Souhan: Gophers' situation calls for bold step

Holtz would be run out of town on a rail. Mason was fired. Of note: Kill and Mason have become very good friends. Just saying....Mason as coach. Kill as SPECIAL ASS'T to the AD as Director of Football Operations. A win, win situation. If Kill can't go, Get on the phone Woody!!!

Do you think someone that was fired would come back? If you we're let go from a job would you go back to them? Just from a trust level on both sides.

I often wonder why more schools, with struggling football programs, don't bring back former coaches whom they fired and have been out of coachng for 6 or 7 years.

Out of coaching, but not out of the limelight If Mason called a 17 year old recruit.
You don't think the recruit would know who Mason is?

Do you think someone that was fired would come back? If you we're let go from a job would you go back to them? Just from a trust level on both sides.

He was fired by Maturi and Prez Bru. New administration my good man.

One thing Souhan said on the radio yesterday, is that this sort of thing would not be tolerated at a real football school, like Alabama, Florida, USC, Texas, etc.

I'm sure that will be horrid and blasphemous to most of you, but it's the truth.

One thing Souhan said on the radio yesterday, is that this sort of thing would not be tolerated at a real football school, like Alabama, Florida, USC, Texas, etc.

I'm sure that will be horrid and blasphemous to most of you, but it's the truth.

All these schools have been nationally relevant and won national titles in the last 10 or so years, what's your point?

One thing Souhan said on the radio yesterday, is that this sort of thing would not be tolerated at a real football school, like Alabama, Florida, USC, Texas, etc.

Umm....Alabama hired an NFL coach with a national title on his resume. USC hired Tennessee's head coach. Texas hired North Carolina's head coach. Florida hired Texas' head coach in waiting.

See a pattern?

Consider yourself busted you old broken plane. Bragging about beating a 6-6 Alabama team that brought at least 30,000 plus fans to Nashvile: you are DAMN RIGHT that was a way cool Gopher win. Those Alabama Fans were "into that game..." That is a program that ALWAYS has a LOVE for it's team, a REAL sense of pride, A STRONG desire to be willing to support their team and TRADITION and a sense of LOYALTY to their program. They fully expected to beat the Gophers. And they DID their research on the Minnesota's recent's past greatness and they were PUMPED to play a Big Ten Team. The SAME thing happened in Nashville when the Gophers BEAT Arknasas there.

Alabama fans were pumped to play Minnesota in the Music City Bowl? Just want to make sure we all have that straight.

EVERY win my Golden Gopher team gets over a conferfence SEC team...or any other major conference member team in a bowl game is REALLY SOMETHING!

Sorry, only Big Ten wins count.

One thing Souhan said on the radio yesterday, is that this sort of thing would not be tolerated at a real football school, like Alabama, Florida, USC, Texas, etc.

I'm sure that will be horrid and blasphemous to most of you, but it's the truth.

Heard that myself. I haven't talked to Jim yet so I will ask you. What would those schools do in this present situation?


Please explain.

Or do you prefer Ruppert T flywheel?

Well, my good man. Our administration doesn't " look " at football like the above mentioned. I equate
the Gopher football situation to the movie Happy Gilmore The U wants to keep all elements in a happy place. I don't think I have to expand on that.

Heard that myself. I haven't talked to Jim yet so I will ask you. What would those schools do in this present situation?

A big money booster or group of boosters would likely pay for Kill to "make the decision to retire" and pay off his staff as well. Then the same group would put up the cash to get a good coach in to replace him.

Minnesota Nice? That's a joke, right?
There's nothing nice about college football.

And anyway, Minnesota Nice is just another term for talking about people behind their backs.

The Minnesota "nice " is in reference in how the U is handling the Kill situation. They're walking on egg shells. Politically, they're doing the right thing.

Well, my good man. Our administration doesn't " look " at football like the above mentioned. I equate
the Gopher football situation to the movie Happy Gilmore The U wants to keep all elements in a happy place. I don't think I have to expand on that.

I ask again what would those schools do in the present situation?

BTW Reusse just mentioned Souhan and DDDDDDDubay's idea of bring back Mason is a stupid idea. Says Kaler and Teague are capable of hiring a FB coach......most use a search firm anyway. Says Charlie Strong is still pissed when someone mentions he missed on the MN job. Says one of the biggest factors was a certain female in the administration was so impressed with Brewster. Tanya Moten Brown?

One thing Souhan said on the radio yesterday, is that this sort of thing would not be tolerated at a real football school, like Alabama, Florida, USC, Texas, etc.

I'm sure that will be horrid and blasphemous to most of you, but it's the truth.

i'm not sure that's true. those schools would probably support their ill head coach if he were liked and respected. souhan sounds just like those reactionary, angry gopherholers.

So the basis of the pro Mason argument isn't that he was great or that we could be great with him, but rather that he was better then what was before him and what was after him? Wow, how compelling.

So the basis of the pro Mason argument isn't that he was great or that we could be great with him, but rather that he was better then what was before him and what was after him? Wow, how compelling.

Considering we were majority garbage before him & majority garbage since him then yeah pretty much...

Until someone outdoes Mason... he's the bar, it is what it is...

Considering we were majority garbage before him & majority garbage since him then yeah pretty much...

Until someone outdoes Mason... he's the bar, it is what it is...

Yes, you are right. Mason is the bar and it is downright embarrassing. And it is disgusting that any Gopher fan wants him back because they want to start winning winning Big 10 games at a 40% clip and taking home the Little Brown Jug once every 10 or 15 years. The major reason why Gopher football has been so pathetic since the 1960's is that Gopher alumni and fans haven't cared enough about their team to demand a much higher level of commitment from the U's Administration and Board of Regents. That's where it started with the Badgers and Hawkeyes. The Gophers use to own both of those teams.

Considering we were majority garbage before him & majority garbage since him then yeah pretty much...

Until someone outdoes Mason... he's the bar, it is what it is...

I agree with your post but there's a huuuuuuge difference between the 10-3 Mason team of 2003 (The bar) & where we actually had fallen to by the time he was shown the door. That bar has already been reached by both Brewster & Kill.

I agree with your post but there's a huuuuuuge difference between the 10-3 Mason team of 2003 (The bar) & where we actually had fallen to by the time he was shown the door. That bar has already been reached by both Brewster & Kill.

Neither Brew nor Kill have a Bowl Win at the U... until then they're not even in the same league as Mason as far as what you can achieve at Minnesota. I think Kill has it in him to make Minnesota a consistent 8 win team but we'll see...

I always find it funny how fans criticize Mason when the guy had us literally one play away from the Rose Bowl -- which had he done, he'd be a legend here. Instead he's scorned.

I always find it funny how fans criticize Mason when the guy had us literally one play away from the Rose Bowl -- which had he done, he'd be a legend here. Instead he's scorned.

When you consider how unappreciative the fans are it makes sense why we can't attract a big name hire...

No Mason = No TCF...

i'm not sure that's true. those schools would probably support their ill head coach if he were liked and respected. souhan sounds just like those reactionary, angry gopherholers.

If he were liked, respected and WON. I can't stress that enough. Winning is the single most important thing for this program, or ANY BCS level college program.

Mizzou isn't a traditional power. Columbia isn't a great place to go to school. But Mizzou is just about to upset number 6 Georgia. Why can't we be like that?

Alabama fans were pumped to play Minnesota in the Music City Bowl? Just want to make sure we all have that straight.
Damn straight minimus: There were over 30,000 of them there...they wore their colors...they were LOUD...they filled and owned the stadium and the town (Just the way the Arkansas Fans had done) and they stinking wanted a win...and thought they would win. They were ready to celebrate before the game because they did have the top ranked run defense in the SEC and, I believe in the nation that year. It was a great environment. And IF you think over 30,000 Alabama Fans who travel to a bowl game don't get pumped up ANY year they go to a bowl game you are sadly mistaken. I guess you must be one of those "video game/fantasy football" kind of people.

The crowds from Arkansas and Alabama were incredibly strong in numbers, spirit, sense of pride and it was REALLY FUN to have my Gophers BEAT the teams those huge crowds were there to cheer for.

There weren't really very many of we Gopher Fans at those games against Arkansas and Alabama...but they were GREAT WINS for MY Golden Gopher Football Team. People like you don't go to the bowl games and that does NOT surprise me. And, you try to heap crap on my Gophers when they are even invited to a bowl game. And, that is a VERY good thing...because who would want to sit next to you at a bowl game?

If he were liked, respected and WON. I can't stress that enough. Winning is the single most important thing for this program, or ANY BCS level college program.

Mizzou isn't a traditional power. Columbia isn't a great place to go to school. But Mizzou is just about to upset number 6 Georgia. Why can't we be like that?

Mizzou should be in the Big Ten.

If he were liked, respected and WON. I can't stress that enough. Winning is the single most important thing for this program, or ANY BCS level college program.

Mizzou isn't a traditional power. Columbia isn't a great place to go to school. But Mizzou is just about to upset number 6 Georgia. Why can't we be like that?

Gary Pinkel is very underrated and the best coach Mizzou has had since the guy they named their field after, Don Faurot.

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