These are your Kill Gophers, how much longer you gonna watch?

Troll? I've been on this board longer than most of you, I use to be one of those annoying homer fans who refused to assess their team critically, but I got sick of being wrong. Kill has done some nice tHings But I've never been a big believer. If that makes me a troll, so be it. I think he slings a lot of Bsh!t and the homers eat it up. I think he really benefitted from some down big ten years and feels he is untouchable because of the success he had in those down BIG years. I don't think he'll ever get past 8 wins here, and I've watched his stubbornness absolutely suffocate offensive players for 5 straight years here. The guy gets a lot of passes

I'm sure a lot of you on this board believe Cobb "wasn't ready" to play his fr or soph years here, and kill didn't have one of his stubborn dog house moment with him. I'm sure Phil Nelson sucked, and it wasn't kill & co mind fuc&ing him (and all the other QBs here).

I remember everyone throwing a hissy fit last year too in the out of conference games, then we went on the road and stomped Michigan. Each week is it's own entity, and inevitably what matters is whether you win or lose. Hopefully we will figure it out offensively, but we are fortunate enough to have a great defense that should keep pretty much every game competitive.

Troll? I've been on this board longer than most of you, I use to be one of those annoying homer fans who refused to assess their team critically, but I got sick of being wrong. Kill has done some nice tHings But I've never been a big believer. If that makes me a troll, so be it. I think he slings a lot of Bsh!t and the homers eat it up. I think he really benefitted from some down big ten years and feels he is untouchable because of the success he had in those down BIG years. I don't think he'll ever get past 8 wins here, and I've watched his stubbornness absolutely suffocate offensive players for 5 straight years here. The guy gets a lot of passes

I'm sure a lot of you on this board believe Cobb "wasn't ready" to play his fr or soph years here, and kill didn't have one of his stubborn dog house moment with him. I'm sure Phil Nelson sucked, and it wasn't kill & co mind fuc&ing him (and all the other QBs here).

Kill has a very low ceiling as a coach and program head. It's not what we need and it's sad so many have embraced this.

Troll? I've been on this board longer than most of you, I use to be one of those annoying homer fans who refused to assess their team critically, but I got sick of being wrong. Kill has done some nice tHings But I've never been a big believer. If that makes me a troll, so be it. I think he slings a lot of Bsh!t and the homers eat it up. I think he really benefitted from some down big ten years and feels he is untouchable because of the success he had in those down BIG years. I don't think he'll ever get past 8 wins here, and I've watched his stubbornness absolutely suffocate offensive players for 5 straight years here. The guy gets a lot of passes

I'm sure a lot of you on this board believe Cobb "wasn't ready" to play his fr or soph years here, and kill didn't have one of his stubborn dog house moment with him. I'm sure Phil Nelson sucked, and it wasn't kill & co mind fuc&ing him (and all the other QBs here).

Can you be critical without there being only two alternatives? Either we win the NC or we suck?

Jerry Kill has won everywhere he's been including here. Do we have problems? Damn right we do. Is that on him? Yes. The team is not playing well. Several players are not performing. Our recruiting has gotten better but there are still some gaps. All in the coaching staff.

Is it time to fire kill, which is was your vitriol suggests?

Take a look at the big picture. If you're a fan and you can't see potential for the future, your stuck in our own bullchit.

At this point we get your particular POV. No need to post it over and over and over again. Your opinions on an Internet message board aren't going to change the reality of the situation for better or worse.

We are not the dumpster fire that Illinois or Rutgers is in the big ten. As bad as things are, the only games I'm concerned about are tOSU and Wisconsin.

We may not contend for the title this year, but I think we'll be better every year the next three years. I want it now, but that may not happen. There is no guarantee it won't happen either. It's unlikely based on what we've seen, but nothing is a forgone conclusion at this point.

I get you don't like Kill, but he's earned some leeway in the development of the team. Probably not two disasters years in a row without feeling the heat, but calling for him to be fired at this point is flat out ridiculous. And while I'm not sure you've actually said fire him, that appears to be the only scenario that would satisfy your current level of vitriol.

And to answer your ridiculous question, I will continue to watch. Because I am a fan. Not a homer, just a fan. Good and bad. I am a fan.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

kill is a stubborn hill-billy and he "ain't gone change nuttin". How much longer will you be able to watch the offensive incompetency we've been subjected to watching during his 5 years at the helm. How many years til he gets chased Out of town for 6-7 wins per year and glaring offensive shortcomings.

Back to back 8 win seasons. you sir are a moron. Stubborn hill-billy?

Troll? I've been on this board longer than most of you, I use to be one of those annoying homer fans who refused to assess their team critically, but I got sick of being wrong. Kill has done some nice tHings But I've never been a big believer. If that makes me a troll, so be it. I think he slings a lot of Bsh!t and the homers eat it up. I think he really benefitted from some down big ten years and feels he is untouchable because of the success he had in those down BIG years. I don't think he'll ever get past 8 wins here, and I've watched his stubbornness absolutely suffocate offensive players for 5 straight years here. The guy gets a lot of passes

I'm sure a lot of you on this board believe Cobb "wasn't ready" to play his fr or soph years here, and kill didn't have one of his stubborn dog house moment with him. I'm sure Phil Nelson sucked, and it wasn't kill & co mind fuc&ing him (and all the other QBs here).

Philly dog would still be here if his dad would hve shut the hell up and not been a pain in the ass. Cobb was nearly dismissed until he saw the light. Kill is a good coach. I suppose you think JJ should be our feature back?

I remember everyone throwing a hissy fit last year too in the out of conference games, then we went on the road and stomped Michigan. Each week is it's own entity, and inevitably what matters is whether you win or lose. Hopefully we will figure it out offensively, but we are fortunate enough to have a great defense that should keep pretty much every game competitive.


It's the weekly OUTRAGE! contest, as posters vie to demonstrate that they are more OUTRAGED! at the state of the Gopher offense than everyone else.

Look - they stunk up the joint today - no doubt about it. It was a very disappointing game. And they won. winning doesn't cure all ills, but it's better than losing.

College sports (IMHO) are different than the pro ranks. People don't shift allegiances. You don't wake up one day and say "I'm not a Gopher fan anymore; I'm going to root for LSU."

I want the Gophers to do well. When they do well, I'm happy. when they don't do well, I'm not happy. But I would never threaten to stop being a Gopher Fan. That's like saying, if your kids screw up one more time, they're not your kids anymore.

End of rational thoughts. Now, you can all go back to being OUTRAGED!!!!!!

Its year 5 under Kill and we scored 10 points at home against a bottom MAC team.....The majority of the criticism has been fair and reasonable....I can't imagine how bad it would be at other message boards.

Go find out, please.

This is the most stupid post I've seen on here. You're asking a bunch of rubes who post on a Message Board if they will keep watching after a win. While we also have the Jug, the Pig, the Bell and the Chair. I would like to put my boot on your forehead and push you off the bandwagon ala Santa Claus to Ralphie in Christmas Story

Ho, Ho, Ho.....

I can't imagine what happened to you to make you this way, Sonny, but we can help you fix it. Life is really good, not horrible. Embrace our elite D. Have some fun. If you and the miserable haters leave, no one -- NO ONE -- will be the least bit unhappy. If JK and staff leave, Gopher football may struggle for another 50 years.

Screw the redshirt. I'm a lot more worried about the QB position in 2015 than 2019. I'd hope that's unanimous.

If it means burning Croft's redshirt if he is not ready, it sure as hell is not unanimous. I remember Kill talking about doing things the right way, and not taking shortcuts. I took him seriously.

Oh, and I will keep watching regardless. And I will never throw the same hissy fit twice. No need to spam the message board. Once is fine.

Troll? I've been on this board longer than most of you, I use to be one of those annoying homer fans who refused to assess their team critically, but I got sick of being wrong. Kill has done some nice tHings But I've never been a big believer. If that makes me a troll, so be it. I think he slings a lot of Bsh!t and the homers eat it up. I think he really benefitted from some down big ten years and feels he is untouchable because of the success he had in those down BIG years. I don't think he'll ever get past 8 wins here, and I've watched his stubbornness absolutely suffocate offensive players for 5 straight years here. The guy gets a lot of passes

I'm sure a lot of you on this board believe Cobb "wasn't ready" to play his fr or soph years here, and kill didn't have one of his stubborn dog house moment with him. I'm sure Phil Nelson sucked, and it wasn't kill & co mind fuc&ing him (and all the other QBs here).

Did you go by the name...p@ntherh@wk?

It seems like you might be better off choosing to invest your time watching the professional bowlers tour. Your stress level is far too high for an amateur sport like college football. This game is supposed to be entertainment, but clearly you've lost touch with that. If the Gophers do not provide the entertainment you are looking for, then go somewhere else where you can have your entertainment needs met. Stop coming to Gopher games or the GH and perhaps many others will join you. The best way to see Coach Kill be removed is for you to stop spending your money on Gopher football as your means of entertainment.

Best wishes in Iowa, sonny...or should I say...p@ntherh@wk?

Kill has a very low ceiling as a coach and program head. It's not what we need and it's sad so many have embraced this.

We just won at least 8 games in back to back seasons for only the second time since 1961 and you can't understand why people are excited and optimistic? You very well may be right in the end but stop acting like we have had the recent history of elite programs.

And, no, I am not saying we should be okay with being mediocre. Just that it is okay for a fan base who has gone through a lot of very bad seasons to enjoy a little bit of success. As much as you want to downplay it, what we have seen the past few years hasn't happened very often.

However I am not satisfied. I still hope and want more just like everyone else.

If Kill gets a lot of the blame for the offense (which he should), then he should also get credit for our very good defense. If he can build a great defense, then I think he can find a way to turn this offense around. I am still hopeful.

I know I am on the correct side of the aisle when sonnygarcia and Gopher Warrior team up. Why bother if it upsets you so?

Some of you "fans" who turn on the team so quickly are the ones who need to be embarrassed. Is everything perfect? no. Do Kill and company need to figure some things out offensively? of course. Will they do it? yes they will. And I will contnue to watch every game, be happy and frustrated during the game, and then look forward to the next. And I won't take anonymous shots at players and coaches. I think legitimate questions and honest critiques are good and open discussions, but some of the shots being dished out are ridiculous.

Kill has a very low ceiling as a coach and program head. It's not what we need and it's sad so many have embraced this.

For someone who is so anti-Kill and consistently cheers against the football team, you sure love to post about how you think they're never going to get any better. Will you eat crow when they do? Why do you take pride in trashing Kill and company?

kill is a stubborn hill-billy and he "ain't gone change nuttin". How much longer will you be able to watch the offensive incompetency we've been subjected to watching during his 5 years at the helm. How many years til he gets chased Out of town for 6-7 wins per year and glaring offensive shortcomings.


I've been watching the Gophers for 65 years. I'm not going to stop now. For those who think sonnygarcia is unfairly singling out Kill, I seem to recall that he has said similar things about Pitino. He is simply a very negative person, and seems to enjoy it.

I'm not quite a kill worshipper nor do I want him gone by any means. I also won't be surprised if the Gophers figure it out for the Big 10 and get 8 wins again. I DO think fans are far more lenient with Kill than they would be other coaches because they are so enamored with his "country Jer" shtick. Kill is a salesman just as Brewster was and every CFB coach is. Gopher fans just like Kill's sales pitch better than those other guys. It's why we have threads where people would still take Kill over Urban Meyer.

My biggest concern with Kill is what on earth happened to the read option?

I'm not quite a kill worshipper nor do I want him gone by any means. I also won't be surprised if the Gophers figure it out for the Big 10 and get 8 wins again. I DO think fans are far more lenient with Kill than they would be other coaches because they are so enamored with his "country Jer" shtick. Kill is a salesman just as Brewster was and every CFB coach is. Gopher fans just like Kill's sales pitch better than those other guys. It's why we have threads where people would still take Kill over Urban Meyer.

i think what Kill's detractors are so upset about is the fact that Jerry will not play a player that makes mental mistakes in practice, or shows immaturity on or off the field.
It's his way, and it has served him well.
Other programs will play the talented freshman and sort the rest out later.
This is why Cobb didn't play as a soph, why the talented youngsters continue to sit, and why a guy like Leidner is out in control of the offense over someone like Nelson or Croft.
Here's the bottom line though. This program is completely based upon the running game, defense, and special teams. We will never be a pass heavy team. Ever.
Right now our offense is incapable of running the ball or protecting our QB due to injuries and youth on our Oline. Leidner is never going to be a QB that elevates the offense around him, and will never be capable of carrying the offense with his arm.
We're in trouble until we get those big guys up front healed, and that may not happen until Nov, which sucks.

I'm not quite a kill worshipper nor do I want him gone by any means. I also won't be surprised if the Gophers figure it out for the Big 10 and get 8 wins again. I DO think fans are far more lenient with Kill than they would be other coaches because they are so enamored with his "country Jer" shtick. Kill is a salesman just as Brewster was and every CFB coach is. Gopher fans just like Kill's sales pitch better than those other guys. It's why we have threads where people would still take Kill over Urban Meyer.

A salesman that has beaten Nebraska. Twice. Michigan. A beat down of hated Iowa last season. We haven't been embarrassed on the score board in the past two seasons (although we've lost games we've should have won, and it's hard to argue yesterday's fiasco wasn't embarrassing).

Take those things away and you have Jim Wacker. Great guy. Loved him. Didn't want him as coach.

Winning solves all problems. Beat Wisconsin this year, and even if we are down from 8 wins, a lot of people will be willing to give him time to prove he can keep building what he's been building.

These are your Kill Gophers, how much longer you gonna watch?

Well, watched the Gophers coached by Warmath, Stoll, Salem, Holtz, Gutekunst, Wacker, Mason, Brewster and now Kill, why in the world would I stop now?

The answer is in the question.

My biggest concern with Kill is what on earth happened to the read option?

The offense showed almost nothing interesting yesterday - we kept running into a brick wall to the tune of 2.4 yards per carry. People were booing the play-calling, not the players. Mitch can run the read option and can be deceptive in handoffs. The offense had blinders on.


May you find solace in your heart, and may you find another team that is perfect to your liking, that wins national titles. May I suggest cheering for FSU or another SEC team?

May you leave us poor Gopher Fans alone.

I forgive you my dear son. May all the hatred towards Jerry Kill & anything Gopher football shortcomings be expunged from your heart forever.

Oh, when you do find the perfect team, can you please convince Gopher Warrior to come and join you?

i think what Kill's detractors are so upset about is the fact that Jerry will not play a player that makes mental mistakes in practice, or shows immaturity on or off the field.
It's his way, and it has served him well.
Other programs will play the talented freshman and sort the rest out later.
This is why Cobb didn't play as a soph, why the talented youngsters continue to sit, and why a guy like Leidner is out in control of the offense over someone like Nelson or Croft.
Here's the bottom line though. This program is completely based upon the running game, defense, and special teams. We will never be a pass heavy team. Ever.
Right now our offense is incapable of running the ball or protecting our QB due to injuries and youth on our Oline. Leidner is never going to be a QB that elevates the offense around him, and will never be capable of carrying the offense with his arm.
We're in trouble until we get those big guys up front healed, and that may not happen until Nov, which sucks.

well said!

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