These are your Kill Gophers, how much longer you gonna watch?

I am a fan, win or lose. I don't want to be like other schools, such as Nebraska, that only love their team when they win.

no way we can be compared to Nebraska fans-- they had over a few hundred straight sellouts-- I wish we had their problems-- and yes I would like to win also as this year is going down hill in a hurry

It's been 5 years and Kill still hasn't produced a qb. This is getting really old. I can't believe he has no one on his roster who can outplay Leidner, who is below average at best. Yes, I know, he completes some passes and he has a bad line. BUT, he just cannot do the job. It's his 3rd year people. How much longer do we have to wait. Is Croft really that bad?????

Continue watching? This is Gopher football. Expect the unexpected. I go to a game never knowing what goofy crazy thing is going to happen. The highs and lows keep it interesting. I love Gopher football and I always will.

Ski-U-Mah !!!!!!!

It's been 5 years and Kill still hasn't produced a qb. This is getting really old. I can't believe he has no one on his roster who can outplay Leidner, who is below average at best. Yes, I know, he completes some passes and he has a bad line. BUT, he just cannot do the job. It's his 3rd year people. How much longer do we have to wait. Is Croft really that bad?????

Having agreed with your assessment HH, we don't really want to burn Croft's redshirt do we? GO GOPHERS!

No doubt I will continue to watch win or loss as I have been doing for over four decades.

Unless we have TE's & O-Linemen who can block and stay healthy, we will continue to have execution problems.

We see opposing teams exploit this by putting nine in the box, stuffing the run, penetrating & disrupting plays, and daring us to pass. In this case, also knowing the limitations of our starting QB.

QBs & OLs are not our only problem. It is also the flow of the whole offensive scheme given the state of our blockers not gelling together given the attritions. How many starting TEs & OLs are injured?

We need more hands on deck on the O-Line, redshirts will burn because we need depth with experience when the current seniors graduate. Furthermore, as previously mentioned our defense may not be great next season when the current seniors on D also graduate.

These problems need to be addressed rather quickly, or we are looking at a totally different season below expectations.


Having agreed with your assessment HH, we don't really want to burn Croft's redshirt do we? GO GOPHERS!

Screw the redshirt. I'm a lot more worried about the QB position in 2015 than 2019. I'd hope that's unanimous.

Hold it.

The running game here was very, very good. Most of the time. When it mattered, against Wisky at the Dome in ???, the running game was stuffed.

The passing game has been nearly non-existent for decades.

False. Mason had some good passing teams. Wacker had some very good ones. They just didn't know what defense was.

Screw the redshirt. I'm a lot more worried about the QB position in 2015 than 2019. I'd hope that's unanimous.

First off I agree with your sentiment. The thing is with as bad as the offense played today don't you think that if the coaches truly believed that replacing Mitch wih one of the other QB's on the roster would have jumped started the offense that they would have done it? I know they are stubborn but they also know they need to win and when you are sitting there with a 3 point lead late against Kent State if you believe the player that can make sure you win is one of your backup QB's, Croft or one of the others, you put him in the game.

As bad as it was they still didn't make a change meaning they didn't believe that any of the other QB's could have done better than Mitch against Kent State. In regards to Croft (a guy who only received Mac level offers with maybe some late Penn State interest) it doesn't mean he is bad but it does probably mean they just don't think he is ready. Which would make sense because if he was really THAT good and could hit the field ready to start as a true freshman he probably would have been much more heavily recruited.

So sad to see you leave, sonny. Please keep in touch from time to time. I'm sure folks here are super interested.

Of course I'm going to keep watching? What kind of sh!t-bag fan bails on a team because of an anemic performance on one side of the ball? I'm glad so many people are showing their true colors, even after a win.

no way we can be compared to Nebraska fans-- they had over a few hundred straight sellouts-- I wish we had their problems-- and yes I would like to win also as this year is going down hill in a hurry

They sellout but if they are losing there are a LOT of empty seats. They are fair weather like anywhere else.

Happy they won. I watched all the way through brewster, and I'll continue to watch despite the wins.

Of course I will continue to watch. After 30 years of watching this years start doesn't even make the top ten in terms of frustrating seasons for me. We are 2-1 with a loss to the number 2 ranked team in the country. Painful to watch today? yes ! but enjoyed another win you bet.

I remember losses to directional Dakotas that hurt more than a painful win ever could.

False. Mason had some good passing teams. Wacker had some very good ones. They just didn't know what defense was.

Disagree. I sat at the dome for many seasons and watched mase fail at the passing game. With even an adequate passing game, the offense would have been unstoppable. Just not the case.

Well the offense totally stunk the joint out. How was the band? Did they show improvement from their first performance? :)

you posters are gonna devour each other this week. for those who are waiting for the leidner fans to apologize for his continued poor ain't coming. Im the original 'leidner is not a bigten qb' harpy and know that it just don't happen.

"Stubborn hillbilly".....classy.

To answer the question, I'm going to keep watching for a long, long time.

How much longer am I going to watch???? My Doctor hasn't told me I only have a couple weeks or months to go, so I'm hoping for a couple more decades of watching at least.
So the offense is offensive at times, the DEFENSE is awesome and fun to watch.

Are you kidding with this post?
This program was dead when Kill got here, and he hates losing more than anyone on this board. He will do what he has to do to straighten things out, even if it takes all season

you posters are gonna devour each other this week. for those who are waiting for the leidner fans to apologize for his continued poor ain't coming. Im the original 'leidner is not a bigten qb' harpy and know that it just don't happen.

Who are these Leidner's fans you're talking about? I just don't think you get it. People like me are not Leidner's fans. We're fans of the team who recognize there is a long way to go before this team achieves consistent competence on the offensive side of the ball. We just don't look at everything through a bench Leidner/fire Limegrover filter. We hate the incessant, reactionary whining and bitching that occurs before, during and after every game. We won't agree or apologize, not because we're satisfied, but because we would never want to find ourselves on the same side as those who are so incapable of anything resembling reasonable criticism.

Who are these Leidner's fans you're talking about? I just don't think you get it. People like me are not Leidner's fans. We're fans of the team who recognize there is a long way to go before this team achieves consistent competence on the offensive side of the ball. We just don't look at everything through a bench Leidner/fire Limegrover filter. We hate the incessant, reactionary whining and bitching that occurs before, during and after every game. We won't agree or apologize, not because we're satisfied, but because we would never want to find ourselves on the same side as those who are so incapable of anything resembling reasonable criticism.

Its year 5 under Kill and we scored 10 points at home against a bottom MAC team.....The majority of the criticism has been fair and reasonable....I can't imagine how bad it would be at other message boards.

kill is a stubborn hill-billy and he "ain't gone change nuttin". How much longer will you be able to watch the offensive incompetency we've been subjected to watching during his 5 years at the helm. How many years til he gets chased Out of town for 6-7 wins per year and glaring offensive shortcomings.

Super troll, blah, blah,blah, get a life and I don't care what you say in response as this thread is for losers.

kill is a stubborn hill-billy and he "ain't gone change nuttin". How much longer will you be able to watch the offensive incompetency we've been subjected to watching during his 5 years at the helm. How many years til he gets chased Out of town for 6-7 wins per year and glaring offensive shortcomings.

Fatrick. Is that you. Go back to Fulda.

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Its year 5 under Kill and we scored 10 points at home against a bottom MAC team.....The majority of the criticism has been fair and reasonable....I can't imagine how bad it would be at other message boards.

Running the same between the tackles play for over half the game. I can't imagine how dumb you'd be if you were slightly smarter.

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