UPDATED 12/18: UW reportedly hires Gary Andersen with career 30-31 record

So Wisconsin....a program that is going to the Rose Bowl....again, is going to hire Jerry Kill who is 9-15 overall, 4-12 conference with the #12 ranked recruiting class in the conference to come run their program? Alvarez may respect Kill but that would be a really tough sell to the fan base/boosters. I know a lot of people here feel Kill is god's gift to football but he is going to have to do a lot better than he has done to date in order to get top job offers or even fringe top job offers like what Wisconsin would be considered at this point.

We don't need to worry about Kill getting hired away by one of the big boys at this point. Those
days will come down the line if he starts winning here consistently.

Finally...a voice of reason. Folks need not worry; no BCS program will be hiring ou coach away from us.

IMO Bohl to Wisconsin makes a lot a sense. I will be floored if Chryst in not offered the job.

Chryst will not return unless Alvarez is gone as well. Chryst was betrayed by Alvarez when Bubby elevated Butthead to HC in 2006. If Chryst had not been a Madison native, he would have left years ago.

I also don't think he'll want to deal with the NCAA sanctions...;)

It's more likely that Kill becomes a Chippendale's Dancer than the coach at Wisconsin.

He was just on KFAN and said he heard a little buzz this could be a possibility and cited Alvarez's great respect for Kill due to N. Illinois playing WI so tough when Kill coached there. The thing that worries me is Kill has been known to job hop if he gets a better offer and there was that mysterious period there last week when no one had heard from Kill. You'd hope there is something in his contract not allowing a jump to another B10 school. It is considered a better job though so this does have me worried, I even told a co-worker at work yesterday before Fargo Flash said this that it had me worried. I hope Kill stays but I could see how he'd be tempted.

There is an unwritten rule in B10 football, that you do not hire from another B-10 school. There may be exceptions but I can't think of any. I also beleive that was one of the reasons Mason did not get the Ohio State job. We did back in the early 50s hire the Ohio State coach but I think there was a hiatus between the two jobs.

Chryst will not return unless Alvarez is gone as well. Chryst was betrayed by Alvarez when Bubby elevated Butthead to HC in 2006. If Chryst had not been a Madison native, he would have left years ago.
I also don't think he'll want to deal with the NCAA sanctions...;)

I'd be pretty surprised if that was true. Chryst could have gone to a number of different schools in an OC role after BB was hired at Wisconsin, he stayed on for 6 years as Bert's OC. I guess you can make the argument that he only stayed because of location but that seems odd for a guy who traveled all over the country for work prior to his 1 year at WI before BB got the job.

There is an unwritten rule in B10 football, that you do not hire from another B-10 school. There may be exceptions but I can't think of any. I also beleive that was one of the reasons Mason did not get the Ohio State job. We did back in the early 50s hire the Ohio State coach but I think there was a hiatus between the two jobs.

I think if Wisconsin wanted Kill they wouldn't let an unwritten rule stop them although you are correct that it is very rare to see a head coach go directly from one Big Ten school to another. In this particular case if Wisconsin wanted Kill it would be a legitimate concern of course the reason this whole discussion is stupid is because there is not a chance in hell they want him.

If Barry were to make a list of his top 25 prospects I would be shocked if Kill's name was even on that list.

Instead of this wild BS story why not check out flights to Houston so you can support Kill and the team. Just saying....

+1. that sounds like a much better idea to me. i knew ruppert would chime in with some logic.

this has to be one of the dumber threads ever started on gopherhole. come on man!

I may the minority on gopherhole but I wouldn't be upset if kill went to Wisconsin. I guess I feel we need a coach that will stick around like kill but I would like a coach that promotes the program to make it cool because IMO kill isn't that guy. If he wins that's great but i still don't think he makes the program "cool" so our in state kids dream of playing here

I may the minority on gopherhole but I wouldn't be upset if kill went to Wisconsin. I guess I feel we need a coach that will stick around like kill but I would like a coach that promotes the program to make it cool because IMO kill isn't that guy. If he wins that's great but i still don't think he makes the program "cool" so our in state kids dream of playing here

Um. k.

Stability rules in college football. Tim Brewster was a perfect example of a fast talking "cool" coach.
Every year we keep Kill and the coaches here building with the same systems while other programs falter and go through turnover is another year we gain ground, including the bigger programs.
It doesn't make sense that Kill would be considered or accept, BUT we should all hope he isn't and won't because whatever turmoil wisky goes through is a direct boon to our program and it's future.

Um. k.

Stability rules in college football. Tim Brewster was a perfect example of a fast talking "cool" coach.
Every year we keep Kill and the coaches here building with the same systems while other programs falter and go through turnover is another year we gain ground, including the bigger programs.
It doesn't make sense that Kill would be considered or accept, BUT we should all hope he isn't and won't because whatever turmoil wisky goes through is a direct boon to our program and it's future.

I just don't think kill is the second coming of Jesus like many on this board. He will get us to 6-7 wins a year but I don't think he Wil take us over that, time will tell I hope I'm wrong. I will be more than happy to admit that I'm wrong when we make the rosé bowl;)

I just don't think kill is the second coming of Jesus like many on this board. He will get us to 6-7 wins a year but I don't think he Wil take us over that, time will tell I hope I'm wrong. I will be more than happy to admit that I'm wrong when we make the rosé bowl;)

Well that's what we had with Mase. And when the alternative is a Slick Rick who can lead us to multiple 2-3 win seasons (and we've had more than one here geezo beezo), I'll take 6 wins and a bowl game. What we need is stability, and if nothing else, this coaching staff has given us that. Time for us to shut up and enjoy that.

This thread is quickly becoming stupider. Stop it up before we hit Arkansas status.

Well that's what we had with Mase. And when the alternative is a Slick Rick who can lead us to multiple 2-3 win seasons (and we've had more than one here geezo beezo), I'll take 6 wins and a bowl game. What we need is stability, and if nothing else, this coaching staff has given us that. Time for us to shut up and enjoy that.

I will take it for now but if its still the same in 5 yrs I will be really disappointed

I just don't think kill is the second coming of Jesus like many on this board. He will get us to 6-7 wins a year but I don't think he Wil take us over that, time will tell I hope I'm wrong. I will be more than happy to admit that I'm wrong when we make the rosé bowl;)

That's fine, but his leaving at this point in the season would be so incredibly damaging to our rebuilding program it would devastate any progress made.

I see Kill's ceiling here higher than you, but the stability he's brought gives us a chance to build towards bigger and better things.
IF and it's a big IF, he were to go to sconnie at this point we'd be sunk, absolutely sunk as a program.

I'll even say if we were to lose a coordinator or several position coaches it would hurt badly.

There is an unwritten rule in B10 football, that you do not hire from another B-10 school. There may be exceptions but I can't think of any.

Benedict Hamhock

Personally I think we'll better off with Kill than without him. He's not perfect, but if given the resources I thin he can be more than a 6-7 win football coach. Maybe not every year, but we'll get out shots. Mase got us within a down of the Rose Bowl in 1999 and 2003 - 2005 were pretty competitive years for this team. We came up short, he loused up a couple of games or whatever you think, it's better than anything Brew accomplished with all his false promises.

There is an unwritten rule in B10 football, that you do not hire from another B-10 school. There may be exceptions but I can't think of any. I also beleive that was one of the reasons Mason did not get the Ohio State job. We did back in the early 50s hire the Ohio State coach but I think there was a hiatus between the two jobs.

First, I don't believe Wisconsin is looking at Jerry Kill. That said, I'm not sure that there's an unwritten agreement prohibiting schools from looking at other conference schools for a coach either.

You referenced the hiring of Wes Fesler, OSU alumnus and coach who Minnesota hired after Bierman's retirement. And you're correct, Fesler had retired because of pressure at Columbus and Minnesota officials convinced him to come out of retirement. Nevertheless, there's precedent of coaches leaving for other schools within the conference, i.e. Fritz Crisler left Minnesota for Michigan in the 1930s and John Pont coached at both Indiana and Northwestern. I suspect there are others as well. And we know Michigan State called Mason about their coaching vacancy when he was coaching at Minnesota. So I don't put much stock in the so-called unwritten agreement/rule.

Go Gophers!!

While I agree anything can happen in the messed up world that is college athletics there is not a chance in hell that Wisconsin offers its head job to Jerry Kill unless like in our case everyone else turns them down. He may be a good coach but he is going to have to prove a lot more than he has to date in order for other BCS schools to try and lure him away.

Agreed, but just saying I go back to the day when Notre Dame hired a HC right out of a high school. It didn't make sense, but it happened.

So Wisconsin....a program that is going to the Rose Bowl....again, is going to hire Jerry Kill who is 9-15 overall, 4-12 conference with the #12 ranked recruiting class in the conference to come run their program? Alvarez may respect Kill but that would be a really tough sell to the fan base/boosters. I know a lot of people here feel Kill is god's gift to football but he is going to have to do a lot better than he has done to date in order to get top job offers or even fringe top job offers like what Wisconsin would be considered at this point.

We don't need to worry about Kill getting hired away by one of the big boys at this point. Those days will come down the line if he starts winning here consistently.
This. I think people are a little naive to think that there's no chance Kill would bolt for another job. He currently makes 1.2 million a year; if Wisconsin doubled that you don't think he would at least listen?

The bigger question is why they would do that. The health concerns + lack of success so far in the Big Ten doesn't make him the most immediate candidate to come to mind. Then again, when you're talking about Darrell Bevell as being near the top of the list, Kill might not be a bad option.

This is a huge IF.....but if Kill were to leave, does that mean AJ Barker comes back? Now that would be a circus. Sorry, couldn't resist making the thread even more controversial, hehe.

On the serious side, I'm with Gopherprof, say no other coach pans out and they offer to substantially increase Kill's salary....then it becomes serious food for thought for Kill and there is a good chance he could be gone, wouldn't you if you could double your salary and land at one of the top programs in the B10, both in terms of recent success and fan support?

This. I think people are a little naive to think that there's no chance Kill would bolt for another job. He currently makes 1.2 million a year; if Wisconsin doubled that you don't think he would at least listen?

The bigger question is why they would do that. The health concerns + lack of success so far in the Big Ten doesn't make him the most immediate candidate to come to mind. Then again, when you're talking about Darrell Bevell as being near the top of the list, Kill might not be a bad option.

I agree that the people that think he wouldn't jump ship for more money are nuts. Kill will say all the right things about his longterm plans right now becasue those opportunities don't exist but if the time comes that he is winning consistently here and the big schools come calling with money the U of M can't/won't match you can bet your ass he will do to us exactly what he did to NIU. It is just the way of the world in college coaching. Very few coaches will turn down down a payday. Peterson at Boise State may be one of the few out there right now.

Peterson makes 2 mil a year. Granted, he could probably make closer to 4, but it's not like he isn't getting paid.

Agreed, but just saying I go back to the day when Notre Dame hired a HC right out of a high school. It didn't make sense, but it happened.

Good point Bad. Probably a better chance of Mike Grant coaching Bucky than Jerry Kill.

Peterson makes 2 mil a year. Granted, he could probably make closer to 4, but it's not like he isn't getting paid.

Exactly. He is one of the few that has decided he has it really damn good where he is at and although he could chase the money and make more money somewhere else he has chosen to stay put at Boise and work on keeping things going there in a place where he has limited media scrutiny and awesome job security.

There are very few other coaches that would turn down more money from someone else in order to stay put.


First, I don't believe Wisconsin is looking at Jerry Kill. That said, I'm not sure that there's an unwritten agreement prohibiting schools from looking at other conference schools for a coach either.

You referenced the hiring of Wes Fesler, OSU alumnus and coach who Minnesota hired after Bierman's retirement. And you're correct, Fesler had retired because of pressure at Columbus and Minnesota officials convinced him to come out of retirement. Nevertheless, there's precedent of coaches leaving for other schools within the conference, i.e. Fritz Crisler left Minnesota for Michigan in the 1930s and John Pont coached at both Indiana and Northwestern. I suspect there are others as well. And we know Michigan State called Mason about their coaching vacancy when he was coaching at Minnesota. So I don't put much stock in the so-called unwritten agreement/rule.

Go Gophers!!

I think that rule is in the same section as the rule you don't tamper with with another school's verbal recruit per Bret. Oh excuse me, that no longer applies since Bret is gone.

Maybe the Flash was having a little bit of fun? I think it's funny and let's the Badgers fans know that they are now the ones looking for a coach.

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