Trevor Mbakwe handcuffed and detained last night

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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The worst thing to wake up to is getting messages that Trevor Mbakwe was handcuffed and taken away by the police, but that's what happened to me this morning.

I'm not putting this up as any kind of story - because I haven't heard from his camp yet, so I wouldn't try to jump to conclusions, I'm just reporting what I've heard from a few witnesses - so let's just wait for the facts to come out, but wanted to share what I had have.

He got arrested last night, around 2am outside The Library Bar and Grill on campus.

Edit - I just heard from a witness that Mbakwe kicked a car door. Al Nolen and Rodney Williams were with him. Some guy was trying to pick a fight with the players, talking about that they couldn't even make the NIT, and heckling them, and he jumped in a car and drove off, and Trevor kicked the door as he was driving off, and the police showed up an hour later to arrest Trevor. Al Nolen was trying to defend Trevor and said he didn't do anything. The Bouncer at the Library told his friends to get Al out of there, and Al said if they arrest Trevor, he can arrest me too because he didn't do anything. He was very upset and emotional, and kept telling the cops that Trevor didn't do anything.

From what I've heard, he was handcuffed, and driven to the Blarney parking lot (where his car was), where he was questioned, they filled out an arrest report, and then released.

I guess the Gopher coaches got a call about this at about 2:40am.

If this is true I think Trevor has played his last game at the U...from all accounts Trevor sounds like a nice guy but trouble seems to follow him around. After this season can see Tubby wanting to clean house and starting anew

i bet half of it was he was intoxicated. you dont do stuff like that unless youre a little buzzed. someone did say they saw him at the blarney pub

If this is true I think Trevor has played his last game at the U...from all accounts Trevor sounds like a nice guy but trouble seems to follow him around. After this season can see Tubby wanting to clean house and starting anew

I agree with the first part, however it all depends on the severity of the incident for Tubby to want Trevor to leave. Tubby knows he needs Mbakwe on the floor, no questions about it, we would be half the team if he doesn't play next year despite incoming and returning talent. Along with coming of this dispicable season, he needs all the help he can get going into next year. I really hope this is something very minor, like an escalated, verbal altercation that has an explanation. Time will tell I guess.

I can't believe someone would get arrested for kicking a car door. It must be more than that.

He must be itching to get back to Miami.
As in the Heat? Because there is no way he'll be playing collegiate basketball again. He'll either be playing here, or overseas (most likely overseas though), especially after this latest incident.

What's Rodney Williams doing outside the library at bar close? :banghead:

As in the Heat? Because there is no way he'll be playing collegiate basketball again. He'll either be playing here, or overseas (most likely overseas though), especially after this latest incident.

As in court. At some point he's going to violate his pretrial intervention. He's been arrested/detained twice since entering that program.

Unfortunate situation at the bar, but still has to know better.

When you are drunk and a public figure on campus, gotta be extra careful. They will take you in for anything (ask Royce how the umn police treat bball players)

But if "fans" were doing that trash, starting fights and talking like that, they are an embarressment to the u of m.

lets not jump to any conclusions until we see some details and some is clear that trouble seems to find him and that is not a coincidence.
he is on a short leash with his probation,etc..he could use another year at the U of M. Pro teams may not want to take a chance on him now either...

At some point you no longer get the benefit of the doubt. I think Trevor has finally run that supply into the red, at least with me. I suspect with the U as well.

I am not trying to stir the pot by any means but I was at Blarney last night and they were all there with Blake also and people would just not leave them alone. Most students were going up and just making friends with the players. I left around 1:30 so I'm not sure what happened after that. I will say it was pretty rowdy there. And yes they are college students and deserve to enjoy a night every once and awhile, however, they need to not get so messed up in doing so. Like I said I have no intention on stirring the pot or throwing anyone under the bus just telling you what I saw.

the Miami incident?

Not really. I don't see kicking a car door as someone drives away and then getting released by the police after a little while in the same light as someone being indicted for sexual assault and nearly going to trial for it.

Seems like a fan site should show a bit of restraint before posting a story without knowing the whole story, or if there even is a story.

Seems like a fan site should show a bit of restraint before posting a story without knowing the whole story, or if there even is a story.

Which is exactly whey we didn't post it as a story, or as fact, or from GopherHole. This is me, a poster, posting what I know. And FYI - there obviously is a story, and not only have I now talked to Trevor's camp, but also a few witnesses. It's not like there's nothing going on, but if you'd like to pretend that nothing happened, go ahead.

Be upset all you want, but as a message board, fans want to know if their top player will be around next year.

Sorry, but you can't separate your message board identity from your official gopherhole identity. It doesn't work that way. Please see members of the media retweeting your previous incorrect tweet as evidence.

And you did use the offical gopherhole twitter account to retweet it, so actually, you did post it from gopherhole.

No need to attack GopherLady about this, GopherHolers. She's proven herself to be as careful and trustworthy as any member of the local news media...if she's reporting what she thinks are the facts, then that's the end of it.

All I know is that if I hear anyone blame this on Supermoon, I might lose it.

The problem is the retraction and correction is usually universally ignored. She corrected her initial tweet about 20 minutes after the first incorrect tweet, but the media hasn't done anything with the correction. Waiting the extra 20 minutes to get it right the first time would have been prudent.

Sorry, but you can't separate your message board identity from your official gopherhole identity. It doesn't work that way. Please see members of the media retweeting your previous incorrect tweet as evidence.

I don't think you know the difference between a story and a message board post. That's okay though. And do stories change as you get more information and interview more people - yes. That's why I edited the document.

And as for a GH retweet, that's not a story, there are retweets from many people that are not facts, they are opinions, thoughts, etc.

As for the media - why don't you contact them all and tell them to retweet the updates - oh wait, they don't need to because the link they shared was to this post which has been edited as more information has come in.

Sorry, but you can't separate your message board identity from your official gopherhole identity. It doesn't work that way. Please see members of the media retweeting your previous incorrect tweet as evidence.

FTB, I understand where you are coming from, and to a large extent agree, trust me.

However, I think GL qualified her initial comments sufficiently (EDIT: On this message board. I do not Tweet so haven't seen those). She noted immediately that she did not have the full story. And there obviously is a story - so your comment "if there even is a story" is moot.

Also, if other folks forward GL's post, removing the qualifiers, this is not her fault. She has done her job (qualifying her statements). The re-tweeter has not. (That said, I'm not sure what Tweet of GLs you are referring to, so if she didn't qualify it or it wasn't factually correct, ignore this.)

Is that fair?

I don't think that understand that when you are so closely affiliated with a website, there is no discernible difference between what you most on the message board portion of the website and the "news" portion of the website.

FTB, I understand where you are coming from, and to a large extent agree, trust me.

However, I think GL qualified her initial comments sufficiently (EDIT: On this message board. I do not Tweet so haven't seen those). She noted immediately that she did not have the full story. And there obviously is a story - so your comment "if there even is a story" is moot.

Also, if other folks forward GL's post, removing the qualifiers, this is not her fault. She has done her job (qualifying her statements). The re-tweeter has not. (That said, I'm not sure what Tweet of GLs you are referring to, so if she didn't qualify it or it wasn't factually correct, ignore this.)

Is that fair?

+1. Don't shoot the messenger. She didn't do anything that Doogie or Myron wouldn't have done if they had the scoop. If you don't like people tweeting info as a story develops, get in your time machine and go back to 1999.

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