12/27 - Rashad Vaughn will NOT attend the U

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Not recruiting him the hardest is the same as neglecting him? That seems logical. Kimani Young just watched Vaughn last night. It's just one quote, don't take it so seriously.

If you aren't in the top 5 recruiting him hardest than that it at least a slight neglection. Especially when one is freaking Iowa state.

If you aren't in the top 5 recruiting him hardest than that it at least a slight neglection. Especially when one is freaking Iowa state.

As Jaymil said, it's just one quote. I agree it's a little alarming but Rashad has consistently said that we will be in it to the very end. He very well may have just neglected to mention us this one time. If he continues to not mention us then I will become concerned.

Every time he has commented about how often he is in contact with the Gopher staff his answer has essentially been "every day."

It is of zero consequence that he failed to mention the U to a Las Vegas reporter in a single quote, 8 months before he's going to make his decision.

It *is* of consequence, however, that UNLV has entered the fray now. They would have had no chance if Vaughn had gone to Huntington, but now that he's in Vegas with Todd Simon in his ear all the time and being able to watch them (and vice versa) all winter long, UNLV has a chance to sneak in and grab Vaughn. With Bennett going #1 this year straight out of Findlay and then UNLV, they all of a sudden have a selling point. Plus there's all kinds of mischief that goes on in Vegas...lots of money and shady characters around that program in the Tarkanian years, and easily could come back. This whole prep school recruiting business also seems a little shady.

Every time he has commented about how often he is in contact with the Gopher staff his answer has essentially been "every day."

Yeah, I hate it when reporters even ask the question. Most of the time, it's basically who hit me up last and I was thinking about them at the time. When you're contacted pretty much daily by someone, I gotta think that's recruiting them pretty hard.

UNLV doesn't scare me in the least.

It scares me! It's exactly the type of school that Rashad would choose in order to be the superstar of the team, yet still have a chance to compete and go somewhat deep in the big dance.

It scares me! It's exactly the type of school that Rashad would choose in order to be the superstar of the team, yet still have a chance to compete and go somewhat deep in the big dance.

Meh, he can do that at just about every school that is recruiting him, he's the #1 SG/wing in the country. Also, I don't see him wanting to play in the Mountain West, he could get MUCH MORE exposure playing in the B1G or ACC.

I'd rather have Whitehead over Vaughn at this point (possibly even a high 3 or 4 star recruit). We put ourselves at a huge risk if we try and hold out until spring to sign Vaughn. He's great, no doubt. But if he can't commit to us by Spring we take a huge risk waiting that out. It kind of reminds me of our recruiting of Corey Joseph. Why would Vaughn hold out so long arbitrarily? Whitehead is an incredible talent and the moves that Vaughn has been making seem counter-intuitive to staying here. I'm not surprised Minnesota has made its way out of the top 5 recruiting Vaughn when he's going to decide in the spring of next year. If Pitino and co. are easing off, it's a smart decision to pursue other routes.

Rashad Vaughn (@ShowtimeMr) 7/28/13, 11:42 PM Cutting my list in the next couple of days

Meh, he can do that at just about every school that is recruiting him, he's the #1 SG/wing in the country. Also, I don't see him wanting to play in the Mountain West, he could get MUCH MORE exposure playing in the B1G or ACC.

How did playing in the Mt West work for Anthony Bennett?

How did playing in the Mt West work for Anthony Bennett?

Him going #1 was easily the most shocking 1st overall pick in at least the last 15 years or so. Not many people believed he was the best player in the draft. It was also the weakest draft in memory. How did the Mountain West do int he tournament this past year? How often are they on ESPN? Vaughn isn't going to a Mountain West team, I guarantee you that.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Cut it to 10</p>— Rashad Vaughn (@ShowtimeMr) <a href="https://twitter.com/ShowtimeMr/statuses/362049017678536705">July 30, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Cut it to 10</p>— Rashad Vaughn (@ShowtimeMr) <a href="https://twitter.com/ShowtimeMr/statuses/362049017678536705">July 30, 2013</a></blockquote>
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That really narrows it down. I have a better feel for where he wants to go to college now. *said nobody*

I'd rather have Whitehead over Vaughn at this point (possibly even a high 3 or 4 star recruit). We put ourselves at a huge risk if we try and hold out until spring to sign Vaughn. He's great, no doubt. But if he can't commit to us by Spring we take a huge risk waiting that out. It kind of reminds me of our recruiting of Corey Joseph. Why would Vaughn hold out so long arbitrarily? Whitehead is an incredible talent and the moves that Vaughn has been making seem counter-intuitive to staying here. I'm not surprised Minnesota has made its way out of the top 5 recruiting Vaughn when he's going to decide in the spring of next year. If Pitino and co. are easing off, it's a smart decision to pursue other routes.

normally id say you have a point on the danger of waiting, but even if we don't get a guy for immediately but we still pick up another guard or two that are our current targets and miss on Vaughn, next year's class is also a deep one with guys who have some solid interest in us. if there's a shot for us to land Vaughn, I have no doubt the coaching staff will leave options open for him

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Yes, don't think it was going to work w UNC & Rashad Vaughn. RT <a href="https://twitter.com/RebelRedTexan">@RebelRedTexan</a>:
So is the offer for Rob Johnson UNC backing off Vaughn?</p>— Jerry Meyer (@jerrymeyer247) <a href="https://twitter.com/jerrymeyer247/statuses/362068975150039043">July 30, 2013</a></blockquote>
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This is good news

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Cut it to 10</p>— Rashad Vaughn (@ShowtimeMr) <a href="https://twitter.com/ShowtimeMr/statuses/362049017678536705">July 30, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Am I missing something? What are the ten schools?

Some guy tweeted "Kansas!" back at him, and he deleted it. LOL

Cutting to 10 doesn't seem that meaningful (and with that many, he could easily add some down the road). Only news would be if we did NOT make it, and I can't imagine that would happen.

Pretty safe to say that Minnesota, Kentucky, UCLA, UNLV, Kansas, North Carolina, Iowa State, and Baylor will be on the list. Last two Ohio State? Louisville (which would be interesting)?

Some guy tweeted "Kansas!" back at him, and he deleted it. LOL

Cutting to 10 doesn't seem that meaningful (and with that many, he could easily add some down the road). Only news would be if we did NOT make it, and I can't imagine that would happen.

Pretty safe to say that Minnesota, Kentucky, UCLA, UNLV, Kansas, North Carolina, Iowa State, and Baylor will be on the list. Last two Ohio State? Louisville (which would be interesting)?

He said in a previous interview that the only school guaranteed to be on the list is Minnesota so it is safe to say that we'll be on it. I would say that either Maryland (most likely) or UCONN (less likely) would be on the list in place of OSU

Some guy tweeted "Kansas!" back at him, and he deleted it. LOL

Cutting to 10 doesn't seem that meaningful (and with that many, he could easily add some down the road). Only news would be if we did NOT make it, and I can't imagine that would happen.

Pretty safe to say that Minnesota, Kentucky, UCLA, UNLV, Kansas, North Carolina, Iowa State, and Baylor will be on the list. Last two Ohio State? Louisville (which would be interesting)?

If he deleted the Kansas tweet, why do you think Kansas would be one of the final 10?

At least the fact that he is only cutting it to 10 suggests he truly doesn't have a favorite (like the UNC rumors). If he cut it to 5 or less than he may have already made his decision and threw in a few extras to keep people guessing.

OSU is not recruiting Vaughn, so they're not going to be on his list.

OSU is not recruiting Vaughn, so they're not going to be on his list.

Exactly what I was saying, They've already landed Russel at SG and then Tate and Bates-Diop who could play multiple positions. So, well they would surely take Vaughn, there's no way they're still going after him. Congrats on landing all those guys btw.

Per Shama:

Marcus Fuller, the Pioneer Press Gophers basketball writer, said on 1500 ESPN Monday he believes Rashad Vaughn is the most likely to attend Minnesota of the 2014 prep big three of Tyus Jones, Travis Reid and Vaughn. My opinion: there is no better than a 25 percent chance the Gophers will have one of the three commit to Minnesota.


Go Gophers!!

From http://ask.fm/ShowtimeMr

"will the gophs make your cut list?"
"Who knows"

What I said in a previous post from July 10 and what Adam Zagoria tweeted the same day...

What Adam Zagoria just tweeted!
@AdamZagoria : @ShowtimeMr on list:"Minnesota definitely because they the home team.That's the only ones I know that's definitely going to be on the list."
This tweet shows that no school has stood out (good news for us) - Minnesota is the only one that will for sure be on his list!

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