All Things 2022 Minnesota Vikings Off-Season Thread

Would you rather have Mattison and a $5‐$10 million RG to replace Udoh, or would you rather have Cook plus Udoh.

I'd rather have Mattison with an upgrade at RG.
There are easier ways to create $5 million in cap space (Barr/Kendricks/Smith/Cousins/Theilen etc.) It's though getting any RB through 17 games. Overall, I agree, paying RB's this much is a bad idea. I just think his contract is such that riding it out one more year and then trading/releasing him makes more sense.

Do you have to be continuously under the cap, or just by some date? If they can factor the savings for post 6/1 release into decision making prior ...

Ha, the date is probably 6/1.
I'm not 100% sure. I think you have to be under on the day X (5?) of the league year or something. And then yes, I think you have to stay under.

There are easier ways to create $5 million in cap space (Barr/Kendricks/Smith/Cousins/Theilen etc.) It's though getting any RB through 17 games. Overall, I agree, paying RB's this much is a bad idea. I just think his contract is such that riding it out one more year and then trading/releasing him makes more sense.
I know it's not this simple, but I choose no Cook/new RG/keep Barr over Cook/new RG/release Barr.

Mason Cole nor Udoh is the answer at RG. Cole probably is not the answer at C.

Cleveland may not even be the answer at LG, but certainly a lot better there than at C and RG.

I know it's not this simple, but I choose no Cook/new RG/keep Barr over Cook/new RG/release Barr.
A decent center/RG is going to cost a lot more than $5 million. Since we have no idea what Wyatt Davis can do since Zim refused to play him, I'd leave that spot to Cole/Davis/2022 draft pick competition and spend FA $ on a center and cut Bradbury. Either way $5 million isn't going to cut it. The real cap room is in restructuring/trading Cousins and Hunter, releasing Pierce and releasing/restructuring Kendrics/Smith/Theilen.

There are already folks online (SI Writer Michael Silver) claiming they had already made up their mind on Harbaugh before interviewing him for 9 hours thus making it worse. They can't win.

My issue is that guys like Silver base that assumption off of one report from Chris Balas who simply cited “multiple sources” that Harbough expected to get the job. Then a number of actual sources stated that was incorrect, but for some reason more credence and attention is given to the one report from Balas vs the multitude of others like Pat Forde or John Bacon to name a few. I know it’s likely because the Balas article generates more clicks and attention, but it just seems like bad journalism. I say that knowing that Harbough is likely the heavy favorite, but I think the Wilfs probably do have some concerns they want addressed before they make a final decision.

I don't disagree. And you never know what will happen. The Steelers only interviewed Tomlin for that reason and he blew them away. I don't think the Graham interview was for show. Quesi obviously likes him, though I think the plan/hope is for him to be Assistant HC/DC for Harbaugh.
At the very least, it raises his profile and maybe gets him more looks in the future. I don't think he's an unknown commodity, but he's probably under-publicized.

There are already folks online (SI Writer Michael Silver) claiming they had already made up their mind on Harbaugh before interviewing him for 9 hours thus making it worse. They can't win.

This is such nonsense

I'm a fan of the Rooney rule, but the new requirements of having two in person interviews as finalists in an age of zoom seems odd, especially when others are declining the opportunity as things get closer after they have already interviewed once.

Especially when the candidate pool is still incredibly thin. They need to do more to get players into the coaching ranks to make this better. There should be more ex-players coaching than their are sons or daughters of coaches, and I don't know if that ratio is heavily enough in favor of the ex-players.

(I acknowledge all players aren't great coaches, but that pool should be better than the traditional path these young white men have been taking).

If you would ask me who, of the Viking head coaches in their history, had the head coaching "knack," I would say, two: Grant and Green. Harbaugh would be the third.

interesting report that a minority owner of the Vikings is a Michigan booster and supposedly hates Harbaugh, so he is trying behind the scenes to influence the Wilfs against hiring Harbaugh. This guy supposedly also had problems with Rich Rodriguez as the Michigan coach, and his sideline privileges for Michigan games were revoked because of his behavior.

interesting report that a minority owner of the Vikings is a Michigan booster and supposedly hates Harbaugh, so he is trying behind the scenes to influence the Wilfs against hiring Harbaugh. This guy supposedly also had problems with Rich Rodriguez as the Michigan coach, and his sideline privileges for Michigan games were revoked because of his behavior.
That was in that thread I posted. Yes, let's let the unhinged, banned guy grab the wheel and steer the bus. Brilliant!

This guy has a check mark, for what it's worth.


This guy has a check mark, for what it's worth.

He does, but only 2500 followers and mainly covers MMA for Bleacher Report.

Again, I think there is almost zero risk for someone to throw out a wild guess, as if they have the scoop, in the hopes that they'll somehow be credited with "having it first" and/or to just get more Twitter followers. If they guess wrong, no one will notice, care, or hold it against them.

This guy has 3.1M followers and is hedging:


This would probably be my first time as a Vikings fan (2010 - ) where I'm seeing a known quantity at HC. Sounds really intriguing.

interesting report that a minority owner of the Vikings is a Michigan booster and supposedly hates Harbaugh, so he is trying behind the scenes to influence the Wilfs against hiring Harbaugh. This guy supposedly also had problems with Rich Rodriguez as the Michigan coach, and his sideline privileges for Michigan games were revoked because of his behavior.
Sounds like someone best ignored.

My issue is that guys like Silver base that assumption off of one report from Chris Balas who simply cited “multiple sources” that Harbough expected to get the job. Then a number of actual sources stated that was incorrect, but for some reason more credence and attention is given to the one report from Balas vs the multitude of others like Pat Forde or John Bacon to name a few. I know it’s likely because the Balas article generates more clicks and attention, but it just seems like bad journalism. I say that knowing that Harbough is likely the heavy favorite, but I think the Wilfs probably do have some concerns they want addressed before they make a final decision.
Supposedly Quesi wants Harbaugh. He's also the one that will excite the fan base/sell tickets. Frankly, I don't see a good reason for the Wilfs to over-rule their new GM and it would probably get things off to a bad start if they do.

That was in that thread I posted. Yes, let's let the unhinged, banned guy grab the wheel and steer the bus. Brilliant!
Isn't there a guy that's owned like 2% of the team since the 80's and refuses to sell? Are they going to get his thoughts too?

Fuuuuck, how long is this going to take??? 😒

On the bright side, it might mean they're hammering out a framework of a deal.

Fuuuuck, how long is this going to take??? 😒

On the bright side, it might mean they're hammering out a framework of a deal.
They can't decide too quick or Mike Silver will blow a gasket. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't announce anything until tomorrow.

It is all Ditka’s last prank on MN. A purple nurple, if you will.

The Broncos are hiring Klint Kubiak as QB coach....

The Broncos are hiring Klint Kubiak as QB coach....
Klint, we barely knew ya.

And I mean that literally. It's hard to know what you have as an OC when he works for Zimmer. He could be a very bright guy and might turn out to be a great one in another environment. Not bashing Zim for the sake of bashing; it's a common observation that he's hard to work for as an OC.

Alex Boone sold me on Harbaugh.
They better get him.
Watch this it's great.

Alex Boone sold me on Harbaugh.
They better get him.
Watch this it's great.
Perhaps a little of playing to the audience there. He told some other website Harbaugh was a "psycho" who wore out his welcome a couple years ago.

Perhaps a little of playing to the audience there. He told some other website Harbaugh was a "psycho" who wore out his welcome a couple years ago.

Rose colored glasses?

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