Week 6 Other Games Thread

Your first taste of Gus Johnson apparently?

I wasn't paying close enough attention to who it was apparently. That was such a ridiculous call for a television commentator to make. PA doesn't scream like that when the Vikings score a long TD.

This is reminding me of that 2017 Penn State at Iowa game, except this time the Lions don't have Barkley to pick up those big downs.

PJ and his OC crew has work cut out form them. I rally hate to say it. Their DF is making good turnovers.

PSU might not win another game this year if Clifford doesn’t come back.

Good lord that Penn St. QB is TERRIBLE!!!! How can a major college ranked #4 in the nation not have a backup that can throw the damn ball!!! His receivers were WIDE open...........but hey he can run though. Someone needs to tell these kids that running is nice, but if you want to be a major college QB you have to be able to complete a pass, too. That was PAINFUL to watch -- if they don't get their QB back, they are TOAST with that kid trying to throw the ball!!

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