12/27 - Rashad Vaughn will NOT attend the U

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Minn, Kentucky, Tenn, Kansas, Iowa St, Florida, Syracuse, Louisville and Maryland. He is hearing from North Carolina.

Any reason why Coach K don't like himself some Rashad Vaughn? Not that I'm complaining, one less Blue Blood school to worry about.

Any reason why Coach K don't like himself some Rashad Vaughn? Not that I'm complaining, one less Blue Blood school to worry about.

I'd say the failed Austin Rivers / slightly failed Kyrie Irving experiment could be part of it. K has had little luck with "scorers". Kyrie and Nolan Smith never could gel and Austin was blamed as a big reason they struggled last year.

Maybe has scared him away from some stereotypical types of players.

just FYI, Vaughn was only listing offers, he didn't list his top 9. Though it's a pretty safe bet we are in that.

Any reason why Coach K don't like himself some Rashad Vaughn? Not that I'm complaining, one less Blue Blood school to worry about.

He's an inner city kid. Reality is he really only recuirts kids from good backgrounds. I think Vaughn has a pretty good GPA and I'm sure that plays a big part too. But Duke is like the Notre Dame of Basketball. Their not gonna go after a kid who may damage the brand. Which means inner city kids rarely are recuirted by Coach K.

He's an inner city kid. Reality is he really only recuirts kids from good backgrounds. I think Vaughn has a pretty good GPA but I'm sure that plays a big part too. Duke is like the Notre Dame of Basketball. Their not gonna go after a kid who may damage the brand. Which means inner city kids rarely are recuirted by Coach K.


He's an inner city kid. Reality is he really only recuirts kids from good backgrounds. I think Vaughn has a pretty good GPA and I'm sure that plays a big part too. But Duke is like the Notre Dame of Basketball. Their not gonna go after a kid who may damage the brand. Which means inner city kids rarely are recuirted by Coach K.

Well Wisconsin went after him, and they are like Duke and Notre Dame.

Grant Hill, Kyrie Irving, Austin Rivers, Quinn Cook, Seth Curry, The Plumlees, and now Jabari Parker all come from good backgrounds. The list goes on and on and all of them come from the suburbs or are from prestigious Basketball high schools. How often do you see inner city kids from rough backgrounds go to Duke? It's very very rare.

Let me be clear in saying I think Vaughn is a great kid and i'd be more then happy if he was apart of our program. But I do feel that's how Coach K looks at it. I'm probably wrong but that's what I believe.

@mnsports225 Wisconsin's nowhere near as strict as ND and Duke. At least I don't think so.

Grant Hill, Kyrie Irving, Austin Rivers, Quinn Cook, Seth Curry, The Plumlees, and now Jabari Parker all come from good backgrounds. The list goes on and on and all of them come from the suburbs or are from prestigious Basketball high schools. How often do you see inner city kids from rough backgrounds go to Duke? It's very very rare.

Let me be clear in saying I think Vaughn is a great kid and i'd be more then happy if he was apart of our program. But I do feel that's how Coach K looks at it. I'm probably wrong but that's what I believe.

@mnsports225 Wisconsin's nowhere near as strict as ND and Duke. At least I don't think so.

Jabari Parker lives in Chicago!

Grant Hill, Kyrie Irving, Austin Rivers, Quinn Cook, Seth Curry, The Plumlees, and now Jabari Parker all come from good backgrounds. The list goes on and on and all of them come from the suburbs or are from prestigious Basketball high schools. How often do you see inner city kids from rough backgrounds go to Duke? It's very very rare.

Lettuce me be clear in saying I think Vaughn is a great kid and i'd be more then happy if he was apart of our program. But I do feel that's how Coach K looks at it. I'm probably wrong but that's what I believe.

@mnsports225 Wisconsin's nowhere near as strict as ND and Duke. At least I don't think so.

So inner city kids automatically come from rough backgrounds? Your ignorance is off the charts.

So inner city kids automatically come from rough backgrounds? Your ignorance is off the charts.

Exactly. Myke's post was about as ignorant as I have seen own the board in quite some time.

Not saying I agree with Myke's opinion on the matter, but it definitely isn't novel. If you watched the 30 for 30 on the Fab 5, you'd know that a lot of the top inner city kids feel like Coach K steers clear of them. Jalen Rose has publicly expressed this opinion numerous times.

I am not saying I know exactly where Vaughn lives and I am not sure it matters, but going to school at Robinsdale Cooper isn't exactly going to school in a rough area. And yes I have been in the school before and know what many of the schools in the area are like.

Jabari Parker lives in Chicago!

Not all of Chicago is dangerous. He's actually from a very good part of Chicago called the South Shore. He also plays for a very well known High School Basketball program....Just looked up Anthony Davis who is also from Chicago went to a charter school and is just as talented as Jabari but never got an offer from Duke. What I am saying with all this is that Coach K shys away from kids who are from rough neighborhoods and/or have had a rough upbringing.

The documentary MadtownGopher brought up is an example of what i'm saying. Was Jalen Rose not talented enough for Duke? He recruits differently then i'd say anyone in the nation. There's nothing wrong with that but that is why I think Vaughn has not received an offer yet.

Coach K won't have many scholarships left after he signs Tyus and Okafor...... NO VACANCY

Not all of Chicago is dangerous. He's actually from a very good part of Chicago called the South Shore. He also plays for a very well known High School Basketball program....Just looked up Anthony Davis who is also from Chicago went to a charter school and is just as talented as Jabari but never got an offer from Duke. What I am saying with all this is that Coach K shys away from kids who are from rough neighborhoods and/or have had a rough upbringing.

The documentary MadtownGopher brought up is an example of what i'm saying. Was Jalen Rose not talented enough for Duke? He recruits differently then i'd say anyone in the nation. There's nothing wrong with that but that is why I think Vaughn has not received an offer yet.

Are you saying that Vaughn is from a rough neighborhood and or has had a rough upbringing?

Are you saying that Vaughn is from a rough neighborhood and or has had a rough upbringing?

I can't tell you where he lives but I do know people who know him and know his family and in no way has he had the upbringing Jabari Parker or any of their other recruits have had. @GophersHoopsFan he's also offered two other kids in the same class.

I'm very glad he doesn't have a Duke offer. Not only would it lessen our chances of getting him, but also Tyus in case they do want to play together.

Can the big 3 recruits announce they're committing to the University of Minnesota on July 4th this summer, and recreate the excitement that happened this past July 4th, except trump last years excitement this time around?!

I'm dreamin, I know, but how cool would that be!

I can't tell you where he lives but I do know people who know him and know his family and in no way has he had the upbringing Jabari Parker or any of their other recruits have had. @GophersHoopsFan he's also offered two other kids in the same class.

Isn't it a stretch then to say that the reason Duke hasn't offered him is that he is from a rough neighborhood or has had a rough upbringing?

Isn't it a stretch then to say that the reason Duke hasn't offered him is that he is from a rough neighborhood or has had a rough upbringing?

Not in my opinion. Until Duke offers a kid that's from a place that's similar to where i'm from, I will continue to think that about the way Coach K recruits because the kids he offered other then Tyus and Okafor aren't as talented as Vaughn. You can call me ignorant or whatever you want but it's my opinion.

I can't tell you where he lives but I do know people who know him and know his family and in no way has he had the upbringing Jabari Parker or any of their other recruits have had. @GophersHoopsFan he's also offered two other kids in the same class.

I don't buy that you know anything about him. Seems like a great kid to me. If Coach K doesn't want him that's his loss. Hopefully he decides to stay home.

I'd say the failed Austin Rivers / slightly failed Kyrie Irving experiment could be part of it. K has had little luck with "scorers". Kyrie and Nolan Smith never could gel and Austin was blamed as a big reason they struggled last year.

Maybe has scared him away from some stereotypical types of players.


guys that can 'get their own shots' are not high on K's list.. he then cannot claim credit for their development... just kidding..
no.. actually, he recruits four types when possible: great pure shooters ( curry, singler, JJ Redick, etc), bangers ( plumlee, Zoubek, sheldon williams, etc), floppers ( paulus, scheyer, wojo ), drive/kickers (not to be confused with PGs ) ( nolan smith, gerald henderson, deMarcus Nelson, chris duhon, etc)

I don't buy that you know anything about him. Seems like a great kid to me. If Coach K doesn't want him that's his loss. Hopefully he decides to stay home.

Like I said on the previous page I think he's a great kid and i'd be more then happy if he was a part of our program.

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