Suggs craps on Pitino in strib article

First of all I read the article and to me the thread title stating he crapped on Pitino is misleading. I think some of you read too much between the lines. From the article he stated that from day one Gonzaga was his choice as he felt it was the right place for him. Good for him. From what I know about Gonzaga it seems to be a great school. Would I have liked him to play for the Gophers, sure. I always like to watch Mn kids play for the U. Am I going to dish him for leaving, no. I like the players we have now and I think with the players coming in we can be even better next year especially if Oturu stays. Go Gophers.
Don't think any of us are blasting Suggs for going to Gonzaga - just how he chose to speak about the local program who has been recruiting him since day 1.

We don't particularly need him anyways. Carr, Mashburn Jr., and Greenlee should be more than enough to make up for 1 year of Suggs that Gonzaga is getting. Walton would be a much more valuable recruit to land (fingers crossed).

First of all I read the article and to me the thread title stating he crapped on Pitino is misleading. I think some of you read too much between the lines. From the article he stated that from day one Gonzaga was his choice as he felt it was the right place for him. Good for him. From what I know about Gonzaga it seems to be a great school. Would I have liked him to play for the Gophers, sure. I always like to watch Mn kids play for the U. Am I going to dish him for leaving, no. I like the players we have now and I think with the players coming in we can be even better next year especially if Oturu stays. Go Gophers.
Reasonable and accurate.
If it was day 1, why continue the charade? Why crap on the home town and others?
doesnt add up

Really? You don’t get picking a program with a better coach, a better track history over the last 15 years and an almost guaranteed “lock” for the NCAA tournament every year. Oops, and I forgot the current #1 team in the country. Take off the rose-colored glasses please.
If they played in a conference that had any quality teams, they wouldn't be #1 right now.
So, yeah, Suggs will play 2/3rds of his games against scrub teams. He'll make it to the dance where he will lose. Welcome to Gonzaga and the other mid-major conferences that get in and then lose.

That was a dumb thing for Suggs to say, no upside. This thread is an example of why its a dumb thing to say. I have a teenager and when he says something dumb, I tell him, I don't coddle him. Also, many 18 year olds are mature and well spoken. You don't get a free pass because you are 18.

He will move on and hopefully have a great career. That doesn't mean we can't call him out for stupid comments that serve no purpose. I'm guessing he has already been made aware of those comments and will learn from it. End of story.

Suggs is a jerk. He also crapped on Oturu, Omersa, Gabe and Hurt with this statement. Just shut up and go where you want to.
This doesn't help. He's not a bad guy for simply speaking his mind. I'm glad he did. I want to know how well our poorly the program is regarded locally, and this is an indication.

Maybe you should delete your posts and stop doubling down on the unfortunate stuff you've said in this thread.

Why anyone would give any credence to what a17-18 year old high school student did or did not say is beyond me.
The disproportionate response here only shows that for many reasons some fans think Pitino is very vulnerable.

If they played in a conference that had any quality teams, they wouldn't be #1 right now.
So, yeah, Suggs will play 2/3rds of his games against scrub teams. He'll make it to the dance where he will lose. Welcome to Gonzaga and the other mid-major conferences that get in and then lose.
Actually Mark Few has been to or beyond the sweet 16 eight or nine times, has a runner up finish, a couple elite 8's. That runner up means he went 5-1 that year. 31 NCAA wins, a bunch of guys in the NBA and a program that looks to be getting better. That is what recruits see. Not a fan of how he announced. My personal favorite kids do not even have a public announcement and just tell their chosen school that they are coming.

This doesn't help. He's not a bad guy for simply speaking his mind. I'm glad he did. I want to know how well our poorly the program is regarded locally, and this is an indication.

Maybe you should delete your posts and stop doubling down on the unfortunate stuff you've said in this thread.
You say that you want to know what Suggs says.

I come to GH to know what other people say. I may not agree with, or even like at all what they have to say.

If you don't agree with him, either explain why he is wrong or just ignore his post. I don't agree with your call to shut up any particular poster, unless they're just being despicably vulgar, using racist slurs, etc.

Also, and I could be wrong on this, but I think young(er) people don't read fan message boards.

I think their thing is Twitter and other similar platforms. So I think we're safe on here, expressing frustrations.

This doesn't help. He's not a bad guy for simply speaking his mind. I'm glad he did. I want to know how well our poorly the program is regarded locally, and this is an indication.

Maybe you should delete your posts and stop doubling down on the unfortunate stuff you've said in this thread.
. WOW the opinion of a coddled teenager is your compass to determine how the Uof M basketball is regarded

This doesn't help. He's not a bad guy for simply speaking his mind. I'm glad he did. I want to know how well our poorly the program is regarded locally, and this is an indication.

Maybe you should delete your posts and stop doubling down on the unfortunate stuff you've said in this thread.

This is my concern as well Hard to believe the statement was made in a vacuum. Is he parroting the thoughts of other Minnesota rectuits? Pitino excels at player development and he does a good job getting the most out of his teams. However, it is a problem if local recruit perception is something else. Again, just attempting to read between the lines. Could really mean nothing at all, just a comment by an 18 year old that was said in a vacuum. Bottom line is we have made dance 2 out of 3 years and without bad fortune wouldve been 3 out of 3. Need that kind of success to continue no matter recruit zip codes.
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. WOW the opinion of a coddled teenager is your compass to determine how the Uof M basketball is regarded
Seeing how all college basketball programs recruit these “coddled” teenagers to become part of their program how they view the program recruiting them might be of significance. ?‍♂️
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This doesn't help. He's not a bad guy for simply speaking his mind. I'm glad he did. I want to know how well our poorly the program is regarded locally, and this is an indication.

Maybe you should delete your posts and stop doubling down on the unfortunate stuff you've said in this thread.
I stand by anything I have said here. Suggs may well become a great man. I hope he does. What he said was immature and foolish. My guess is he may even regret it today. Thanks for your opinion.

There's a lot of people that think there's still a chance he'll go overseas to play next year.

Actually Mark Few has been to or beyond the sweet 16 eight or nine times, has a runner up finish, a couple elite 8's. That runner up means he went 5-1 that year. 31 NCAA wins, a bunch of guys in the NBA and a program that looks to be getting better. That is what recruits see. Not a fan of how he announced. My personal favorite kids do not even have a public announcement and just tell their chosen school that they are coming.
I imagine Bobby Knight turning to Mark Few and saying, "So you haven't done sh!t then!"

Between wi and these catholic schools the u can’t get no local kids.
I'm starting to agree with the conspiracists who claim the MN AAU programs are diss'ing Pitino for not giving them kickbacks. ?
Clearly adults around these kids are not supporting the Gopher program and it is entirely possible the adults are hoping for some benjamins to mysteriously appear in an unmarked envelope. ?

I'm starting to agree with the conspiracists who claim the MN AAU programs are diss'ing Pitino for not giving them kickbacks. ?
Clearly adults around these kids are not supporting the Gopher program and it is entirely possible the adults are hoping for some benjamins to mysteriously appear in an unmarked envelope. ?

Trenton Thompson will be interesting with this. He will play D1 this year. You'll know how much they push if he drops. Pulley has really been the only local program that seems to think positively about the U right now.

Seeing how all college basketball programs recruit these “coddled” teenagers to become part of their program how they view the program recruiting then might be of significance. ?‍♂️
True but thankfully Suggs opinion doesn't speak for all local recruits. Just as Suggs threw shade at Pitino and the program there are kids like Treyton Thompson who would love the chance to represent the U and play for Pitino.

True but thankfully Suggs opinion doesn't speak for all local recruits. Just as Suggs threw shade at Pitino and the program there are kids like Treyton Thompson who would love the chance to represent the U and play for Pitino.

Concerning AAU and college coaches. Interesting conversation with an assistant coach from a Power5 program. Most AAU programs pay their bills by “selling time” to colleges. As in “if you want to talk to Joe, or you want Joes contact number it will cost you $5000. etc‘ so I‘m not surprised that Suggs AAU team is not willing to give Pitinio a chance. Coyle runs to clean of ship to let something like this happen.

90% of college coaches are playing it clean. Mark Few plays it clean.

Concerning AAU and college coaches. Interesting conversation with an assistant coach from a Power5 program. Most AAU programs pay their bills by “selling time” to colleges. As in “if you want to talk to Joe, or you want Joes contact number it will cost you $5000. etc‘ so I‘m not surprised that Suggs AAU team is not willing to give Pitinio a chance. Coyle runs to clean of ship to let something like this happen.
It has has happened. Louisville was busted for it. I know a ton of coaches i know that are recruiting the high schools season harder, always putting character and family first. The use AAU for scouting and that is all. As soon as a handler appears, or a family member wants a job they drop the prospect. Pretty sure that is what we are doing here.

Knowing kids this age, I suspect this has more to do with him deflecting local anger against him for going elsewhere. As our team has several local key guys seeing significant minutes the attitude of "Of course he is going elsewhere" has diminished. Oturu is now a national star.

What better way to deflect the kind of animosity people can have against players who pass up playing in front of hometown fans than to blame it on the way the hometown team treated them. It's been used pretty effectively. I find his statement to be an insignificant reflection on our program.

I'm starting to agree with the conspiracists who claim the MN AAU programs are diss'ing Pitino for not giving them kickbacks. ?
Clearly adults around these kids are not supporting the Gopher program and it is entirely possible the adults are hoping for some benjamins to mysteriously appear in an unmarked envelope. ?
Will the regents appropriate a budget for expense?

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