All Things 2022 Minnesota Vikings Off-Season Thread

teams appear to like shiny new toys

Those new toys have worked out quite well for a number of franchises lately, especially when they are made in the McVay factory.

Besides, Minnesota is all about 3 letter acronyms now. The Wolves have KAT, ANT, and DLO and now the Vikings have KAM and hopefully KOC on Thursday.

Those new toys have worked out quite well for a number of franchises lately, especially when they are made in the McVay factory.

Besides, Minnesota is all about 3 letter acronyms now. The Wolves have KAT, ANT, and DLO and now the Vikings have KAM and hopefully KOC on Thursday.
When I was a student at Minnesota-Morris, the local townie station was KKOK, and the student station was KUMM. I presume they still have those call letters.

The Athletic "boldly" predicts Denver trading for Cousins after Rodgers stays in GB;

>> The Broncos’ Plan A couldn’t be any more obvious. They would love to take a big swing on Rodgers. Basically everything they’ve done over the past year or so has set them up for that. And if Rodgers does want out of Green Bay, the Broncos have to be considered the heavy favorites to land him, given the Hackett connection, their available resources and the state of their roster.

But what’s Plan B?

The Broncos have a couple of connections to Cousins. One, general manager George Paton was in Minnesota with him. And two, Klint Kubiak is now their passing game coordinator/quarterbacks coach. Kubiak was the Vikings’ quarterbacks coach in 2019 and 2020 and their offensive coordinator last season. The Broncos — for better or worse — have more intel on Cousins than pretty much any team in the NFL.

Having said that, there’s no way a team is trading for Cousins on his current contract, which carries a salary of $35 million for 2022. Two issues would need to be resolved before the Vikings could trade Cousins. One, how much of Cousins’ salary would the Vikings be willing to eat (in the form of a signing bonus) to trade him? And two, what type of draft compensation would a team be willing to give up to acquire Cousins?

The two questions are connected. If the Vikings were willing to pay, say, $25 million (not happening, just an extreme example to explain the point) of Cousins’ salary, and the new team was on the hook for just $10 million in 2022, well now all of a sudden he becomes more attractive, and a team might be willing to give up significant draft capital. Meanwhile, if the Vikings refused to pay any of the $35 million, well, now nobody’s going to give up even a conditional seventh.

The question becomes: Is there a middle ground that would make sense for both parties? If the Vikings were to pay $10 to $15 million, would a team give up a second-round pick for Cousins? Probably.

Trading for Cousins wouldn’t preclude the Broncos from looking at a QB in the draft. They could do both. If Cousins plays well in 2022, they could consider extending him. If not, they’d have another option with the player they drafted.

The truth is the Vikings are in a tough spot with no great solution. Cousins has a $45 million cap hit for 2022. They could try to extend him, but that’s not going to be cheap. Do they really want to tie more money to Cousins? They could play out 2022 with Cousins on his current deal and see where they are at the end of the year. Or they could take their medicine now, move on, acquire a pick or two, sign a low-cost veteran like Teddy Bridgewater and look to draft a quarterback who can be a longer-term solution.<<

I would say almost no chance, but who knows. Denver sure does need a QB

I love this statement. It's kind of a universal life hack: knowing how to break down complex situations into digestible and solvable nuggets. It reminds me of my very early days in engineering and being overwhelmed by the complexity of a problem and being helped by the clear-headed thinking of my boss, who was good at breaking things down this way. She kind of taught me how it's done, which has stuck with me my whole career.


I love this statement. It's kind of a universal life hack: knowing how to break down complex situations into digestible and solvable nuggets. It reminds me of my very early days in engineering and being overwhelmed by the complexity of a problem and being helped by the clear-headed thinking of my boss, who was good at breaking things down this way. She kind of taught me how it's done, which has stuck with me my whole career.

Are you saying the Vikings are molding their head coach position to be similar to your career?

Are you saying the Vikings are molding their head coach position to be similar to your career?
Of course!

Seriously, I appreciate clear thinkers, which involves this skill. It seems to me that Kwesi is a clear-headed guy, and he's probably drawn to people of similar quality, which is at least part of how they ended up with O'Connell.

I don't know if anyone on here listens to the SkorNorth podcasts. On their "Purple Daily" show, they have former Vikings O-lineman Alex Boone as a guest once a week. the last two weeks, he has broken down the Rams' offense and talked about what the Rams try to do in order to get mismatches against the defense. If you watch it on YouTube, he does diagrams and shows stills from game film to illustrate his points.

It's pretty interesting. Boone really likes what McVay does with the offense, and O'Connell supposedly plays a big role in helping with the overall design and working with the QB's.

Boone thinks that the Vikes can take what the Rams do with Cooper Kupp and use the same ideas for Justin Jefferson.

I don't know if anyone on here listens to the SkorNorth podcasts. On their "Purple Daily" show, they have former Vikings O-lineman Alex Boone as a guest once a week. the last two weeks, he has broken down the Rams' offense and talked about what the Rams try to do in order to get mismatches against the defense. If you watch it on YouTube, he does diagrams and shows stills from game film to illustrate his points.

It's pretty interesting. Boone really likes what McVay does with the offense, and O'Connell supposedly plays a big role in helping with the overall design and working with the QB's.

Boone thinks that the Vikes can take what the Rams do with Cooper Kupp and use the same ideas for Justin Jefferson.
Does that make Theilen OBJ then?

Apparently Deshaun Watson has put Tampa and the Vikes on his list of teams approved for a trade since he has a no-trade clause. That certainly makes things interesting.

I would love to pick up Watson, it would be one helluva move, but I just think the price tag is going to be too damn high.

Listening to the clowns on Skor North, one of them saying he doesn't think he can deal with Watson's "character" issues with his ongoing legal situation. Dumb take. Probably why I almost never listen to those clowns. Maybe I'm nuts but whatever he has going on right now just doesn't mean a damn thing to me. The more that comes out, it just isn't close to a dealbreaker for me. As I've continued to hear; he's a shy guy that doesn't go out a lot and by all accounts he just tried to get his ass from his massage therapists. It's just not that big a deal to me. Maybe because there's a rub-and-a-tug shack just about everywhere you turn in Las Vegas, it's not that major, sorry.

Apparently Deshaun Watson has put Tampa and the Vikes on his list of teams approved for a trade since he has a no-trade clause. That certainly makes things interesting.

I would love to pick up Watson, it would be one helluva move, but I just think the price tag is going to be too damn high.

Listening to the clowns on Skor North, one of them saying he doesn't think he can deal with Watson's "character" issues with his ongoing legal situation. Dumb take. Probably why I almost never listen to those clowns. Maybe I'm nuts but whatever he has going on right now just doesn't mean a damn thing to me. The more that comes out, it just isn't close to a dealbreaker for me. As I've continued to hear; he's a shy guy that doesn't go out a lot and by all accounts he just tried to get his ass from his massage therapists. It's just not that big a deal to me. Maybe because there's a rub-and-a-tug shack just about everywhere you turn in Las Vegas, it's not that major, sorry.
I would agree that Skor North has plenty of dumb takes, as do most sports shows. However, I don’t think pointing out Watson having concerning character issues and the fact that those could be a deal breaker for some teams is dumb. Dude hasn’t killed anyone, but he has 22 pending lawsuits for sexual assault. If you take the time to read those suits, the accusations are pretty disturbing. A grand jury is working on determining if there will be felony/misdemeanor charges and who knows what the result of that will be. Regardless on your feelings whether sexually assaulting a masseuse is serious or not, there is no doubt it is a major factor in teams decision making, especially when considering the rumored asking price. Would you give up 3 first round picks and change for a guy who has not played in a year, whose legal situation is extremely complicated, who might not be able to play next year based on discipline from the NFL, and who could be at high risk for doing other dumb crap? I wouldn’t. That’s way too risky of a gamble given the rumored price, even if you can stomach having him as the face of your franchise. I am sure if his legal situation gets cleared up (We should get a clearer picture in the next month or two) he will find a team willing to gamble on him. Most talented players do. Let him go to the Raiders. He might fit in well there based on recent history.
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Listening to the clowns on Skor North, one of them saying he doesn't think he can deal with Watson's "character" issues with his ongoing legal situation. Dumb take. Probably why I almost never listen to those clowns. Maybe I'm nuts but whatever he has going on right now just doesn't mean a damn thing to me. The more that comes out, it just isn't close to a dealbreaker for me. As I've continued to hear; he's a shy guy that doesn't go out a lot and by all accounts he just tried to get his ass from his massage therapists. It's just not that big a deal to me. Maybe because there's a rub-and-a-tug shack just about everywhere you turn in Las Vegas, it's not that major, sorry.
“Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

1. SKOR North - Sometimes I like it, sometimes it's simply awful. I find Jud to be extremely annoying at times. His opinions on Vikings seem at times lazy, and as some times forced, and very seldom well grounded in factual information. Mackey... I think the guy is positive and upbeat, but I don't know him and there's a bit of a "He thinks he's a bigger deal than he really is" factor about him.

2. I don't know how you trade for a QB who might be suspended for football for a year or several years who may never play for your team if you do trade for him. After his legal battles are up, sure, but that could be a while, and he won't be a young QB anymore. He's currently 26.

Regardless on your feelings whether sexually assaulting a masseuse is serious or not, there is no doubt it is a major factor in teams decision making, especially when considering the rumored asking price. Would you give up 3 first round picks and change for a guy who has not played in a year, whose legal situation is extremely complicated, who might not be able to play next year based on discipline from the NFL, and who could be at high risk for doing other dumb crap? I wouldn’t.
Well that's the key here; the uncertainty of the legal situation. He's not going anywhere until that's resolved. When it does, I'd be shocked if the Texans don't get a major haul for him. The world tends to forgive and forget awfully fast if you handle the situation the right way. Marv Albert like BITING women and he's working again almost as if nothing happened. Other players have literally gotten away with murder and continued being beloved franchise players.

Nobody is dismissing sexual assault here, in and of itself. It's one thing to have sexually assaulted 20+ women in various situations. It just doesn't sound like that's what happened here. It essentially sounds like he tried to get it on with, who knows, maybe 40 or 50 massage therapists and 20+ of them had an issue with it, we'll never know how many didn't have an issue with it.

There are teams that will be dissuaded by this and there are teams that will not. Like I said, if Watson handles this the right way (whatever that is, contrition, etc) and it gets resolved, people will forget awfully fast when he's throwing TD's for their team.

“Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
Not a bad idea to build a macro for that quote so you can use it as a response on GH all of the time

I would agree that Skor North has plenty of dumb takes, as do most sports shows. However, I don’t think pointing out Watson having concerning character issues and the fact that those could be a deal breaker for some teams is dumb. Dude hasn’t killed anyone, but he has 22 pending lawsuits for sexual assault. If you take the time to read those suits, the accusations are pretty disturbing. A grand jury is working on determining if there will be felony/misdemeanor charges and who knows what the result of that will be. Regardless on your feelings whether sexually assaulting a masseuse is serious or not, there is no doubt it is a major factor in teams decision making, especially when considering the rumored asking price. Would you give up 3 first round picks and change for a guy who has not played in a year, whose legal situation is extremely complicated, who might not be able to play next year based on discipline from the NFL, and who could be at high risk for doing other dumb crap? I wouldn’t. That’s way too risky of a gamble given the rumored price, even if you can stomach having him as the face of your franchise. I am sure if his legal situation gets cleared up (We should get a clearer picture in the next month or two) he will find a team willing to gamble on him. Most talented players do. Let him go to the Raiders. He might fit in well there based on recent history.
It's absolutely an issue. First, even if he settles with these women out of court, he's probably going to get suspended for at least 4 or 8 games by the League. Second, the Wilfs do not seem like the kind of owners who want to deal with this, especially not now when they are turning over a new leaf.

I'd take him anyway if it's something like one 1st round pick, but if it's multiple 1st rounders, I'd pass. He's long past being on a cheap rookie contract, his cap # is like $40 million and he's probably going to miss significant time and he hasn't played in 2 years. Too many unknowns.

Apparently Deshaun Watson has put Tampa and the Vikes on his list of teams approved for a trade since he has a no-trade clause. That certainly makes things interesting.

I would love to pick up Watson, it would be one helluva move, but I just think the price tag is going to be too damn high.

Listening to the clowns on Skor North, one of them saying he doesn't think he can deal with Watson's "character" issues with his ongoing legal situation. Dumb take. Probably why I almost never listen to those clowns. Maybe I'm nuts but whatever he has going on right now just doesn't mean a damn thing to me. The more that comes out, it just isn't close to a dealbreaker for me. As I've continued to hear; he's a shy guy that doesn't go out a lot and by all accounts he just tried to get his ass from his massage therapists. It's just not that big a deal to me. Maybe because there's a rub-and-a-tug shack just about everywhere you turn in Las Vegas, it's not that major, sorry.
who knew that you represent all Vikings fans?

Unless the great state of MN has changed drastically in the 25 years since I moved, I cannot imagine the hue and cry from Minnesotans and the women's groups.

who knew that you represent all Vikings fans?

Unless the great state of MN has changed drastically in the 25 years since I moved, I cannot imagine the hue and cry from Minnesotans and the women's groups.
"Represent all Vikings fans"? I must have missed where I said that. And I never said the Vikings would be a team that would or would not be wiling to overlook the situation. Try to keep up here. I said I don't think it's quite as large a "scandal" as it's being portrayed, and that it wouldn't bother me personally, and that I think there will most certainly be a market for him among a number of different franchises, but not all 32. Your interpretation seems to be a little bit wanting here.

Here's why I don't think it would work for the Vikings. Let's say you can get a 1st round pick for Cousins (which is CERTAINLY debatable and not a given). If the price tag for Watson were to be three 1st rounders, then you are saying you think Watson is akin to two 1st round picks worth of an upgrade over Cousins, which I wouldn't say right now at all, as much as I like Watson and his game.

Bottom line on Watson; people have short memories for people they want to cheer for. Watson up to this point had been nothing but an extremely likable and very respectable person/player in the Houston organization and community. This isn't a player with a track record of doing stupid shit. If the legal situation gets resolved before too long and not too messy, and he shows some contrition and handles himself well in the aftermath, a lot of people will forget about this quickly.

the only way the Vikes would consider signing Watson would be if he is somehow legally vindicated, which seems unlikely.

I've heard rumors that his lawyers are trying to negotiate out-of-court settlements with the various women. As in, here's a check with some zeroes on it; please go away. If that happens, in the eyes of a lot of people, Watson would still be seen as a "sexual predator."

the Me Too movement will go after any team that signs Watson, and training camp would be a circus. Most NFL owners don't want that kind of publicity.

this has nothing to do with Watson's ability as a QB. it's all about the baggage.

"Represent all Vikings fans"? I must have missed where I said that. And I never said the Vikings would be a team that would or would not be wiling to overlook the situation. Try to keep up here. I said I don't think it's quite as large a "scandal" as it's being portrayed, and that it wouldn't bother me personally, and that I think there will most certainly be a market for him among a number of different franchises, but not all 32. Your interpretation seems to be a little bit wanting here.

Here's why I don't think it would work for the Vikings. Let's say you can get a 1st round pick for Cousins (which is CERTAINLY debatable and not a given). If the price tag for Watson were to be three 1st rounders, then you are saying you think Watson is akin to two 1st round picks worth of an upgrade over Cousins, which I wouldn't say right now at all, as much as I like Watson and his game.

Bottom line on Watson; people have short memories for people they want to cheer for. Watson up to this point had been nothing but an extremely likable and very respectable person/player in the Houston organization and community. This isn't a player with a track record of doing stupid shit. If the legal situation gets resolved before too long and not too messy, and he shows some contrition and handles himself well in the aftermath, a lot of people will forget about this quickly.
Obviously I was referring that YOUR viewpoint representing all Vikings fans that was the clear implied subject of my reply, get it???

I bet you’re a Dakota Kid and have no true clue as how a born and breed Minnesotans think, Kristi.

Sturgis ain’t Highland Park kiddo
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this has nothing to do with Watson's ability as a QB. it's all about the baggage.
At the end of the day, what will apply in this case is what applies in virtually every case in every employment situation across the country since the dawn of man...

Does your talent outweigh your baggage...

At this point we don't know entirely, not until the dust has settled yet. We're not talking about Kap or Baker Mayfield; Watson is a top tier QB in the league. Winning trumps all, especially when over half the teams in the league are starving for capable QB play.

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