What grade would you give Max Brosmer in his first game with the Gophers?

What grade would you give Max Brosmer in his first game with the Gophers?

  • A

    Votes: 3 1.6%
  • B

    Votes: 24 12.8%
  • C

    Votes: 78 41.7%
  • D

    Votes: 71 38.0%
  • F

    Votes: 11 5.9%

  • Total voters
I still think from a fan perspective it's nice to play a good opponent in the nonconference. I imagine it's fun for the players too to see different teams from around the country.

Sure, but if a loss in that game leaves us with 5 wins I'll regret it.

You’re drunk off your ass if you watch that guy play and think he’s not better than what we watched last year. He clearly read defense, got his guys to right spot, limited mistakes other than putting the ball on the ground.

His incompletions were as much on the receivers as they were on him.
Who's 'drunk off their ass'? :ROFLMAO:

I gave him a D. I was at the game and have not had time to watch back yet, so this was my opinion sitting there. I thought he waited for the recievers to get open. Arm strength could be an issue. At times, the line didn't help. I'm hoping some of this was learning curve and adjusting to the speed at this level. seemed that a lot of the throws Jackson caught were contested because he stared at him, waiting for him to get open, then threw it. There were a few bad missies on wide open guys as well. looked like trying to velosity because the arm is not that strong and lost accuracy.

Want to see more anticipation, and see Max throw receivers open. We did have some guys running free, especially the tight ends wide open over the middle, and Brosmer never even looked at them. A few hitch routes were open too. He, Brosmer is a six year guy so expectations for him making plays are higher. I will give him a pass on first game jitters going forward, you cannot have a tight end break loose 10 yards up the seam and not even look at them. That kind of miss, when the defender doesnt honor the tight end, you have to make them pay. We have to have more improved QB play the rest of the year, Max has been around long enough in football to anticipate a blitz or to change a play call or protection due to stunting up front. Gophers will get better, NC had a really good defensive game plan

Want to see more anticipation, and see Max throw receivers open. We did have some guys running free, especially the tight ends wide open over the middle, and Brosmer never even looked at them. A few hitch routes were open too. He, Brosmer is a six year guy so expectations for him making plays are higher. I will give him a pass on first game jitters going forward, you cannot have a tight end break loose 10 yards up the seam and not even look at them. That kind of miss, when the defender doesnt honor the tight end, you have to make them pay. We have to have more improved QB play the rest of the year, Max has been around long enough in football to anticipate a blitz or to change a play call or protection due to stunting up front. Gophers will get better, NC had a really good defensive game plan
Biggest obstacle to this is Fleck actually running a scheme that allows Max to do these. First thing that needs to happen is establishing a short passing game. That also requires Fleck to change his philosophy.

Biggest obstacle to this is Fleck actually running a scheme that allows Max to do these. First thing that needs to happen is establishing a short passing game. That also requires Fleck to change his philosophy.
Let's hope PJ play's to the strength of this current QB. A short passing game can be just as effective as the run game at times. We start connecting on those 4 to 5 yard passes early and the run game opens up because teams can no longer play 9 in the box and blitz the safety or corners. You want to beat how everyone is defending you, minimize your weakness and exposure to pass protection. We have to be able to hit quick slants, outs and create an option to rutm predictability. Get Max some confidence. North Carolina is a decent team, it's one L not the whole season.

I'm not giving a grade. I think situations fucked him in a way that play calling the play previous would have helped. There were bad throws, there were shouldcouldawoulda type plays, but the entire offense was garbage and hard to pin on only him

I gave him a "D", but its only one game. After 3 or 4 games we will get a better picture. Premature to give a grade, certainly not a final grade. He'll have better games. Go Gophers!

I gave him a "D", but its only one game. After 3 or 4 games we will get a better picture. Premature to give a grade, certainly not a final grade. He'll have better games. Go Gophers!
Agree. What I think my drunk self was trying to say was brosmer wasn't the complete problem with the offense. He has everything needed except a competent OC. But only an opinion. If they come out and hang 50 on RI then I'll rethink my drunk self.

I viewed via television. (I live in Tampa.)

It appeared that Max began the game a little overexcited and needed to bring his emotions into check. He did that over the course of the game and that's a self-correcting issue in any event -- no one stays excited forever.

Looked like he went through his progressions well. This is a post-snap activity and much harder to acquire as a skill, if you don't innately have it.

When certain about where to go with the ball, and when not overexcited, he was mainly accurate.

He took a lot of sacks. On the one hand, he did not respond to pressure by doing something stupid with the ball. Good.

On the other hand, was he calling audibles to initiate hot routes to make them "pay" for blitzing? I couldn't really tell via television. This is a pre-snap activity and one that is much easier to acquire than his capacity to go through progressions -- assuming he wasn't doing this.

If he wasn't calling the hot routes, that needs to be addressed immediately, as every defense will come at him with all they've got, if they believe there will be no risk in doing so.

What grade would you give Max Brosmer in his first game with the Gophers?
Gave him a C because while there were times he looked like he came from an FBS school, there were also flashes of why we wanted him in the first place. Taking check downs and that last drive made me optimistic. Would've been higher if we had won. The rain probably didn't help the debut either. The play calling was a bit frustrating at times obviously.

If you buy a Hyundai, you don't expect it to perform like a BMW.

if you buy cubic zirconia, it's not going to look like a real diamond.

the Gophers went shopping in the NIL QB discount store - and they got a level of performance that matches the purchase price. but the head coach told everyone that they got someone who was "just as good" as the QB's from the high-priced luxury store.

you can believe the coach, or believe your eyes.

---this does not mean that Brosmer is a complete flop. he has some ability - but expecting an FCS QB to walk into a P4 conference and look great was just expecting way too much. I don't blame Brosmer. I blame the coach who raised expectations past any reasonable point.

Waaaaaay too early to draw any conclusions about Brosmer from 1 game worth of stats. But just for fun, here's how he compares to the last 3 Gopher QBs. Sorted by NCAA pass rating.


If you buy a Hyundai, you don't expect it to perform like a BMW.

if you buy cubic zirconia, it's not going to look like a real diamond.

the Gophers went shopping in the NIL QB discount store - and they got a level of performance that matches the purchase price. but the head coach told everyone that they got someone who was "just as good" as the QB's from the high-priced luxury store.

you can believe the coach, or believe your eyes.

---this does not mean that Brosmer is a complete flop. he has some ability - but expecting an FCS QB to walk into a P4 conference and look great was just expecting way too much. I don't blame Brosmer. I blame the coach who raised expectations past any reasonable point.
Where did Fleck say Brosmer was "just as good" as high priced qb's? He didn't. In fact, they said they were looking for depth when they brought Brosmer in.

Re: Brosmer at UNH. RB Dylan Laube was a large part of the success. It might work for us It’ll be fun to watch this year.

He's not good. Better than AK, but that's not hard. Biggest problem is we have one legit receiver which is a coaching and recruiting problem. Looks like the 4 win season folks were on to something.
Coaching and recruiting?? We're still talking about coaching and recruiting??

If you buy a Hyundai, you don't expect it to perform like a BMW.

if you buy cubic zirconia, it's not going to look like a real diamond.

the Gophers went shopping in the NIL QB discount store - and they got a level of performance that matches the purchase price. but the head coach told everyone that they got someone who was "just as good" as the QB's from the high-priced luxury store.

you can believe the coach, or believe your eyes.

---this does not mean that Brosmer is a complete flop. he has some ability - but expecting an FCS QB to walk into a P4 conference and look great was just expecting way too much. I don't blame Brosmer. I blame the coach who raised expectations past any reasonable point.

The QB will break down and be out of commission for three months for undiagnosable electrical gremlins at 60K miles? How about a Genesis QB, tall/pretty. Better yet Toyota/Lexus. Reliable, tough, predictable. If going for high performance then GM. “Car guys” eg buy Cadillac Blackwings not panzerwagens these days, but otherwise agree with everything you said about Brosmer.

I think he could be good. Jury’s out. UNC isn’t Western Michigan.

If you buy a Hyundai, you don't expect it to perform like a BMW.

if you buy cubic zirconia, it's not going to look like a real diamond.

the Gophers went shopping in the NIL QB discount store - and they got a level of performance that matches the purchase price. but the head coach told everyone that they got someone who was "just as good" as the QB's from the high-priced luxury store.

you can believe the coach, or believe your eyes.

---this does not mean that Brosmer is a complete flop. he has some ability - but expecting an FCS QB to walk into a P4 conference and look great was just expecting way too much. I don't blame Brosmer. I blame the coach who raised expectations past any reasonable point.
He was also probably the best that we could expect to get, right? No high end transfer QB would want to come to a team with our run heavy history. If we are more successful in the passing game this year, we might be able to level up slightly in our QB transfers.

Let's hope PJ play's to the strength of this current QB. A short passing game can be just as effective as the run game at times. We start connecting on those 4 to 5 yard passes early and the run game opens up because teams can no longer play 9 in the box and blitz the safety or corners. You want to beat how everyone is defending you, minimize your weakness and exposure to pass protection. We have to be able to hit quick slants, outs and create an option to rutm predictability. Get Max some confidence. North Carolina is a decent team, it's one L not the whole season.
I'm not a great football mind, but don't you need at least an intermediate passing game to beat a loaded box? Won't a short passing game also lead to a loaded box? You've got to throw it over their heads to make them pay.

I agree that NC was a decent team just like us. I think the line was around 1 for NC at game time and we lost by two.

I would give him a "B." However, I would give the coaching staff a "C-" on play calling and game management.

The sacks are on him if he’s not getting the ball to open guys. Otherwise they’re on the receivers and line. I didn’t see him miss open passes.
You mean other than his first 3rd down throw of the game? Come on man. The last drive is the only thing that saved him from an F.

I hated the play calling but I expected much much more from a fifth year senior. Multiple short route misses and at times had happy feet in the pocket. Looked more like a RS freshman in their 1st game than an experienced 5th year senior. Some nice throws against a prevent defense to end the game so I hope things improve dramatically in future games both with play calling and execution.

If you buy a Hyundai, you don't expect it to perform like a BMW.

if you buy cubic zirconia, it's not going to look like a real diamond.

the Gophers went shopping in the NIL QB discount store - and they got a level of performance that matches the purchase price. but the head coach told everyone that they got someone who was "just as good" as the QB's from the high-priced luxury store.

you can believe the coach, or believe your eyes.

---this does not mean that Brosmer is a complete flop. he has some ability - but expecting an FCS QB to walk into a P4 conference and look great was just expecting way too much. I don't blame Brosmer. I blame the coach who raised expectations past any reasonable point.
So keeping in mind that he was clearly better than the rental QB with an SEC pedigree playing opposite him in his first game, can you name one other rental QB that outplayed him this week across college football?

I don’t see a clearly better performance among teams that played real competition this week. There were a few that beat up on little sisters of the poor but that’s far from conclusive.

Where did Fleck say Brosmer was "just as good" as high priced qb's? He didn't. In fact, they said they were looking for depth when they brought Brosmer in.
What? If what you say is true, which I don't think it is as I don't recall reading that, you would normally have an accomplished player ahead of this person if it's for depth. The QB room was almost completely empty due to nearly all of them transferring! He was brought in to start from everything I read and from what I remember reading, he was a legit player and a significant upgrade from AK.

It is only week 1 and I hope things do improve but from what I saw, this was a sideways move at best (yeah, I know, it's early!!) and potentially a move downward due to what looked like to me, someone that does not have a B1G body, or arm.

I hope he proves me wrong but I see someone who will get physically crushed (for sure if the PP doesn't get better quickly) in B1G play and we might see what our backups look like early in the B1G season.

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