Week 1 Other Games Thread

New B1G USC vs SEC LSU on ESPN national TV. <---> I wonder what the ratings are.

For all you Big Ten purists (still throwing a fit about Nebraska), I love the new Big Ten.

Michael Lantz MN > GSU > USC is an interesting arc after not being great here, if I recall. Might be shortest debut in USC history after blowing that chip shot.

I wonder if the West Coast teams like USC considered joining the SEC. I doubt it.

SEC started it by poaching Texas and Oklahoma.

10-10 game USC on own 25 with 1:03 left in first half and they are trying to score. PJ would have been getting ready to sprint to the comforts of the locker room. Plus they had two TO’s to burn which rarely is the case with PJ.
The contrast in approach to two minute drill is really something.

USC was 8-5 last year and lost the best player in college football. Now, they are playing even vs. a top SEC team. I think they will finally change the OSU/Michigan dynamic in the B1G - if not this year, it will happen next year.

Apparently, LSU NIL to football players is $20 million.

USC is $11 million, about.

Apparently, LSU NIL to football players is $20 million.

USC is $11 million, about.
I have yet to see a place where I have any faith in the numbers being remotely accurate that are reported. Numbers are thrown around everywhere, and I don't know why we all just take them as accurate.

Maybe I’m hearing things but Herbie seems to be favoring the SEC team.

I don't understand college football rules anymore. If anyone is watching the USC game, LSU just scored on a play where their WR blocked the USC corner into another USC player, before the ball was thrown, resulting in a wide open WR and TD. Not a word mentioned about this. No need to run pick plays when this is allowed.

I don't understand college football rules anymore. If anyone is watching the USC game, LSU just scored on a play where their WR blocked the USC corner into another USC player, before the ball was thrown, resulting in a wide open WR and TD. Not a word mentioned about this. No need to run pick plays when this is allowed.

On an earlier play, the USC received slightly pushed off the LSU cornerback in the endzone. The ball was free to fall into his hands. The cornerback recovered and popped the ball out as he was stepping. In the old NFL that would be called.

Let's not talking about holding -- or when it *ahem* is called and against whom.

I have yet to see a place where I have any faith in the numbers being remotely accurate that are reported. Numbers are thrown around everywhere, and I don't know why we all just take them as accurate.
collectives have started filing tax returns. but they're typically for whole departments.

USC was 8-5 last year and lost the best player in college football. Now, they are playing even vs. a top SEC team. I think they will finally change the OSU/Michigan dynamic in the B1G - if not this year, it will happen next year.
because? The OSU/Michigan dynamic is already going to change because of Oregon and their resources. PSU and USC will contribute to much lesser extent but will occasionally get in there. The game is no longer a duo dynamic because the B10 will get 2-3 teams in every single year so their game now becomes much less important. That said, those 2 will still be higher on the ladder than USC until USC decides they're going to play defense again and being able to stand up on the lines (something Riley struggles with, in part because of his system)

fun fact. USC had won one conference championship in the P12 since 2011.

collectives have started filing tax returns. but they're typically for whole departments.

I think maybe only 20-25% filed for 501(c)(3) status? We’ll have access to the 2023 swarm return later this year and that will be really interesting.

I think maybe only 20-25% filed for 501(c)(3) status? We’ll have access to the 2023 swarm return later this year and that will be really interesting.
dont' know the exact numbers. agreed will be very fascinating to see when the numbers hit for many of them.

because? The OSU/Michigan dynamic is already going to change because of Oregon and their resources.
Oregon benefited from playing in a weak PAC and the fact that USC was thrown into a decade of chaos as a result of Pete Carroll and incompetent coaching hires. On top of that, they had a huge advantage of Nike money in the pre-NIL era. I think OR comes back down to earth hard in the B1G.

The game is no longer a duo dynamic because the B10 will get 2-3 teams in every single year so their game now becomes much less important.
For me, I really don't care about who wins the NC through the new playoffs because I know it will not be the Gophers. I only care about who wins the B1G. In that, I suspect we will finally have competition for OSU/UM and I think USC is way better positioned in this new era of football.

LSU decided to play some shitty defense down the stretch here.

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