I'm sorry, but I'm still LMAO over how ridiculously over the top stupid Lakes is being in this thread. Bravo sir! You’ve taken you cap lock filled idiocy to new heights! I salute your descent into dementia.
This is so much fun and I'm so burned out after my week that I'm going to waste some time responding to his idiocy...
Oddly enough being pissed off doesn’t exempt you from your troll status. It simply means you are a more annoying and entertaining breed of troll. If you want to earn you 2nd degree troll blackbelt, I'd advise you to post while drunk AND pissed off.
I know its already been discussed but this comment is so asinine and stupid that I’ll say it again. NDSU is not in Minnesota. Being nearby doesn’t count. That’s like saying that UMD should be the University of Wisconsin – Duluth because its right across the border. When did you last visit the University of Minnesota – La Crosse? I hear they have a nice Octoberfest celebration in La Crosse, MN...
Um…again, the answer is no. Do you need someone to show you a map and rub your face in it like it is dogs**t while saying “NO!” for you to get this? Perhaps a hard smack across the nose with a newspaper would help? NDSU is a Minnesota school in every respect except for the fact that it is NOT A MINNESOTA SCHOOL! I hope to god you didn’t grow up in DL. I couldn’t bear the thought that we were educated in the same high school.
Um, no. Haven’t you already been bitching that we don’t play you in football next year either? So small a fact, yet it speaks volumes about how little thought you put into any of your posts. In fact, I’m pretty sure that your posts are simply a new form of outburst caused by your Tourettes Syndrome. I know that DL has a nice clinic and hospital. I also happen to know that both the Thrifty White Drug and Prescription Shop II on Washington Ave would be glad to take your money in exchange for refilling whatever medication you have decided to stop taking.
Again, I am in awe of your brazen attempt to get farther away from reality. Keep up the good work and don't let pesky things like logic, facts, tact, grammer, the ability to turn off caps lock, or common sense stand in your way! Only us silly folks who support the University of North Dakota - Twin Cities Golden Praire Dogs are foolish enough to use those.