Ten Gophers football players indefinately suspended

WCCO Good Question tonight at 10. What are your rights as a college student?

According to channel 5, Green, Winfield, and Shanault were not involved in sexual contact.

DJam account may have been consensual.

Johnson, Johnson and Buford was not consensual.

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Here we go...if the U administration chooses to drag it's feet, something is amiss. I don't see this ending well for them. <b>Seriously, if in fact some players who were suspended were there but merely asleep in another bedroom as reported, the regents should call for a complete and transparent outside investigation into the EOAA investigation and subsequent actions taken by the administration leadership.</b>


I couldn't agree more. What a CF. If this is true and the EOAA feels a 1 year suspension is warranted for simply sleeping in a (different) room in the same apartment then there is no hope for the World - no matter what did or didn't happen in the room said sleeper wasn't in. I'm starting to worry about how close I might have been to the apartment after the OSU game. Unbelievable.

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WCCO Good Question tonight at 10. What are your rights as a college student?

According to channel 5, Green, Winfield, and Shanault were not involved in sexual contact.

DJam account may have been consensual.

Johnson, Johnson and Buford was not consensual.

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He was filming the non-consensual that the police and county attorney reviewed and determined was not enough to move forward. Hmmm. Where'd you get your info?

I do find it extremely unlikely that this EOAA office found anything additional or new that was not uncovered by police and county attorney's office investigators, which makes the action pretty puzzling. As for the added four, sure looks like guilt by association or proximity, which will be answered with a pretty compelling lawsuit against the U.

Like everyone I would like more facts before I start tossing my opinion around but:
1) It might not be surprising that the EOAA and police/DA have come to different conclusions. They would be looking for different things, the police to see if the law has been violated and the EOAA to see if their policies have been breached. The police have said that nothing was done that should put people in jail, but EOAA has said that rules/policies were violated that should result in other penalties (booted from school, etc).
2) I agree that there should not be guilt by association/proximity. Just because you were at a party where teammates did some things that have landed them in trouble does not mean that another teammate who did nothing but be in the same apartment, at the same time, should also be punished.
3) This is why administrators get paid a lot, they get to deal with this crap.

Like everyone I would like more facts before I start tossing my opinion around but:
1) It might not be surprising that the EOAA and police/DA have come to different conclusions. They would be looking for different things, the police to see if the law has been violated and the EOAA to see if their policies have been breached. The police have said that nothing was done that should put people in jail, but EOAA has said that rules/policies were violated that should result in other penalties (booted from school, etc).
2) I agree that there should not be guilt by association/proximity. Just because you were at a party where teammates did some things that have landed them in trouble does not mean that another teammate who did nothing but be in the same apartment, at the same time, should also be punished.
3) This is why administrators get paid a lot, they get to deal with this crap.

The EoAA has recommended that 3 guys that didn't have sex with anyone and were sleeping at the time of the alleged assault should be suspended from team activities for a year. Seriously...that's effed up.

The EoAA has recommended that 3 guys that didn't have sex with anyone and were sleeping at the time of the alleged assault should be suspended from team activities for a year. Seriously...that's effed up.
I agree if this is the case but it may be for their actions after the event. We don't know if they did anything inappropriate towards the woman after the event or after she contacted police. Maybe harassment that doesn't rise to the level of criminal charges but still enough to have violated the code of conduct? No one knows for sure but man some folks on here are throwing out some unbelievable statements with no knowledge of the basis for each suspension.

Like everyone I would like more facts before I start tossing my opinion around but:
1) It might not be surprising that the EOAA and police/DA have come to different conclusions. They would be looking for different things, the police to see if the law has been violated and the EOAA to see if their policies have been breached. The police have said that nothing was done that should put people in jail, but EOAA has said that rules/policies were violated that should result in other penalties (booted from school, etc).
2) I agree that there should not be guilt by association/proximity. Just because you were at a party where teammates did some things that have landed them in trouble does not mean that another teammate who did nothing but be in the same apartment, at the same time, should also be punished.
3) This is why administrators get paid a lot, they get to deal with this crap.

I've been in these same positions in the private sector. It's easy to take the path the administration did, extremely easy.

If it's the case (additional evidence) then there should be some transparency because they should know as high profile, highly paid administrators that the information will indeed come out into the public. Some already has, and there is nothing they can do about it. As I said earlier, I don't see this ending well for those administrators.

He was filming the non-consensual that the police and county attorney reviewed and determined was not enough to move forward. Hmmm. Where'd you get your info?

Read directly from police report on 6:30 channel 5 news. To quote "may have not been consensual." She had over 6 shots prior and was drunk.

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Good bye Kahler, good bye Coyle. Hire someone who won't be hiding under their desk when the going gets tough . "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". Certainly doesn't apply here. Both are lap dogs to the PC culture. Sad, sad. Both need to grow some gonads and support your coaches and players. Otherwise why would anyone want to coach or play for the Gophers? This will certainly set the football program - particularly recruiting back for years. Why would anyone want their son playing for an institution that will punish you for something even though the police aren't filing charges, the City Attorney isn't filing charges, the U isn't filing charges but the EOAA , some pinheads, says something MIGHT have happened? Come On Kahler show some guts. Act like you care and support this team that represents the University of Minnesota.

Time to seriously consider revamping the makeup and the decision making process of the EOAA.

They seem to have too much power without an oversight.

They have to balance the safety concerns of Title IX and the rights & lives of individual students involved.

You are talking about the lives of young adults. Obviously, there are legitimate cases for expulsion or criminal charges. I don't know all the facts in each of the individual cases. What litmus test did they perform to come up with such draconian decisions?

Why the harsh treatment in the cases of the football players who are all African Americans in contrast to the lighter penalties rendered against members of the wrestling team who are most likely all white? Is there a miscarriage of justice here with racial undertones?

It is far easier and too expedient to render decisions like the one that was made than to thread carefully.

Ok, I didn't read thru all 29 pages but I feel compelled to suggest that maybe someone should tell these athletes that groupsex may not be a good idea. Seriously, why do you need to have your teammates with you while having sex? I am sure some good upstanding citizens are going to be offended that i suggest a student athlete not get to do what other students do, well cry me a river. It seems there have been enough examples where this has led to a regrettable situations maybe kids can learn from past mistakes.

Ok, I didn't read thru all 29 pages but I feel compelled to suggest that maybe someone should tell these athletes that groupsex may not be a good idea. Seriously, why do you need to have your teammates with you while having sex? I am sure some good upstanding citizens are going to be offended that i suggest a student athlete not get to do what other students do, well cry me a river. It seems there have been enough examples where this has led to a regrettable situations maybe kids can learn from past mistakes.
"They're just kids! Boys will be boys! Who didn't act like this in college? Give them a break! How can you not party in college?"
-GopherHolers 2016

I agree if this is the case but it may be for their actions after the event. We don't know if they did anything inappropriate towards the woman after the event or after she contacted police. Maybe harassment that doesn't rise to the level of criminal charges but still enough to have violated the code of conduct? No one knows for sure but man some folks on here are throwing out some unbelievable statements with no knowledge of the basis for each suspension.

A 12 months suspension for no physical contact is unfathomable...if these guys were "harrassing" her then they would have been named in the TRO but weren't so I have no faith this is anything but a witch hunt by nutjob feminazis.

facts so far

-EEOA is an unelected bureaucracy that has extra judicial power to 'recommend' suspending players or threaten a title xi investigation.
-these kids did nothing illegal and have been cleared by all the relevant law enforcement authorities.

i'm really disgusted by the handling of this by the university

A 12 months suspension for no physical contact is unfathomable...

i think selling xanax only gets you a one semester suspension. there was a mention of probation. maybe the spectators/geo-undesirable-sleepers will get a shorter sentence here in the next few days

A 12 months suspension for no physical contact is unfathomable...if these guys were "harrassing" her then they would have been named in the TRO but weren't so I have no faith this is anything but a witch hunt by nutjob feminazis.

If thats the case, I 100% agree with you. However, in the absence of hard information I'll withhold judgement.

To me, suggesting people who were asleep when the alleged incident happened should be suspended for a year shows to a clear agenda by the EOAA. This gives the appearance that their intention was to levy punishment to as many people as possible rather than letting the evidence dictate punishment.

if I was coaching a D1 team in any sport, I would tell my players: here are the rules -
If you're going to have sex, you need to
1. be 100% sure your partner is sober
2. be 100% sure your partner is giving clear consent - in writing if possible, or film it on your phone
3. be 100% sure the two of you are alone in the room

If you don't follow the rules, and you get in trouble, I am unable to help you, and you will have to deal with any consequences on your own.

That may sound harsh, but in today's climate, I don't see coaches having any other options.

if I was coaching a D1 team in any sport, I would tell my players: here are the rules -
If you're going to have sex, you need to
1. be 100% sure your partner is sober
2. be 100% sure your partner is giving clear consent - in writing if possible, or film it on your phone
3. be 100% sure the two of you are alone in the room

If you don't follow the rules, and you get in trouble, I am unable to help you, and you will have to deal with any consequences on your own.

That may sound harsh, but in today's climate, I don't see coaches having any other options.

f*** today's climate - this is beyond absurd

A 12 months suspension for no physical contact is unfathomable...if these guys were "harrassing" her then they would have been named in the TRO but weren't so I have no faith this is anything but a witch hunt by nutjob feminazis.

Great point! If Hutton is telling the truth about sleeping in separate rooms while this was happening it's hard to figure what those guys could have done to warrant a suspension.

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Great point! If Hutton is telling the truth about sleeping in separate rooms while this was happening it's hard to figure what those guys could have done to warrant a suspension.

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i hate to lower myself to this schtick, but i honestly got nothing else.

its because they are males in a position of privilege, and marxist rackets like the EEOA are here to ensure conformity of thought and action primarily.

"They're just kids! Boys will be boys! Who didn't act like this in college? Give them a break! How can you not party in college?"
-GopherHolers 2016

I think you've been reading a different thread than I have.

You evidently didn't read many of last year's MBB threads about "The Threesome."

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If thats the case, I 100% agree with you. However, in the absence of hard information I'll withhold judgement.

This much we know:
Alleged victim made claims. At least one player produced evidence that refuted at least a portion of her claims. The county was unable to pursue any charges as a result.

Basically the alleged victim was proved to have misremembered what happened, exaggerated, or lied. It was at least one of the three.

That, coupled with the timing (clearly timed for maximum impact) and the increased scope (now 10, and all football players) is enough for me to know with certainty that there is a RAT here.

You evidently didn't read many of last year's MBB threads about "The Threesome."

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Not true; I read all of that, too. That situation, which all parties agreed was consensual, has little to do with this one, in which sexual assault is alleged.

Don't you see how your mindset is treating women as children? If a woman gives consent, she gives consent. She might have regrets. A lot of us have regrets about things that we initially consented to do. However, she is an adult and she should be treated like an adult. Her regret does not equal rape. It is disgusting that anyone would try to shoehorn the term "rape" into what is essentially "regret". It's disgusting to do the people that partook in a consensual act and it's disgusting to the victims of actual rape. The term "rape culture" is newspeak for regrettable sex. Well guess what, I imagine that these football players are really regretting this act as well. Are they now victims of this perceived rape culture? No. They are victims of regressive nuts that have infiltrated college campuses.

As far as your morals and things you believe in, who cares? Are you also advocating she gets kicked out of school? Or are you going to continue to devalue women and treat them like children (they can't give consent, us adults will figure out if they really meant it). We're in the United States and this is a public university, if the students aren't doing anything illegal and they aren't hurting anyone, who the hell am I to say they aren't representing the University's values. The particular details of a student's sex life is not for us to judge.

As far as "the fact the filed charges suggests that she felt she was raped". How so? People don't lie?

Outstanding post.

Ok, I didn't read thru all 29 pages but I feel compelled to suggest that maybe someone should tell these athletes that groupsex may not be a good idea. Seriously, why do you need to have your teammates with you while having sex? I am sure some good upstanding citizens are going to be offended that i suggest a student athlete not get to do what other students do, well cry me a river. It seems there have been enough examples where this has led to a regrettable situations maybe kids can learn from past mistakes.

I would hope most of the people on Gopherhole don't have strong opinions on the sexual practices between consenting adults. If this wasn't consensual, it was awful and we should have opinions. If this was consensual, it is bizarre and borderline creepy that you would have an opinion on the sex life of grown adults.

Not true; I read all of that, too. That situation, which all parties agreed was consensual, has little to do with this one, in which sexual assault is alleged.

I think Ewert responding to a post where the person is essentially saying "even if it's consensual, this groupsex stuff is weird and wrong".

That is fair. I could certainly be talking out of turn and this could certainly be a situation where actual harassment has taken place. Keep in mind that we have laws on actual harassment though. For this to be a recommendation from this office and not an additional criminal charge of harassment is telling.

I could certainly be wrong on this and I don't have any inside information, but cast an incredibly wide net when they use the term harassment. But you're 100% right, this could be that time of the day where the broken clock is actually right :).

I'm Curious if anything can be learned from restraining order settlement whereby the girl requested relief from civil action by the players in exchange for lifting of the protection order? I understand that one needs more info, but I'll take a guess too.

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