Killer Shot


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Jan 9, 2009
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Jedd Fisch

A great hire for sure. Can't wait to hear more about him!!!!

Welcome Coach Fisch!!!

Never been a coordinator....highest NFL position was wide receivers coach or assistant quarterbacks coach....only two years experience at the college level as a GA.

Strange hire.

Doesn't seem too likely ....

The Lions just interviewed him today for their OC position based on glowing reviews from Shanahan. There also seem to be a fair number of folks on the Broncos forum complaining about him leaving.

I wasn't going to be the first one here to mention his name....but Fisch is what I heard. Thin resume' but if what you said about Shanahan...makes me feel better.

Jedd Fisch

A great hire for sure. Can't wait to hear more about him!!!!

Welcome Coach Fisch!!!

If true, it looks like this would be a killer shot. :)

BTW, the college experience as a GA (1999-2000) was at Florida.

GI reporters are confirming this selection. What do people know about him?

This is interesting....

Broncos receivers get physical

"Fisch also is reminding this group of the legacy that precedes them. He opens each meeting by reminding his players the Broncos lead the NFL in rushing since 1995."

If true, it looks like this would be a killer shot. :)

BTW, the college experience as a GA (1999-2000) was at Florida.

If this is a hire, I don't know that I would call it a kill shot by any means with no coordinator experience and little college experience. I think this team more than anything needs a proven offensive coordinator and the ability to recruit would be nice as well but the coaching should take presidence imo for this hire.

Wow, seriously people, let the "kill shot" thing go. I'm sure in Brewster's mind, he would be. I'm sure anybody Brewster hired, he would consider them a kill shot since he's hiring them. Who hires somebody they think sucks? If this is the guy, I welcome him, and let's roll.

If this is a hire, I don't know that I would call it a kill shot by any means with no coordinator experience and little college experience. I think this team more than anything needs a proven offensive coordinator and the ability to recruit would be nice as well but the coaching should take presidence imo for this hire.

If Shanahan thinks he can be a successful OC in the NFL, he can probably handle the Big Ten.

If Shanahan thinks he can be a successful OC in the NFL, he can probably handle the Big Ten.

Sure thing then all we need is John Elway in his prime and we are set. I believe that Shanahan recommended Brewster as well and we are still waiting to see how that turns out.

Name me one proven OC that would come to Minnesota to a Co-Co position. Wishful thinking no doubt.

Brewster created this qundray when he gave Tim Davis his title. Not saying that was a bad move, but its obvious to me it stood in the way of a possible killer OC hire.

Name me one proven OC that would come to Minnesota to a Co-Co position. Wishful thinking no doubt.

Brewster created this qundray when he gave Tim Davis his title. Not saying that was a bad move, but its obvious to me it stood in the way of a possible killer OC hire.

Exactly Brewster created his bed and now he can lie in it. Before naming Tim Davis to this position he should have had an idea how this would hamper his chances of getting a good OC. it seems to me that there is a lot of reactive decision making going on rather than proactive. Every decision has a consequence.

Not saying that was a bad move, but its obvious to me it stood in the way of a possible killer OC hire.

Why? Please give examples. If most people were Heupel or Applewhite, the Minnesota job isn't much of a promotion and they'd get their picks of jobs in the near future. If you're an experienced coordinator like Fitch at East Carolina, coming here for a one year deal isn't much of an incentive to move.

So, please give some examples how Tim Davis had an affect on this. OCs don't want a proven o-line coach on their staff? Someone who's been in charge of outstanding running games? Tim Davis isn't calling plays.

Why? Please give examples. If most people were Heupel or Applewhite, the Minnesota job isn't much of a promotion and they'd get their picks of jobs in the near future. If you're an experienced coordinator like Fitch at East Carolina, coming here for a one year deal isn't much of an incentive to move.

So, please give some examples how Tim Davis had an affect on this. OCs don't want a proven o-line coach on their staff? Someone who's been in charge of outstanding running games? Tim Davis isn't calling plays.

Good point. Isn't Davis the running game coordinator? He's not the co-offensive coordinator. There's a difference. Our OC should be calling the plays, not Davis.

Relax people (specifically, GG). Is there any doubt that Brewster will be held accountable for these hiring decisions? None of us know a single thing about either Tim Davis or Jedd Fisch. Only time will tell - if the offense is a complete debacle, it will be on display for all of us to see and I'm sure Brewster will hear all about it. But maybe we can assume it won't be a debacle. Maybe Brewster has made a good hire. So far, the only hire people seem to be critical of is Dunbar, am I right? Withers was a mistake, as much his own as Brewster's - just not a fit.

Had anybody heard of Tim Cross, Ronnie Lee, or even Ted Roof? No, but they appear to have been good hires (with regards to recruiting for TC and RL).

So, take a deep breath, sit back and see how things go.

Relax people (specifically, GG). Is there any doubt that Brewster will be held accountable for these hiring decisions? None of us know a single thing about either Tim Davis or Jedd Fisch. Only time will tell - if the offense is a complete debacle, it will be on display for all of us to see and I'm sure Brewster will hear all about it. But maybe we can assume it won't be a debacle. Maybe Brewster has made a good hire. So far, the only hire people seem to be critical of is Dunbar, am I right? Withers was a mistake, as much his own as Brewster's - just not a fit.

Had anybody heard of Tim Cross, Ronnie Lee, or even Ted Roof? No, but they appear to have been good hires (with regards to recruiting for TC and RL).

So, take a deep breath, sit back and see how things go.


You better stop talking reasonably! We don't do that here. We only do illogical, half-assed reasoning around these parts :)

In all honesty, good points. If the offense takes off, woohoo! If it doesn't, then Brew will be held accountable. I'd like to assume and hope that the offense clicks. It makes life a little more enjoyable.

I'm not saying ajokeright info is wrong cuz I have no proof of this and Fisch seems to fit Brew, but I also have yet to find this anywhere but here. Just remember ajokeright was the same guy that said Heupel was the new OC. If he is right then I give him credit.

TCF Quote: "Relax people (specifically, GG). Is there any doubt that Brewster will be held accountable for these hiring decisions? None of us know a single thing about either Tim Davis or Jedd Fisch. Only time will tell - if the offense is a complete debacle, it will be on display for all of us to see and I'm sure Brewster will hear all about it. But maybe we can assume it won't be a debacle. Maybe Brewster has made a good hire."

Good post, TCF. The only really important football coaching hire in the last 2 years has been Tim Brewster. Everyone else on the staff is just a bit player. Assistant coaches come and go on every football team in the country. The head coach is the only constant. The most important thing for Brewster is that his teams get better every year until they reach a point where they can compete for Big 10 Championships on a regular basis. I said COMPETE for championships, not necessarily WIN them. One or two Big 10 title every 10 or 15 years is all we can ever expect with OSU, Michigan, and Penn State in the conference.

Does anyone disagree that the Gophers improved in their two years under Brewster? If you do, you are not a Gopher fan and you don't belong on this site. Next Fall most of us are going to expect the team to take another step. Most FANS would agree that Brewster has had another good recruiting class and we expect the team to progress on both sides of the ball. However, it will not be only a question of wins and losses because the schedule will be much tougher than last year. If the Gophers are not better, it will be all on Brewster. Just as during Brewster's 1-11 season, nobody in GopherHole (except me) was bitching about Withers. The criticism about the defense was all reserved for Brewster. That goes with being the Head Coach of a Division I team. You make the best coaching hires and recruit the best players that you can. If it doesn't work the failure is yours and sooner or later you will be gone if don't turn it around.

If this is the hire, I'm hoping for creative, imaginative play-calling that brings results. My hope is that we are like the Boise State from the '08 game vs. Oklahoma - the seeds to call some crazy plays at opportune times, but the ability and confidence to pull them off when called upon.

I know nothing about this guy, but if he is the hire, maybe he will bring some new, innovative and EFFECTIVE ideas. We'll see. As someone mentioned earlier - lets roll!

I hope this will bring back the use of bootlegs and play action with true ball handling.

I hope this will bring back the use of bootlegs and play action with true ball handling.

There have been a lot of receivers coming in, and I would expect the offense to get the best players on the field at one time. I think that any good offense has some play action, but it most likely will not be in the way most Minnesota fans are accustomed to seeing because it will be in three and four WR sets instead of two TE sets and I formation.

Look no further than Florida. They use play action very well. They do it a lot with Tebow because he is a run threat. That is why his jump pass works- he sells run. I would look for Gray to be involved in similar plays. The three-options of the Triple option with Gray on the field would be pass, QB run, RB pitch. The defense would have to account for a player like him because he is a serious run threat. That, in turn, would also open up throwing lanes because LBs would have to commit. Even Rolling Gray out of the pocket would change the defense. That, after all, is the whole point of play action: freeeze the defense or get them to over-commit to the run.

In order to do any of that and keep the LBs honest, the OL must not suck. As we all know, that was an issue this past year. Hopefully that will improve in 2009. A good OL can double the thickness of the playbook, not even just through complicated schemes. If you know the OL will give you time, you can do a lot of things in the backfield that will throw a defense off.

Wow. That was long. I like talking about this stuff.

Name me one proven OC that would come to Minnesota to a Co-Co position. Wishful thinking no doubt.

Brewster created this qundray when he gave Tim Davis his title. Not saying that was a bad move, but its obvious to me it stood in the way of a possible killer OC hire.

Seems misleading in that the new position would likely be OC and passing game coordinator with Davis as running game coordinator. Money is a more likely issue what with the SEC loonies upping the ante. Of course this all presumes that there was/is an issue to begin with.

Tim Davis

"...None of us know a single thing about either Tim Davis or Jedd Fisch."

Speak for yourself...I know lots about Tim Davis from his time at SC. He's a terrific coach and recruiter. He took an SC team two years removed from last place, one year removed from 6-6 and a bowl loss to Utah in which they ran for 7 net yards, pretty much void of line talent, and turned them into a very physical, ass kicking oline that destroyed Iowa in the Orange Bowl, Michigan in the Rose, and Oklahoma in the BCS championship game.

Mass Kicks Ass. he used light quick tackles, and HUGE road-grader guards. no zone blocking here. thunder & lightning (Lendale & Bush) was built on Tim Davis line coaching.

He's fabulous. Add to this now the wunderkind in Fisch running the passing game, and calling the plays, and this would appear to be a very similar situation to carroll. I know you'll probaby laugh at me for the comparison, but brewster has a lot of Pete Carroll qualities...primarily in his relentless energy and optimism, and his focus on recruiting.

funny paralell, SC just hired Jeremy Bates (son of NFL DC Jim Bates), the young OC from the Broncos, to replace Sarkisian. he also comes highly recommended as Cutler's mentor per shanahan. Makes me wonder, given the Shanahan connection, if Brewster was targeting Bates initially?

Either way, this has the makings of a good offensive brain trust.

I just wish I was as enthusiastic regarding Cosgrove. oh least he can recruit.

Go Gophers!

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