USA Today: Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh discusses coronavirus in interview, shifts conversation to abortion


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Nov 11, 2008
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per USA Today:

In his first public comments since the COVID-19 outbreak began, Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh discussed the potential resumption of sports during a Saturday podcast interview with Jay Nordlinger, a childhood friend and senior editor of the National Review.

Harbaugh led off by discussing the effect of the coronavirus on sports, saying "it's good to hope" that sports will return. But near the end of the interview, Harbaugh went from talking about sports to sharing his views on abortion.

"Even now, as we all go through what we're going through with COVID-19, I see people more concerned about others," Harbaugh said. "More prayerful. As I said, God has virtually stopped the world from spinning. I don't think it's coincidence — my personal feeling, living a faith-based life, this is a message or this is something that should be a time where we grow on our faith for reverence and respect for God. You see people taking more of a view of sanctity of life. And I hope that can continue. I hope that continues and not just in this time of crisis or pandemic.

"And lastly, abortion, we talk about sanctity of life, yet we live in a society that aborts babies. There can't be anything more horrendous."

Go Gophers!!

This was not a trick question where Harbaugh can say was misquoted. He went out of his way to bring this up.
I'm okay with coaches sharing their personal beliefs, especially in this type of setting.
I'll expect Harbaugh to get some heat and that is okay.
On the flipside, coaches like Popovich and Kerr go out of their way to criticize the POTUS and don't seem to get told to stay in their lane.

This was not a trick question where Harbaugh can say was misquoted. He went out of his way to bring this up.
I'm okay with coaches sharing their personal beliefs, especially in this type of setting.
I'll expect Harbaugh to get some heat and that is okay.
On the flipside, coaches like Popovich and Kerr go out of their way to criticize the POTUS and don't seem to get told to stay in their lane.
Agree with everything you say here.
We can’t live in a society where respectfully sharing your views causes you to become an outcast

per USA Today:

In his first public comments since the COVID-19 outbreak began, Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh discussed the potential resumption of sports during a Saturday podcast interview with Jay Nordlinger, a childhood friend and senior editor of the National Review.

Harbaugh led off by discussing the effect of the coronavirus on sports, saying "it's good to hope" that sports will return. But near the end of the interview, Harbaugh went from talking about sports to sharing his views on abortion.

"Even now, as we all go through what we're going through with COVID-19, I see people more concerned about others," Harbaugh said. "More prayerful. As I said, God has virtually stopped the world from spinning. I don't think it's coincidence — my personal feeling, living a faith-based life, this is a message or this is something that should be a time where we grow on our faith for reverence and respect for God. You see people taking more of a view of sanctity of life. And I hope that can continue. I hope that continues and not just in this time of crisis or pandemic.

"And lastly, abortion, we talk about sanctity of life, yet we live in a society that aborts babies. There can't be anything more horrendous."

Go Gophers!!

per USA Today:

In his first public comments since the COVID-19 outbreak began, Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh discussed the potential resumption of sports during a Saturday podcast interview with Jay Nordlinger, a childhood friend and senior editor of the National Review.

Harbaugh led off by discussing the effect of the coronavirus on sports, saying "it's good to hope" that sports will return. But near the end of the interview, Harbaugh went from talking about sports to sharing his views on abortion.

"Even now, as we all go through what we're going through with COVID-19, I see people more concerned about others," Harbaugh said. "More prayerful. As I said, God has virtually stopped the world from spinning. I don't think it's coincidence — my personal feeling, living a faith-based life, this is a message or this is something that should be a time where we grow on our faith for reverence and respect for God. You see people taking more of a view of sanctity of life. And I hope that can continue. I hope that continues and not just in this time of crisis or pandemic.

"And lastly, abortion, we talk about sanctity of life, yet we live in a society that aborts babies. There can't be anything more horrendous."

Go Gophers!!

All the players, coaches, ADs, etc should be free to give their opinion and speak their mind about their personal convictions on any topic. They also should understand that some of their fans, donors, bosses won't agree with them and might give them hell about it. College sports are a marketing organization for the universities and they need to understand that their opinions and actions will be scrutinized by both outside media and fans and their internal organizations too.

As of 9:44 am Easter morning per
World wide deaths.
Abortions 11,919,676
Seanad flu 136,376
Covid 110,827
When you're quoting a source, represent what is stated there accurately please. Abortions are not categorized on as "deaths".

When you're quoting a source, represent what is stated there accurately please. Abortions are not categorized on as "deaths".

That's amazing to me because tearing a babies arms, legs, and head off seems like death to me.

Maybe I'm thinking too scientifically on that.

Harbaugh just went up 100 points in my book.

Well that brought the misogynist, patriarchal Holy Rollers to crawl out from under their rocks.
I hope they go back under quickly and leave their comments on the Evangelical church bulletin next to the announcements on the time of the next snake handling and the lecture about proof that evolution is a myth and not on a sports site.

Well that brought the misogynist, patriarchal Holy Rollers to crawl out from under their rocks.
I hope they go back under quickly and leave their comments on the Evangelical church bulletin next to the announcements on the time of the next snake handling and the lecture about proof that evolution is a myth and not on a sports site.

Do they tear the head off first, then the arms, and then the legs?

Or is it arms, legs, then head? I can never remember!

And when you were in womb, which order would you have preferred?
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Oh boy, hackles will stand up over this. Harbaugh wading into politics and the legalities of women’s rights will be polarizing especially in a place like AA.

It is an inconvenient truth that fetal abortion is usually a matter of convenience for oops conceptions. Having an unwanted child is a burden in many ways. The morality of it particularly beyond a certain gestational age is...very debatable. When opponents point this out then the argument is turned around - does society support and prepare for success a (stereotypical) single, unwed, less educated mother and their child, or turn a cold shoulder. It’s ugly all around, and complicated. Scientific, moral, legal questions.

Harbaugh has a right to his opinion and I suspect many people can see both sides. The vocal detractors are papering over some pretty significant morality questions and will resort to defensive name calling. Can we simply agree to disagree about certain things? Dumb question...

Oh boy, hackles will stand up over this. Harbaugh wading into politics and the legalities of women’s rights will be polarizing especially in a place like AA.

It is an inconvenient truth that fetal abortion is usually a matter of convenience for oops conceptions. Having an unwanted child is a burden in many ways. The morality of it particularly beyond a certain gestational age is...very debatable. When opponents point this out then the argument is turned around - does society support and prepare for success a (stereotypical) single, unwed, less educated mother and their child, or turn a cold shoulder. It’s ugly all around, and complicated. Scientific, moral, legal questions.

Harbaugh has a right to his opinion and I suspect many people can see both sides. The vocal detractors are papering over some pretty significant morality questions and will resort to defensive name calling. Can we simply agree to disagree about certain things? Dumb question...

Here is the way it is supposed to work.

A poster posts an article about Harbaugh talking virus and then shifting it to abortion.

Those who mock Harbaugh on this should post(not only here but anywhere in the media), and those against should stay quiet.

It's pretty cut and dried how you are supposed to think on this.

I think you are patriarchal holy rollers if you do post on it. Talk about having your mind programmed by the media! Good grief!

Another off topic subject on the football board. I wish somehow we could direct all the off topics to the off topic board. It's gotten pretty ridiculous over here.

What's Harbaugh's email address? I'd like to thank him for his scientific observations.
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Another off topic subject on the football board. I wish somehow we could direct all the off topics to the off topic board. It's gotten pretty ridiculous over here.

Even more ridiculous is you clicked on an obvious off topic!

It's called pro-choice. Your choice is to either click on it or ignore it.

How is it off topic by the way? Harbaugh is one of the most recognized coaches in America. Next someone will post a thread of Fleck telling us to stay strong and we'll all get through this........oh, wait

I shouldn't do this but I'm in a bad mood.

I would be fine with outlawing abortion with one condition.

that the entire cost of raising the non-aborted baby from birth to adulthood be covered by donations from the pro-life community. You want to force that woman to give birth to that baby, then you pay for it.

Or, if the woman puts the child up for adoption, that the pro-life community guarantees the child will be adopted and the woman is reimbursed for all expenses related to the pregnancy and delivery.

it's easy to support a position in abstract when you don't have to deal with any of the consequences.

I shouldn't do this but I'm in a bad mood.

I would be fine with outlawing abortion with one condition.

that the entire cost of raising the non-aborted baby from birth to adulthood be covered by donations from the pro-life community. You want to force that woman to give birth to that baby, then you pay for it.

Or, if the woman puts the child up for adoption, that the pro-life community guarantees the child will be adopted and the woman is reimbursed for all expenses related to the pregnancy and delivery.

it's easy to support a position in abstract when you don't have to deal with any of the consequences.

A human life projected in $$$

How much money was your life worth, sir?

Also, my tax dollars go to fund abortion, and you are fine with that, making your whole argument a laughing stock.

But seriously, how much was your life worth?

And seriously, how dumb to you have to be in this day and age to get pregnant if you don't want too? Seriously, how dumb do you have to be? Lets spend some of your money educating those idiots who get pregnant when they don't want it, and then they won't have to use my money for the abortion.
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I shouldn't do this but I'm in a bad mood.

I would be fine with outlawing abortion with one condition.

that the entire cost of raising the non-aborted baby from birth to adulthood be covered by donations from the pro-life community. You want to force that woman to give birth to that baby, then you pay for it.

Or, if the woman puts the child up for adoption, that the pro-life community guarantees the child will be adopted and the woman is reimbursed for all expenses related to the pregnancy and delivery.

it's easy to support a position in abstract when you don't have to deal with any of the consequences.

Like it or not the Supreme Court ruled that is a woman's right to have an abortion. It is the law of the land.
Those tearing limb from limb procedures are medical necessities not convenience . And that is a fact.
In any event when life begins is an opinion and not a fact and no one particularly men have any right to say their opinion is the only valid one.
This is all becoming moot because the oral abortiofacients are cheap, nearly 100 % effective in the first few months and are taken at home.
And my mind has not been programmed by the media to call the anti choice zealots patriarchal misogynists because the most rabid are men, anti science and very "religious". My opinion was formed by observation and experience.
But my basic point is this issue does not belong on this board. It is fought out in the courts and at the ballot box.

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