Tyrone Carter: I'm done with U of M unless Kaler and Coyle get fired

Not necessarily. But if a poster dismisses the report without r eference to the specific parts of the the report that have flawa, It gives the impression the poster hasn't read the report from beginning and has very little knowledge about what is actually in it. And if that is true, it will force many people to conclude that the is ignoring the contents of the report because they are not particularly bothered that U students are gang raped for Gopher football papers.

Brilliant. Again, painting anyone that disagrees with you as saying the players did no wrong. Never mind if that person is on record here saying multiple times, to you even, that isn't the case. Throwing out things you know aren't true (I have posted the flaws of the report so many times, again to you, on here) to push your point. You never once respond to anything that calls you out for your "just the facts" quest or these lies and just continue to do it. You are perhaps the worst type of person in the world - ignorant as all hell and you don't even realize it. You think you are noble but are actually the problem with society. You are very sad and a bad person. Cheers tool.

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This is rich. The white cops do basically jack squat in terms of investigating this assault, the black administrator hands down penalties, and it's still "brothers can't catch a break."

Look, you deserve a break since your son is technically the last Gopher player to touch the Axe, but putting a racial spin on this is ridiculous.

Seriously, you're claiming that law enforcement did not investigate this alleged assault because of race? Quite possible one of the worst posts that I've ever read here.

This is rich. The white cops do basically jack squat in terms of investigating this assault, the black administrator hands down penalties, and it's still "brothers can't catch a break."

Look, you deserve a break since your son is technically the last Gopher player to touch the Axe, but putting a racial spin on this is ridiculous.

+1000. Is this Sportsfan24 dude for real? He's everything why the black community culture sinks deeper and deeper into the swamp.

Brilliant. Again, painting anyone that disagrees with you as saying the players did no wrong. Never mind if that person is on record here saying multiple times, to you even, that isn't the case. Throwing out things you know aren't true (I have posted the flaws of the report so many times, again to you, on here) to push your point. You never once respond to anything that calls you out for your "just the facts" quest or these lies and just continue to do it. You are perhaps the worst type of person in the world - ignorant as all hell and you don't even realize it. You think you are noble but are actually the problem with society. You are very sad and a bad person. Cheers tool.

Let me say it: I don't believe you have actually read the complete report. I don't think you have clue about it. You are nothing more than a Gopher football fanboy with your nose stuck up the assholes of every player on the team.

Let me say it: I don't believe you have actually read the complete report. I don't think you have clue about it. You are nothing more than a Gopher football fanboy.

Well, wrong again. Very surprising.
You shouldn't have dropped out of high school.

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First of all, if there is such a pattern of white women claiming rape after having sex with black men, then perhaps black men should stop having sex with white women. Seems simple enough to me.

Second, regarding suspension of the girl for having consensual group sex, why would she be? No one else has been.

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Again real talk? As to the first question, I most definitely have that conversation (little secret, that conversation is quite common.....and usually ignored.) Why? As atheletes on campus there is ALWAYS one available and in your face ready to provide car rides, liquor, money and sex. Because I played and experienced this as well, I knew the potential for disaster so I most definitely talked about. Dropping my son and another player off for summer practice and conditioning their first year on the ride east I told both of them when not IF but when they walk into a room and their are multiple people having sex leave, don't hang around, leave...immediately. The same thing for any sex but especially group sex. Less than one year later Dom Jones situation occurred and they thought I was Nostradamus. I wasn't, group sex/trains are a frequent occurance in college.

Female student and suspension? Hell we don't even know her name so I doubt she has been suspended....being a "victim" and all.

+1000. Is this Sportsfan24 dude for real? He's everything why the black community culture sinks deeper and deeper into the swamp.

Yeah I know what you mean....all that free thinking and stating my opinions. If I want to help make Merica great again I should learn to stay in my place.......I'm going to say no to that, but thanks for your concern for the black community.

Yeah I know what you mean....all that free thinking and stating my opinions. If I want to help make Merica great again I should learn to stay in my place.......I'm going to say no to that, but thanks for your concern for the black community.

Yep, bros will be bros. It's someone else's fault. Always.

Again real talk? As to the first question, I most definitely have that conversation (little secret, that conversation is quite common.....and usually ignored.) Why? As atheletes on campus there is ALWAYS one available and in your face ready to provide car rides, liquor, money and sex. Because I played and experienced this as well, I knew the potential for disaster so I most definitely talked about. Dropping my son and another player off for summer practice and conditioning their first year on the ride east I told both of them when not IF but when they walk into a room and their are multiple people having sex leave, don't hang around, leave...immediately. The same thing for any sex but especially group sex. Less than one year later Dom Jones situation occurred and they thought I was Nostradamus. I wasn't, group sex/trains are a frequent occurance in college.

Female student and suspension? Hell we don't even know her name so I doubt she has been suspended....being a "victim" and all.

I like you, Sportsfan. You are one of the best posters in GopherHole. But everyone who has gone to college during the last 40 years knows there is a huge amount of sex that happens in college. You have to stop bragging about how much money you make and how much sex you had in college. It isn't serving you well. There are plenty of posters on this board who make a lot of money and had a lot of sex in college.

The fact that group sex/trains happen a lot in college has no relevance about whether or not the girl consented to the sex from start to finish. I believe most posters agree that it was consensual with the first two guys through the door but there is evidence provided by at least one of the players that she said she wanted it to stop later on. And it didnt. If that is true then she was raped by one or more of the players. Will you acknowlege even that much?

Yep, bros will be bros. It's someone else's fault. Always.

I noted the sarcasm but choose to respond for others who who read this. They all should be held responsible, bro's and princesses. Their collective behavior put the U in a bad light....there are no victims.

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I noted the sarcasm but choose to respond for others who who read this. They all should be held responsible, bro's and princesses. Their collective behavior put the U in a bad light....there are no victims.

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Agree 100%. The woman is certainly no victim in this case.

I like you, Sportsfan. You are one of the best posters in GopherHole. But you have to stop bragging about how much money you make and how much sex you had in college. It isn't serving you well. There are plenty of posters on this board who make a lot of money and had a lot of sex in college.

The fact that group sex/trains happen a lot in college has no relevance about whether or not the girl consented to the sex from start to finish. I believe most posters agree that it was consensual with the first two guys through the door but there is evidence provided by at least one of the players that she said she wanted it to stop later on. And it didnt. If that is true then she was raped by one or more of the players.

Dude, I had sex with one women in college and have never opined on how much money I make. I have only pointed out I don't fit the stereotype some would like to place me in at times (would you like to see some pictures...I just got back from two weeks at my home in the Caribbean) but I have never bragged about money?

With that out of the way let's talk about what I actually said; your thoughts on groupie ochie?

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2. If you get drunk around a man you may very well wake up with penis breath. It's wrong...... but your breath still smells like penis.

Sounds like Sportsfan24 needs to carry breath mints.


You are wrong for that! Well played sir.

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Dude, I had sex with one women in college and have never opined on how much money I make. I have only pointed out I don't fit the stereotype some would like to place me in at times (would you like to see some pictures...I just got back from two weeks at my home in the Caribbean) but I have never bragged about money?

With that out of the way let's talk about what I actually said; your thoughts on groupie ochie?

I withraw my comments about your college sex life unless you were posting about all the sex you were having with your girlfriend. I will give you my thoughts on groupie ochie (whatever that is) if you give me your thoughts on the evidence in the EOAA report that states the sex was consensual with the first couple of guys but at some point after that she said she wanted it to stop. The report states that at least one player heard her say it.

Dude, the victim is doing just fine. Her name has never been mentioned and hopefully she's stopped doing vodka shots.
There are ten African American men whose names and pictures are plastered all over and not one of them is convicted of a crime. This entire charade has been a social media lynching of black men and you don't think they are victims at all. Go ahead and cheer the electronic lynching, but I'm not joining you.

Not any longer ... Carter tweeted a transcript of the cross-examination of the victim. Her name is on it, so now it's finally out there...

So if u get drunk around a man you may wake up with penis breath??? Seriously?? So r u saying if u get drunk around another person you should expect to get raped and it would be your fault? Kind of sounds like that is what u r saying.

Stop trying to excuse what these guys did by blaming her. She bears a minimal amount of responsibility here. I admit, she should have know better than to go out drinking with them, but her being drunk doesn't give them the green light. The fact that she was drunk should have been a huge red flag for the guys. Each of them had a choice to make. They chose poorly.

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I think I was rather succinct. You can be a "victim" but you still had a penis in your mouth. Why not do everything you can to not have a unwanted penis in your mouth. Also, wanting a penis in your mouth last night but regretting it the next day should not constitute rape because you were drunk.

Rob a bank while drunk and try telling the judge you were drunk but the guys you were with weren't so it's their fault. Drunk women = victim. Drunk man = rapists? Sober man, drunk women = sober man rapist? Sober woman, drunk man = nothing?

The players did nothing worst or better than what she did. They all should be held accountable. And we should start having real conversations with our daughters instead of making them victims and unaccountable for their actions.

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Why is Tyrone Carter so invested in this? Why does he have the documents?

Real talk and all political correctness aside; a many a brother has been jailed or lynched for messing with white girls.

Also real talk; we are doing our young ladies a disservice if we continue to teach them there are no consequences for their actions.

1. If you hit a man you should expect to get hit by a man (although dad will still kill them).

2. If you get drunk around a man you may very well wake up with penis breath. It's wrong...... but your breath still smells like penis.

As the father of 3 college graduates; two daughters and one son (college football player). I told the girls group sex will get you kicked out of the family plus it makes you ugly and your hair fall out, stay with your girlfriends at parties, for the love of god don't get drunk (and why...penis breath) and never leave your drink unattended.

I told my son group sex is gross (unless you have the only penis then it's good) never ever sleep with a drunk girl, treat women like you want men to treat your sisters.

I told all three, assume everything you do will become public....are you comfortable with that? And most importantly use condoms and until you are married tell dad you are still a virgin (except for my son.....I'm chauvinistic that way).

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You're right......and most GHers won't be able to handle this kind of honesty.

As a man, I tend to judge other men harshly. Anyone that's been out in the world as you have (and I), know there are pitfalls and traps everywhere. If someone doesn't have the sense to avoid them, then it's just a matter of time until they crash and burn and I can't save them, and I won't feel sorry for them. "Technically", the woman should have known not to drink, go out and screw, and expect things not to get out of hand. Realistically, the men should have been smart/worldly enough not to fall into this trap and they'll get no sympathy from me.

stupid + stupid = 2 x stupid

I think (hope) his penis breath meaning was more universal in connotation: Like if a woman and I get drunk together, there's a greater chance of wish we didn'ts.

You give me far to much credit, I meant big ole stinky penis in your mouth (literally).

Who teaches their child to only look at the light and not both ways to see if a car is coming when crossing a intersection? Who teaches their child to not lock the house when leaving because it's wrong for someone to enter a house that's not theirs. Who teaches their child to to not fight back when punched because hitting is wrong? Who teaches their child to walk with their money in their hand because nobody will take it from or should they drop it the finder will look for them because it's wrong not too. Who teaches their daughters that unwanted sex can't be a consequence of being drunk....not me. Keep in mind I don't agree that it is but I choose to deal in reality.

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Just think if there wasn't a video of the consensual sex? There would be 5 guys in jail today. Thank god they recorded it!

Let's start with an easy one. By his own account to the police and to the EOAA, Djam captured and later shared a video of the girl naked and having sex with him and a recruit without her knowledge or consent. Nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images is a violation of Minnesota statute § 617.261. Now can you guess who the victim is?

Want to keep going?

Without her knowledge, you know this how? Supposedly can be seen looking into the camera. Have you seen the video?

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I noted the sarcasm but choose to respond for others who who read this. They all should be held responsible, bro's and princesses. Their collective behavior put the U in a bad light....there are no victims.

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Wrong. The second she said no, stop, etc. it became an assault.

So, the players haven't had a chance to defend themselves in whatever court the university uses yet? At this point I don't care what happens to the football team, I want Kaler fired.

You're right......and most GHers won't be able to handle this kind of honesty.

As a man, I tend to judge other men harshly. Anyone that's been out in the world as you have (and I), know there are pitfalls and traps everywhere. If someone doesn't have the sense to avoid them, then it's just a matter of time until they crash and burn and I can't save them, and I won't feel sorry for them. "Technically", the woman should have known not to drink, go out and screw, and expect things not to get out of hand. Realistically, the men should have been smart/worldly enough not to fall into this trap and they'll get no sympathy from me.

stupid + stupid = 2 x stupid

Well stated. Can't remember who said it but each player has the sole responsibility of protecting his own interest (career). Thinking with the little head vs the big head has been the bane of men throughout history.

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Without her knowledge, you know this how? Supposedly can be seen looking into the camera. Have you seen the video?

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Well deuce 3 cornerstones of the the law viewed the video and they determined not to prosecute.The prosecutor for Hennipen Country has been known to be extremely pro active in prosecuting rape cases.

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