, who you mocked me a few pages ago for saying they'd restructure players to sign him, is staying in Green Bay.

Have a nice day!

That's because Rodgers, who you mocked a few pages for saying they'd restructure players to sign, is staying in Green Bay.

Have a nice day!
They raised his salary and lowered his 22 cap #. That means his cap # in the last 3 years is horrific. They are basically screwing themselves in 23-25 to desperately try and run it back in 2022. If they win a Super Bowl it will be worth it. If they don't it will be a train wreck. Good luck with all that GB.

They raised his salary and lowered his 22 cap #. That means his cap # in the last 3 years is horrific. They are basically screwing themselves in 23-25 to desperately try and run it back in 2022. If they win a Super Bowl it will be worth it. If they don't it will be a train wreck. Good luck with all that GB.
I don't blame them necessary for trying to grab for the brass ring, but I don't like their chances to win a title.

I don't blame them necessary for trying to grab for the brass ring, but I don't like their chances to win a title.
If this was 2 years ago, maybe. But they're not a roster on the ascent. And they can't improve it while paying him this $$.

They raised his salary and lowered his 22 cap #. That means his cap # in the last 3 years is horrific. They are basically screwing themselves in 23-25 to desperately try and run it back in 2022. If they win a Super Bowl it will be worth it. If they don't it will be a train wreck. Good luck with all that GB.
Maybe. For some reason I had to take your rant on how my take was stupid. It doesn't look so stupid now. I was just posting the obvious.

Now back to the regular thread.

Maybe. For some reason I had to take your rant on how my take was stupid. It doesn't look so stupid now. I was just posting the obvious.

Now back to the regular thread.
I don't even know what you're arguing. No one said they couldn't restructure and get under the cap. Of course they can. But they're not going to have any cap room to get better. They will be hard pressed to keep Adams and if they do, will have very little room to do anything else.

The price for Wilson was apparently multiple 1sts, Drew Lock and Shelby Harris. That's a lot. Cousins is worth at least a 1st round pick. Give us your #1 in 2023, Carolina....

With Rodgers back, there is zero chance we win the North, zero chance we win the Super Bowl.

Makes zero sense not to start the rebuild in 22. It might have made sense if Rodgers was out. But now he isn't.

Pittsburgh, Carolina, Tampa ... IDGAF. Get him out.

They raised his salary and lowered his 22 cap #. That means his cap # in the last 3 years is horrific. They are basically screwing themselves in 23-25 to desperately try and run it back in 2022. If they win a Super Bowl it will be worth it. If they don't it will be a train wreck. Good luck with all that GB.
While past performance is no guaranty of future results, the history of the NFC North indicates they should be able to compete for the Division crown well beyond 2022, thus still have chances at the Super Bowl beyond this season.

The price for Wilson was apparently multiple 1sts, Drew Lock and Shelby Harris. That's a lot. Cousins is worth at least a 1st round pick. Give us your #1 in 2023, Carolina....
Then we watch watch every single Carolina game, cheering for whoever they play.

While past performance is no guaranty of future results, the history of the NFC North indicates they should be able to compete for the Division crown well beyond 2022, thus still have chances at the Super Bowl beyond this season.
They will have basically everyone back that matters.

Alexander and Bhaktari will more than likely be healthy, too.

Then we watch watch every single Carolina game, cheering for whoever they play.

It looks like they're trying to unload McCaffery and his contract. If that happens, Carolina's 2023 pick becomes more valuable...

Unload Cousins to Carolina for their 2023 first rounder. Sign a band-aid at QB for 2022, and likely end up with two top-10 picks in 2023, which is a QB rich draft. Yes, please.

Is Wilson that good?

I get that the worst possible position to be stuck in the NFL is middling ... you never can get good enough draft picks to change things, nor do you win anything of significance.

So sometimes a radical change is needed.

That's exactly where the Vikings seem to be stuck, as well.

Is Wilson that good?

I get that the worst possible position to be stuck in the NFL is middling ... you never can get good enough draft picks to change things, nor do you win anything of significance.

So sometimes a radical change is needed.

That's exactly where the Vikings seem to be stuck, as well.
I still think he is. Last year was a washout do to injuries. But that still seems like an over-pay by the Broncos. Lock and Fant are no great loss but Shelby Harris is really good and probably worth a 2nd round pick by himself. I would have thought two 1st's and a 2nd or so would have gotten it done.

FWIW, A Rodg is tweeting out that the reported terms of the deal with the Packers are not correct, but he said he will be back with GB in 2022.

In the bigger picture, I don't want the Vikes making a decision on Cousins based on whether or not the Vikes can win the division in '22.

I want the Vikes making decisions on the entire roster based on what puts the team in the best position to win games and make a serious run in the playoffs in '22, '23, '24 and beyond.

no more short-term fixes and stop-gap measures. I want long-term planning and long-term thinking. If that means Cousins is the QB, fine. If that means Cousins is not the QB, fine. I just want decisions made on a long-term basis, not on a "oh, crap, we gotta win some games next year to keep our jobs" basis.

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