Stormy Rowing Ahead?

Wonder if the game would be moved to 7:30 or 8pm? The weather nazi's say it qiuck moving and outta here by 730-7:45. Might be better than stopping the national anthem and making everyone move out of the seats.

What are the odds that Gophersports App will push out notifications if/when there is a delay?

Latest from KSTP:
A Strong Storm System will produce Strong to Severe T-Storms around 2 p.m. in areas from Fergus Falls to Marshall and south to Worthington into northwest Iowa then T-Storms will move east along a line from Bemidji to Brainerd to Alexandria to Willmar to Redwood Falls to Fairmont by 4 p.m. then into Mille Lacs, St.Cloud, Buffalo, Mankato, Albert Lea areas by 5 p.m. and into western Twin Cities by 6 p.m. then inside of 494/694 loop about 7 p.m. including Fair Grounds then approaching western Wisconsin after 8 p.m.

Damaging Winds of +70 mph, Tornadoes and Large Hail will be on leading edge of T-Storms followed by Rainfall with 1″ to 2″ amounts.
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Channel 5 Weather showing the storm going through by 7. So maybe the game will be delayed but won't get interrupted once it starts.
Many high school games delayed until tomorrow.

Was just outside and heard some thunder and checked my phone. Sure enough there is a small T-Storm about 8-10 mi west of me in the W Metro. So, I guess some scattered rumblers as well.

I like LightningTracker myself.

Here's the regional look at this moment:


Here's the close-up...and yes there's activity to the west already...

Looks like the chili indeed may be spicy later today...

Now that the line of tstorms has formed, what I don’t like is they are moving from the south, south west to the north, northeast and if they are lined up properly it looks like it could rain and lightening for quite a while. I would rather see them move more straight east which would make for a brief event.

Overall there is very little change to the forecast from yesterday. A line of strong storms will move through the Twin Cities around 7 PM, There are a few models that try to bring the line in a little earlier, which I would love to see.

Much like I mentioned yesterday, I think the storms move through around the planned kickoff time, and the start of the game will be delayed until around 8 or 830.
The weather apps are indicating that 8-8:30pm would be optimistic.

I wonder what the latest is they would try to start. 10pm?

Weather Channel future radar shows the severe part of the storm hitting campus just before 6pm. Should be clear by 7:30, game start 8 or 8:30 pm maybe?

severe weather watch's will be coming out soon for MN in the next hour or so

Weather Channel future radar shows the severe part of the storm hitting campus just before 6pm. Should be clear by 7:30, game start 8 or 8:30 pm maybe?
Figure an hour of warm-ups once storm is passed.

The weather apps are indicating that 8-8:30pm would be optimistic.

I wonder what the latest is they would try to start. 10pm?
start time I'm not sure. I know the Iowa/Nevada game ended at like 130am in the last couple years, didn't it? They had 3 delays after they started at 640pm.

Weather Channel future radar shows the severe part of the storm hitting campus just before 6pm. Should be clear by 7:30, game start 8 or 8:30 pm maybe?
Looking at the radar now it's a crazy line of storms from Pueblo, CO all the way to central Ontario.

Now that the line of tstorms has formed, what I don’t like is they are moving from the south, south west to the north, northeast and if they are lined up properly it looks like it could rain and lightening for quite a while. I would rather see them move more straight east which would make for a brief event.
I don't know...from what I'm seeing, I could see it pushing north of the cities, if the current track stays somewhat stable.

Move the game to tomorrow. Problem solved. Most animals instinctively know to seek shelter during inclimate weather. Human beings, on the other hand, are rather stupid. :)

Looks like we could have clear sailing by around game time.View attachment 33264
I thought I would throw the lightning policy out there one more time. It could easily stop raining but this policy is what will slow us up. They're not going to let people back into the stands until this 30 min is up and then I imagine they will give everyone another 20-30 min to get seated.

The current NCAA policy requires that play be suspended if there is lightning within 8 miles of the stadium. It requires a 30 minute delay, but this may vary because the time count will restart if another lightning strike occurs within the 8 mile radius.

Just to give a frame of reference on that distance, it's only 7.3 miles from Huntington Bank Stadium to Excel Energy Ctr in St. Paul.
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Curious of the plan for those driving in from work/from the suburbs? Wish I knew ahead of time, I don't want to get there at 6:30 if the game won't start until 9:30. Ugh

warnings starting to roll out should be interesting the next few hours

They should delay kick off to 8 to 830 pm. Give the storms chance to push through. Can't have people in Stadium with lightening. Much easier to delay than evacuate 50,000 people.

My gut says that the U is just waiting to be confident enough about when the storm will be entering and exiting 8 miles from the stadium to announce any delays. I suspect we'll see some announcement around 4pm about a start time delay of an hour or hour and a half.

I’m suffering through this right now with people who know I’m going to the game…

Guies, I know!

Rain now forecast at 1.44 inches at 7 pm.

Projections keep bouncing around.

Curious of the plan for those driving in from work/from the suburbs? Wish I knew ahead of time, I don't want to get there at 6:30 if the game won't start until 9:30. Ugh
Our plan remains the same. Will leave around 445 and try to get to the stadium around 6-615ish. If weather rolls through before kickoff we will take shelter at Mariucci. It's very tentative though. Could change at a moments notice.

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