Stormy Rowing Ahead?

Definitely want to be inside TCF itself before the weather hits so possibly can avoid putting on rain gear. It will be packed like a can of sardines. Humidity is not going to help but should drop pretty quick after the blast.

Timing will be interesting as the sun will be low. Might get orange skies with a rainbow again. That would be cool.

Current GOES satellite imagery shows it blowing up...


The line of storms continues to develop and looks about an hour ahead of schedule, likely moving through the metro around 6 PM.

Maybe there is hope for the game starting on time, or at least a minimal delay.
Thanks for confirming, that's what I was thinking when I looked at this radar shot as it appeared based on movement it would be here well before 7:00 pm. It looks like it's getting a little spicy out to the west as the T-storm Warnings start to fill in proceeding the storms as they angle to the NE.


I will gladly take a rain delay with little rain after.

Before, it was over 50% chance of rain every hour after for the whole game.

Already getting darker sky's in West and North Metro. Looks like heavy rain and wind for sure.

GopherWeatherGuy called it a bit ago as it looks like these storms are moving faster than expected. I'm attaching a T-Storm warning I just got indicating this line of storms has already reached the western fringes of the metro and is already over Waconia just west of Minnetonka.


I'm just west of Carver and the front is just blowing through right now. Really strong winds and rain. Temps are certainly cooler now.

Seriously impressive clouds entering west metro now.

It was nice chatting with many of you.

For everyone I have blocked, I'll see you in hell.
Yes, I was on my patio watching them as long as I could until the downpour hit.

Wrong sport, but it's Caddyshack which is always a classic.


It was a nice blow. Got to TCF right before it hit and stood under the security tent at the Gold Country entrance until it cleared up. Not ideal but did not get drenched like many also already there.

In the meantime Mrs. Billd holed up in MacNamera and did just fine eating her greek for dinner at the fireplace. I joined her eventually and chilled until time to go to the stadium.

Snow is better for some things than rain. Today was an example.

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