USA Today: Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh discusses coronavirus in interview, shifts conversation to abortion

Are you in the medical field? Part of my time is spent there. Some drugs are useful and some not. So yes you are wrong. Also, I didn't vote for Trump-but I also more than likely didn't vote for your candidate.

Thanks for correcting me.

But you didn't answer about the marriage part...

Sticking my sausage in another man gives me the creeps. With you, it does not! LOL

Was that supposed to be funny? So you're also a bigot about sexuality?

What does your feeling about something have to do with what someone else is able to decide to do?? Oh wait, that's right. We have a recurring theme going here.

This is demonstrably false. What in the absolute hell are you talking about?

It is common knowledge, Randy Moss is the son of Odin and was born on a Viking ship in the North Atlantic. Everybody knows that.....

Was that supposed to be funny? So you're also a bigot about sexuality?

What does your feeling about something have to do with what someone else is able to decide to do?? Oh wait, that's right. We have a recurring theme going here.

You'd stick your sausage in another guy?

What does your feeling about something have to do with what someone else is able to decide to do?? Dam dude, everything you post on gopherhole is based on your question. LMAO

You are so wrong and so ignorant it is laughable. I and many like me (the pro-lifers) volunteer at a home for single mothers, donate money to them, and I have adopted two children who were “unwanted”. Our small church (under 100 in attendance) has adopted 15 children. All families that already had birth children. Our former church (larger one) started a ministry to assist parents in adopting inner-city children and has financed hundreds of such adoptions. My friend (one of those evil corporate executives who happens to be another awful pro-life Christian), created a foundation to help families adopt, and bought a farm with therapy horses to help those kids. We volunteer there as well. Please keep your completely incorrect “sound bite” comments to yourself.
I commend you for the help that you give, you are the exception.

If the priority is with LIFE, why does the US have such a high infant mortality rate versus the other first world countries?
Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 9.57.08 PM.jpg
And why is our childhood poverty rate so high?

You can try to extrapolate your excellent behavior as far as you want, but it does not fit the data.

Women have the right to choose what happens to their body in all heath decisions and that includes the early stages of pregnancy. A group of old men should not be making laws that interfere with that, especially when they make laws included coverage for Viagra, but not women basic healthcare that are aided with birth control pills.

And, if you are so concerned about actual amount of abortions, the efforts should be going to many other parts of the world that would really make a larger impact.

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Not false at all. Moss was born in prison. He should have been aborted. He had no shot in life.

Got a source to back your claim up? Or is this just the standard level of effort you put into all things factual?

I commend you for the help that you give, you are the exception.

If the priority is with LIFE, why does the US have such a high infant mortality rate versus the other first world countries?
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And why is our childhood poverty rate so high?
View attachment 7620

You can try to extrapolate your excellent behavior as far as you want, but it does not fit the data.

Women have the right to choose what happens to their body in all heath decisions and that includes the early stages of pregnancy. A group of old men should not be making laws that interfere with that, especially when they make laws included coverage for Viagra, but not women basic healthcare that are aided with birth control pills.

Wait, wait! Don't ya know that poverty builds character in all kids? That's the only way it plays out because that was one guy on this board's experience! There are no possible downsides to kids growing up without enough food or clean clothes. ?

Got a source to back your claim up? Or is this just the standard level of effort you put into all things factual?

Yes, I know someone who helped manage his money!

Moss turned out pretty good for all he had to go through. He should have been aborted though.

WriterGoph will tell ya he should have been aborted. He had no chance in life.

Yes, I know someone who helped manage his money!

Moss turned out pretty good for all he had to go through. He should have been aborted though.

If this story about a Hall of Fame athlete was true (especially one with a 30-for-30) it would be well-known by now.

If this story about a Hall of Fame athlete was true (especially one with a 30-for-30) it would be well-known by now.

$1200 other words, your Trump paycheck?

Put your money where your mouth is.

Just aking, if you were born in prison, you'd put that on 30 for 30? Ya, right!

1200, put up or shut up!

Yes, I know someone who helped manage his money!

Moss turned out pretty good for all he had to go through. He should have been aborted though.

WriterGoph will tell ya he should have been aborted. He had no chance in life.

You're such a bozo. You're quite twisted to try and equate me saying women should have the personal choice to make themselves with me saying all disadvantaged children should be aborted.

That's a huge reach and also how we know your opinion is supported by nothing other than zealous personal beliefs.

You're drowning in your own bullshit, Rush.

$1200 other words, your Trump paycheck?

Put your money where your mouth is.

Just aking, if you were born in prison, you'd put that on 30 for 30? Ya, right!

1200, put up or shut up!

I'm not getting that Trump money. Instead I'll give ya $1200 to go live with some Catholic monks in a monastery with no access to the internet. Deal?

Was he the brains behind "straight cash, homie"?

The amount of effort you put into facts really makes your whole "faith" thing look even uglier.
I'm not getting that Trump money. Instead I'll give ya $1200 to go live with some Catholic monks in a monastery with no access to the internet. Deal?

Why aren't you getting the $1200

Don't tell me you are one of the various dems on here making over 99,000!

I'm not getting that Trump money. Instead I'll give ya $1200 to go live with some Catholic monks in a monastery with no access to the internet. Deal?

that sounds bigoted and homophobic! Are you saying that would be gross?

I thought man to man was great! You do sound homophobic! Please stop! You are better than that.

that sounds bigoted and homophobic! Are you saying that would be gross?

I thought man to man was great! You do sound homophobic! Please stop! You are better than that.

What's bigoted and homophobic exactly? Being a Catholic monk? Or not having internet access?

PS. I'm sure man-to-man is great - if a person is into that. Your strong overcompensation on this topic is quite interesting.

Why aren't you getting the $1200

Don't tell me you are one of the various dems on here making over 99,000!

What does political affiliation I have to do with how much someone makes? Do tell. I can't even imagine what you'll come up with here.

What's bigoted and homophobic exactly? Being a Catholic monk? Or not having internet access?

PS. I'm sure man-to-man is great - if a person is into that. Your strong overcompensation on this topic is quite interesting.

PS. I'm sure man-to-man is great - if a person is into that. What the................?

It grosses you out beyond belief, but I won't tell anyone. I won't let anyone know of your bigoted and homophobic true feelings. Your secret is safe.

What does political affiliation I have to do with how much someone makes? Do tell. I can't even imagine what you'll come up with here.

You answer my question first. Why aren't you getting a check? I have a hard time believing you make over 99,000 based on your postings. Why aren't you getting a check?

You answer my question first. Why aren't you getting a check? I have a hard time believing you make over 99,000 based on your postings. Why aren't you getting a check?

What exactly is it about my postings that would tell you what I make? You think postings on a sports message board are related to someone's success or professional standing in life?

The SC decided this decades ago and it’s not at all arbitrary.

If the fetus is capable of surviving on its own outside the womb, then the mother no longer has the legal choice to abort the pregnancy. Medical circumstances of course can alter that.

That’s not a fine line, in the slightest.

That’s just an illogical, specious argument.
The Supreme Court once decided that black humans were only 3/5ths human. They were obviously wrong.
Second, a human is not capable of surviving outside of the womb without assistance for nearly a decade. Does an arbitrary timeframe change the biological fact the a human life is being exterminated?
My argument is backed by real, historic genocide. The lack of logic is entirely on you.

Stop putting words in my mouth. Of course I or someone else isn't making the judgement whether someone should have a kid. That is that woman/couple's choice. That is the whole point here. Thanks to the law, people now have a choice if they are fit to be parents. Just because it worked out for you and your parents doesn't have any relevance to someone else's ability to make a PERSONAL choice. Its insane that you or a church or group or whatever are making an argument to make that decision for SOMEONE ELSE because of your own beliefs.

I really can't believe you tried to change my words to saying that I was the judge of another person's fitness to raise a child. Not even close to what I suggested. Super weak on your part.
Stop putting words in my mouth. Of course I or someone else isn't making the judgement whether someone should have a kid. That is that woman/couple's choice. That is the whole point here. Thanks to the law, people now have a choice if they are fit to be parents. Just because it worked out for you and your parents doesn't have any relevance to someone else's ability to make a PERSONAL choice. Its insane that you or a church or group or whatever are making an argument to make that decision for SOMEONE ELSE because of your own beliefs.

I really can't believe you tried to change my words to saying that I was the judge of another person's fitness to raise a child. Not even close to what I suggested. Super weak on your part.
The personal choice you are advocating is the extermination of a human life. It is that simple.
You are the one saying people are not fit to be parents and using that argument to advocate for the extermination of an innocent human being.

What exactly is it about my postings that would tell you what I make? You think postings on a sports message board are related to someone's success or professional standing in life?

Why are you not getting a check? I'm thinking you are not telling the truth, sir. That's why I'm asking.

The personal choice you are advocating is the extermination of a human life. It is that simple.
You are the one saying people are not fit to be parents and using that argument to advocate for the extermination of an innocent human being.

Um, I'm giving an example of why people make a decision to get an abortion. I'm advocating for individuals to make their own decision. Your personal story is irrelevant to millions of people when they make their own decision.

The Supreme Court once decided that black humans were only 3/5ths human. They were obviously wrong.

Can you please supply the case in which the Supreme Court made this decision?

Why are you not getting a check? I'm thinking you are not telling the truth, sir. That's why I'm asking.

You're obsessed. Do you really think I'm gonna post my salary or a photo of my W2 on this message board? Get serious, dude. I'll keep enjoying my life and you keep determining peoples' incomes on a chat board. That's a great carnival act!

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