UPDATED 12/18: UW reportedly hires Gary Andersen with career 30-31 record

I think this entire message board is destined to always trend toward ripping its favorite team and the people that represent it into oblivion. A worst case situation can be unearthed from any angle, and it always is. Where else can you see a full out discussion asking if the current coach is cut out for the job and may have health issues that would scare away recruits, followed closely by a new thread to discuss the possibility of the same coach being lured away to a rival program? I realize most people are calling the Fargo Flash's fear out for what it is... silly, but in the end I sure hope no recruits ever check in to see this website and the low down, inferiority complex driven opinions of the program's "greatest fans."

This is a huge IF.....but if Kill were to leave, does that mean AJ Barker comes back? Now that would be a circus. Sorry, couldn't resist making the thread even more controversial, hehe.

On the serious side, I'm with Gopherprof, say no other coach pans out and they offer to substantially increase Kill's salary....then it becomes serious food for thought for Kill and there is a good chance he could be gone, wouldn't you if you could double your salary and land at one of the top programs in the B10, both in terms of recent success and fan support?

I'd expect WI to have its choice from a long list of qualified candidates. Highly successful program of late, rabid fans, no pro sports in town to compete with -- a perfect situation for a coach with a well-developed ego. WI will have an easy time filling this vacancy.


I'd expect WI to have its choice from a long list of qualified candidates. Highly successful program of late, rabid fans, no pro sports in town to compete with -- a perfect situation for a coach with a well-developed ego. WI will have an easy time filling this vacancy.

You might be right, but I disagree wisconsin will have an easy time getting an established coach. That will be true if it is a guy whose dream it is to coach there. But the program can only go down. They are not going to four straight Rose Bowls. Urban scares the crap out of any Wisconsin candidate. Penn State will be off probation eventually. Whoever you are you in the shadow of Barry Alvarez. The facilities are below Minnesota's according to ESPN. Their recruiting base is only a step above ours.

Rumor is that Bert was gone after the Rose Bowl anyway. A wisconsin newspaper poll had 66% happy he was leaving. This after putting 70 on Nebraska. Someone with choices ain't going to wisconsin.


IMO Bohl to Wisconsin makes a lot a sense. I will be floored if Chryst in not offered the job.
Yeah, that is a hire I really hope doesn't happen because while no one likes NDSU, I can't deny that they are a fantastically coached team and I think his style of play fits perfect with what Wisconsin wants to do

Good point but as usual many here have missed the real reason why Jerry isn't moving. Rebecca has told him she isn't so I expect that Jerry isn't either. Also Jerry has said many times that he is too old to go through this again, i.e turning a program around.

But I like the fact that as usual our GopherHole posters are now arguing about whether Jerry Kill will leave or not. Ah, the life of a GopherHole poster is not an easy one but it sure is bipolar.

+1 Like Mason's wife, I doubt Mrs. Kill would want to relocate to Madison. This is based on comments I've heard via media and jokingly by Coach Kill.

+1 Like Mason's wife, I doubt Mrs. Kill would want to relocate to Madison. This is based on comments I've heard via media and jokingly by Coach Kill.

Please tell me this all sarcasm and no one actually believes that Kill's wife would block him going to another school. People aren't really that blind to the reality of life as a college coach or coaches wife are they? If Kill gets to the point where a school presents him with a chance to upgrade his salary yet again there is little to no doubt in my mind he will say yes.

Obviously Beilema knew he was being pushed out the door by the Wiscy brass because Wiscy wanted Kill so he grabbed the first offer that came his way and now he is stuck in Arkansas. Because he had figured Wiscy would wait until Kill's bowl game was over before making the announcement of the coaching change, Bielema thought he could still coach in this year's Rose Bowl. But as soon as he saw the Gophers were playing December 28th in Houston and not January 1st in Dallas Bielema knew he was going to get canned prior to the Rose Bowl game kickoff. He made his move just in time. Saban now worried he HAS to win the National Championship game or he will be on the hot seat, possibly replaced by Kill in 2014.

Wake up people! If Wiscy is going to grab a B10 coach there is one and only one guy they would possibly go after and he currently wears and bleeds purple.

Bobby Petrino to coach Wisky?..............

Sure would be fun to watch that dog and pony show!! Ha! Go Gophers!!:cry::clap:

What are you talking about? Where is this being reported?

I also hope that Stanford kicks the living hell out of Bucky in the Rose Bowl!! Go Gophers!!

Chad Greenway said to start drinking Saturday night, not Thursday night.

This baffles me that you would not root for your own conference in bowl games.

Everybody but Wisconsin. I begrudgingly pull for the rest to win as it lifts the Big Ten's image, and I used to root against Iowa but my in-laws are all hog fans so I keep it respectful and smile if they win. But even though Wisconsin, the 6th best team in the B10, beating Stanford would be a huge boost to the B10's profile, I just can't root for them to win, ever. Especially in a Rose Bowl.

Do you honestly want LSU to win a bowl game?

This baffles me that you would not root for your own conference in bowl games.

In general I think people here cheer for the Big Ten to do well but when it comes to Wisconsin and to a lesser degree Iowa it is just next to impossible for most of us to wish for anything good to happen to those aholes.

This baffles me that you would not root for your own conference in bowl games.

It baffles me that you would actually root for Bucky. Also, the Big Ten is not the Big Ten anymore by adding Rutgers and Maryland. Just a Megaconfrence.

In general I think people here cheer for the Big Ten to do well but when it comes to Wisconsin and to a lesser degree Iowa it is just next to impossible for most of us to wish for anything good to happen to those aholes.


This baffles me that you would not root for your own conference in bowl games.

It baffles me that fans of teams in the SEC take such pride in the success of their biggest rivals. I keep waiting for someone to explain to me why Wisconsin being successful helps Minnesota, keeping in mind that what ESPN talking heads say about the Big Ten is not a valid reason. I really don't care whether Purdue wins their bowl game, but I hope Stanford beats Wisconsin by 90.

I normally go for any Big Ten team come bowl season, even Becky. However, they don't deserve to be in the Rose Bowl at all this year, and I hope Stanford shows the nation exactly that. I hate Becky more than any other team, in any sport, and I hope they get embarrassed. Besides, the perception of the Big Ten won't change much even if the bad guys find a way to win.

Wisconsin is the one team in the conference I will no matter what never root for. Occasionally I will root for Iowa...when they are playing Wisconsin.

I wonder if I will hate them less, without Butt Bulimia behind the wheel? Doubtful, yet possible, if only slightly less. At any rate, go Stanford.

This comes up every year. Nobody is going to change their opinion on this based on a message board thread. For what it is worth, I always pull for B1G victories in bowls and non con games. For me, I hate to see the B1G bashing and when I see articles about how Ohio State wouldn't be in the NC game even if they were not on sanctions - I see it as evidence this conference needs as many victories as it can get. It is easy to say "Does a Wisconsin victory make Minnesota better?" What is harder to say is just how damaging poor conference performance in bowls is in the long run for everyone.

Oh Lord, please make this happen, please make this happen, please make this happen, please make this happen . . . .

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