Really? I was not aware that you needed tickets to watch an away game. News to me.
No, smart guy, but I never said that. As others have said, they need a little bit of advance time to ensure that tickets bought in groups get distributed, etc. And since it apparently takes 6 days to ship something 10 miles, they might need a little time to get something to someone in their ticket group who lives in, say, Nebraska or Iowa. Capisce?
And what exactly is unacceptable, the fact that people were told that tickets should arrive by 8/31, and that date is not upon us yet? Or that tickets will arrive over 10 days prior to the first actual game that you need a ticket for?
The fact that they waited this long to send the tickets is completely and totally unacceptable. They've had season ticket accounts finalized for weeks (if not months) - it's not as though they couldn't have sent purchased accounts out months ago, and sent any stragglers out this late. But it wouldn't be the U if everything wasn't done at the last minute. Believe me, I work here - I know.
And do you know what the capacity of the U printing services? No?
See above. I am a University employee. I am aware. And even if they couldn't handle something of this capacity (which they can, quite easily), were you aware that whole companies have been created to perform such a service? Printing out a few thousand sheets of tickets is child's play.
So how do you know if they can print and send out all the tickets in one day?
Do you think that's how business is done? They get to the office early one day, print everything out, stuff envelopes, print envelopes with addresses, go the post office and get postage, and send them out? What are you, 12?
It's not as though the seating chart has changed in the last 2 years. If you want to get technical, they could have printed out the tickets when schedules were finalized what - 2 or 3 years ago? And since the great majority of season ticket accounts were finalized in May, they could have had the great majority in people's hands by June, if not late May. But this is the University of Minnesota. And not only that, but the ticket office, probably the worst-run unit in a sea of terribly mismanaged departments. They were going to go ahead and procrastinate, but then they decided they'd get around to it later.
Im pretty sure you are just complaining for the sake of complaining.
I'm pretty sure you have no idea what you're talking about.