Thomas Barber Commits To Gophers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beat TCU, and the outstate recruitment will hit the stratosphere. The realization that the Gopher's ascendancy is no fluke will turn heads!

A win over TCU would turn us into the darling program of the season. Knowing the media, that one win would be touted during every big game throughout the year. Hell, we were lauded last year for how well we lost to TCU.

Hate to say it but I have to. I'm assuming he played as a sophomore, injured as a junior, is that why no stars are posted?

Hate to say it but I have to. I'm assuming he played as a sophomore, injured as a junior, is that why no stars are posted?

Coughlin doesn't have any stars on espn either, he must not have played his junior year too. Sorry to be rude but I couldn't resist.

Coughlin doesn't have any stars on espn either, he must not have played his junior year too. Sorry to be rude but I couldn't resist.
Coughlin has 3 on Rivals, Barber has 0. Still confused for a guy like this.

Coughlin has 3 on Rivals, Barber has 0. Still confused for a guy like this.

Barber has 3 stars on 247, there are a lot of good players that haven't been evaluated yet. The camp circuit hasn't even started yet I don't believe.

Coughlin has 3 on Rivals, Barber has 0. Still confused for a guy like this.

When it comes to signing a member of the Barber family I wouldn't worry about stars or any sort of evaluation because the odds are very good that he is going to be a very good player for the Gophers. I honestly wonder how much recruiting the staff had to do on this one because Thomas probably would have been disowned by the entire family if he tried to commit anywhere else :)

Barber has 3 stars on 247, there are a lot of good players that haven't been evaluated yet. The camp circuit hasn't even started yet I don't believe.

And to clarify, just because a guy has zero stars doesn't mean he is a "zero star." It simply means he hasn't been evaluated yet.

Another stargazer. Give it up.

Coach Kill and staff wanted Barber, he accepted, and that's all that matters.

No you misunderstood. Not a person concerned about stars but just curious as to 0 on Rivals. I see now he has 3 on another site. Just thought he would have something posted. He is a great player in my opinion base on what I've read.

I could be wrong, but I think he could make a very mean DT someday. Linebacker doesn't sound bad either though.

Great to have another Barber in the fold. Our future MLB next to CC.

In addition to getting 3 really good players from in-state to kick-off this class, we've also addressed 2 of the biggest needs: D-line and LB.

100% agreed. It's a great sign that we locked up top priorities for two position groups that looked to be the (relative) weak spots of our defense.

What a great start to the class.

Wow, nice week! I'm already liking how things are shaping up!

He's a pretty good hockey player too, very good athlete.

I was thinking of great linebackers who also played hockey for Minnesota and it goes way back for me to Noel Jenke. He of course was a three sport athlete adding baseball.

Wow, nice week! I'm already liking how things are shaping up!

Does that mean that people won't be panicking this year from our lack of early verbal. What shall we do!

Does that mean that people won't be panicking this year from our lack of early verbal. What shall we do!

This year we get to panic that we have too many early verbals, not leaving room for late bloomers! :cool:

Go Gophers!!

Coughlin, Garcia, and Barber. 3 future All Big Ten players. Need 4 more to sweep the front 7!

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I think he means one billion dollars.

I was thinking of great linebackers who also played hockey for Minnesota and it goes way back for me to Noel Jenke. He of course was a three sport athlete adding baseball.

Ken Yackle. Not sure about Jim Carter

No you misunderstood. Not a person concerned about stars but just curious as to 0 on Rivals. I see now he has 3 on another site. Just thought he would have something posted. He is a great player in my opinion base on what I've read.

Quote Originally Posted by die hard gopher View Post
Barber has 3 stars on 247, there are a lot of good players that haven't been evaluated yet. The camp circuit hasn't even started yet I don't believe.

Sorry for the jab #2. Glad to hear that you are not a member of the Stargazer Club. Some say he could be more talented than his brothers.

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