Killer Shot

Brewster created this qundray when he gave Tim Davis his title. Not saying that was a bad move, but its obvious to me it stood in the way of a possible killer OC hire.

What OC candidate did we lose because of this? What exactly makes this so obvious to you?

According to a poster on Brew firmly believed he had his "Kill shot" which is why he was so confident and then the guy bailed right as they went to sign the dealio.

I'm not doing back flips about this new guy just yet but Shanahan has been rumored (Not GopherLady's post, btw) to be accepting an unpaid consultancy with the Gophs and this would make sense in that he's a guy Shanahan would already have a certain comfort level with.

What OC candidate did we lose because of this? What exactly makes this so obvious to you?

According to a poster on Brew firmly believed he had his "Kill shot" which is why he was so confident and then the guy bailed right as they went to sign the dealio.

I'm not doing back flips about this new guy just yet but Shanahan has been rumored (Not GopherLady's post, btw) to be accepting an unpaid consultancy with the Gophs and this would make sense in that he's a guy Shanahan would already have a certain comfort level with.

Brewster already said that Shanahan may stop by to talk to the team in spring ball but will not be a consultant.

As for Shanahan, Brewster said his former boss might stop by spring practice in March.

"He won't be a consultant or on the payroll though," he said.

According to a poster on Brew firmly believed he had his "Kill shot" which is why he was so confident and then the guy bailed right as they went to sign the dealio.

I guess he learned a valuable lesson then in not counting your eggs before they hatch.

Technically ....

I guess he learned a valuable lesson then in not counting your eggs before they hatch.

It's the chickens that hatch, not the eggs. Explains some of the irrationality of posters on this board lately.

There have been a lot of receivers coming in, and I would expect the offense to get the best players on the field at one time. I think that any good offense has some play action, but it most likely will not be in the way most Minnesota fans are accustomed to seeing because it will be in three and four WR sets instead of two TE sets and I formation.

Look no further than Florida. They use play action very well. They do it a lot with Tebow because he is a run threat. That is why his jump pass works- he sells run. I would look for Gray to be involved in similar plays. The three-options of the Triple option with Gray on the field would be pass, QB run, RB pitch. The defense would have to account for a player like him because he is a serious run threat. That, in turn, would also open up throwing lanes because LBs would have to commit. Even Rolling Gray out of the pocket would change the defense. That, after all, is the whole point of play action: freeeze the defense or get them to over-commit to the run.

In order to do any of that and keep the LBs honest, the OL must not suck. As we all know, that was an issue this past year. Hopefully that will improve in 2009. A good OL can double the thickness of the playbook, not even just through complicated schemes. If you know the OL will give you time, you can do a lot of things in the backfield that will throw a defense off.

Wow. That was long. I like talking about this stuff.

I understand what you are saying there is no need to bring in a traditional old school pro set to run play action bootleg. Just like you don't have to bring in a wing set to run triple option. I am hoping the next young coach (looks like we are going in that direction) has some ideas on how to move a QB out of the pocket using quality ball fakes and put them in a position to run pass. The major reason I like under center for that is the extra illusion you can create on play action. It is more difficult in the shotgun formation. It is my understanding with davis we will have more formations of 3 WR's TE/H-Back, RB with the QB under center. I think we could get some good play action from that look and have WR's criss crossing the field to create openings.

If this is a hire, I don't know that I would call it a kill shot by any means with no coordinator experience and little college experience. I think this team more than anything needs a proven offensive coordinator and the ability to recruit would be nice as well but the coaching should take presidence imo for this hire.

I disagree. A proven offensive coordinator would be likely taking a step down to come to Minnesota, and generally this would mean a more comfortable position, one in which they wouldn't work as hard. I like the idea of a young, up and coming coach. A young coach is trying to prove himself and add to the resume, and will likely work harder on and off the field to give himself the credentials to get to the next level.

The trade-off is that once they are ready to move on to the next level, we have to find a new OC. However, I would rather have that problem, than have an established OC who likes to sit on his thumbs and is lazy when it comes to recruiting (a la Dunbar).

gopher god should stay off our board. anyway we can block him altogether. he is an idiot

i like how you put that TCF but im sure some people have heard of cross and lee. most have heard of roof. he was what 6-45 at duke. everyone talked about how bad he was as a HC

Jedd Fisch

A great hire for sure. Can't wait to hear more about him!!!!

Welcome Coach Fisch!!!

Is there anyone here with ties to the Athletic Department that can verify this? I really like the hire, but we've said that a couple of times now and it hasn't been true.

I understand what you are saying there is no need to bring in a traditional old school pro set to run play action bootleg. Just like you don't have to bring in a wing set to run triple option. I am hoping the next young coach (looks like we are going in that direction) has some ideas on how to move a QB out of the pocket using quality ball fakes and put them in a position to run pass. The major reason I like under center for that is the extra illusion you can create on play action. It is more difficult in the shotgun formation. It is my understanding with davis we will have more formations of 3 WR's TE/H-Back, RB with the QB under center. I think we could get some good play action from that look and have WR's criss crossing the field to create openings.

I don't know if it is easier from under center. I think people are just more used to seeing it. In a one-back shotgun formation, the RB will come across th QB's face like it is a run. If the QB does a good job of riding the RB, the LBs will still freeze. It is all about effectiveness, though. It doesn't matter if it is under center or out of the gun; if the defense knows that the OL can't run the ball effectively, the LBs will not need to bite hard and the DBs will not hesitate.

gopher god should stay off our board. anyway we can block him altogether. he is an idiot

i like how you put that TCF but im sure some people have heard of cross and lee. most have heard of roof. he was what 6-45 at duke. everyone talked about how bad he was as a HC

Sotakid I think that I will stay on the board and good luck trying to block me as I never say anything vulgar or inappropriate, I merely disagree with some of coach brewster's decisions which is not grounds to have me removed from the board. I also didn't know that it was your board, if it was your board you would think then that you would atleast have the common courtesy to donate a couple of bucks to once a year so that it can continue to provide the great coverage that it does of gopher athletics, but yet I don't see you name on the donation list. I am a huge gopher supporter and just because I don't take his sales pitch as fact all the time it doesn't mean I don't support the University of Minnesota athletic department. I will not apologize for questioning the leadership of the athletic department and holding them accountable for the expectations that they set themselves.


You might be the most negative poster I've seen on this board in a long time... God damn man...did someone piss in your cereal this morning? It's obvious in your eyes that Brewster hasn't done anything right, but give these new coaches a chance.... I'm sorry that we no longer run the vanilla Gordie Shaw offense.... If this guy was given high praise from a Super Bowl winning coach, he must be pretty talented... Sorry gang for the venting, but all this negativity is getting old... We should be excited for a new season, not to mention outdoors... That's all I got for now!

Who cares GopherGod. This is an opinion board and not a popularity contest. State it and let others have their shot if they wish. Move on.

You might be the most negative poster I've seen on this board in a long time... God damn man...did someone piss in your cereal this morning? It's obvious in your eyes that Brewster hasn't done anything right, but give these new coaches a chance.... I'm sorry that we no longer run the vanilla Gordie Shaw offense.... If this guy was given high praise from a Super Bowl winning coach, he must be pretty talented... Sorry gang for the venting, but all this negativity is getting old... We should be excited for a new season, not to mention outdoors... That's all I got for now!

I love how it always goes back to Glen Mason and his staff if you ever question Tim Brewster. For the record I am not and was not a Glen Mason supporter but last time I checked there were more than two coaching options out there. I am excited for the new season and the new stadium, but I will not apologize for expecting more from the football program. If you ever look at my posts on the basketball board you will see that I am very positive over there. All I simply ask for is a coach who is successful on the field and who represents the university off the field in a positive manner. As I gopher fan I do not think we should be a training ground for a head coach, I think we can do better than that. Let the MAC schools be a training ground because this on the job training here has cost the university money in salaries for fired coaches that could be used to attract assistant coaches.

Sotakid I think that I will stay on the board and good luck trying to block me as I never say anything vulgar or inappropriate, I merely disagree with some of coach brewster's decisions which is not grounds to have me removed from the board. I also didn't know that it was your board, if it was your board you would think then that you would atleast have the common courtesy to donate a couple of bucks to once a year so that it can continue to provide the great coverage that it does of gopher athletics, but yet I don't see you name on the donation list. I am a huge gopher supporter and just because I don't take his sales pitch as fact all the time it doesn't mean I don't support the University of Minnesota athletic department. I will not apologize for questioning the leadership of the athletic department and holding them accountable for the expectations that they set themselves.

GopherGod doesn't care much for the T-Brew, that much is obvious.

GG, I'm curious. How many games would Brewster have to win in order for your opinion of him to change?

I love how it always goes back to Glen Mason and his staff if you ever question Tim Brewster. For the record I am not and was not a Glen Mason supporter but last time I checked there were more than two coaching options out there. I am excited for the new season and the new stadium, but I will not apologize for expecting more from the football program. If you ever look at my posts on the basketball board you will see that I am very positive over there. All I simply ask for is a coach who is successful on the field and who represents the university off the field in a positive manner. As I gopher fan I do not think we should be a training ground for a head coach, I think we can do better than that. Let the MAC schools be a training ground.

Related to that, who would you have picked if you were Maturi? (of the realistic candidates) Or who would you replace Brewster with now if you could?

Related to that, who would you have picked if you were Maturi? (of the realistic candidates) Or who would you replace Brewster with now if you could?

Personally at the time that Brewster was hired I would have picked either Lane Kiffin, Bo Pelini, or Turner Gill, all of which were interested in the job.

GopherGod doesn't care much for the T-Brew, that much is obvious.

GG, I'm curious. How many games would Brewster have to win in order for your opinion of him to change?

9 games including atleast 1 of the trophy games.

It's the chickens that hatch, not the eggs. Explains some of the irrationality of posters on this board lately.

Not only did he count his chickens before they hatched, he put all his eggs in one basket:p

Personally at the time that Brewster was hired I would have picked either Lane Kiffin, Bo Pelini, or Turner Gill, all of which were interested in the job.

It will be fun to watch Kiffin this year and compare with Brew.

It will be fun to watch Kiffin this year and compare with Brew.

The perk with Kiffin was he was a proven recruiter and had coordinator experience and he had ties to this area and wanted to be here. The added bonus with him is you get his dad as part of the package.

gopher god if you read what i had wrote you would have saw that i said our board. true fans of the gophers. you are always negative. when brewster was hired im sure alot of us, me included, wanted someone with a bigger name like kiffen. we didnt hire him. we hired tim brewster. now at the time i was a little pissed but now i think the hire was good for us. he were lacking big time in the talent department, we need someone with tough skin due to the media and the on again off again fans around here, we also needed someone that was enthusiastic. brew is all those things. why cant you just join the rest of us and stand behind the man. give him a chance to see what he can do with his players please. if in a couple years it doesnt work out you can bash him all you want

HP, thanks for the article. I like it! He's not a re-tread, is someone fresh, young enough to relate (to some extent) to today's kids, but experienced working with true professionals as well. I hope it works out.

Not to be a dead horse, but honestly, I'd feel better about this guy than Heupel. I have no knowledge of Heupel's football knowledge, but I just wonder how much his name and performance as a player contributed to his current position w/his alma-mater. I have also heard he used to be kind of a ding-dong in his younger days (he's probably much more mature now). He's probably a great coach - how would I know either way?

But this guy seems to have truly worked his way up in several different organizations - must be pretty well thought of.

When is the official announcement?

There is nothing on the Strib or PP web pages or the GI cover page. Is there going to be a press conference tomorrow?

Go Gophers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally at the time that Brewster was hired I would have picked either Lane Kiffin, Bo Pelini, or Turner Gill, all of which were interested in the job.

Lane Kiffin: I always think about Lane being here too, but then I catch myself and say that he probably would have had one big year, then taken off for something bigger. Leaving our program scrambing?? Who knows I guess. Does anyone know if he "really" wanted to be here for the long haul??

Bo Pelini: No way he picks MN over Neb, just due to past prestigue and the fan base.

Turner Gill: Love this guy, but who knew before what he did at Buff. At least with Brew we knew we had a guy to sell recruits on the program. Not sure how Gill didn't have bigger suitors after him at the end of the season??

Gopher God,

You say you're a big supporter of the athletic department, yet you're persistently negative. When do you have time to cheer?

That gets me every time with you over-the-top negative posters. You say you care about the university and the athletic department, yet you're nothing but negative. If you support the university, you get behind it, cheer for it and do your part to help it progress. You sure as hell don't bring it down at every opportunity.

Gopher God,

You say you're a big supporter of the athletic department, yet you're persistently negative. When do you have time to cheer?

That gets me every time with you over-the-top negative posters. You say you care about the university and the athletic department, yet you're nothing but negative. If you support the university, you get behind it, cheer for it and do your part to help it progress. You sure as hell don't bring it down at every opportunity.

Blind support of a coach you don't believe is qualified does not make you a better fan. I do cheer for the university and I do feel that Brewster will not help us progress to the next level. I am positive if you go and read some of my posts on the basketball board, the difference there is they have a coach that I can respect as a man and who can get us to the next level in wins and losses as well.

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