Souhan: Gophers' situation calls for bold step

I'll settle for SCORING 33, no, make that 23. Oh, and not pissing away any more 4th Quarter leads in stunning and unusual fashions as the last competent Head Coach at Minnesota was wont to do.

On the bad punt, even if he had got it off or had been told to take the Safety there's no guarantee that the Gophers would have won that game. They hadn't shown any ability to stop Wisconsin for most of the 4th Quarter had they? And the Badgers certainly had figured out how to stop the Gophers on the ground by then too.

Well thanks to the last 7 years at least now we know what it's like to not have an Offense at all...

Well thanks to the last 7 years at least now we know what it's like to not have an Offense at all...

They had plenty of Offense in 2007 and 2008. Going away from that was the bad idea. Other than that, what the hell is wrong with you tonight?

They had plenty of Offense in 2007 and 2008. Going away from that was the bad idea. Other than that, what the hell is wrong with you tonight?

Nothing... I thought this was a healthy debate of Mason Years Vs. Post Mason?? Not sure how averaging 21 points a game & less then 350 yards is an Offense tho. The only thing I've seen the Gophers better at since Mason left is definitely Defense but even that is debatable. I just don't understand the mindsets of some fans is all. If the Mason Years were mediocrity then what has the last 7 been?

Nothing... I thought this was a healthy debate of Mason Years Vs. Post Mason??.. If the Mason Years were mediocrity then what has the last 7 been?

No it isn't. Nobody has said that the last 7 and a half years have been good. Nobody has typed that Brewster, Horton or Kill have done a better job than Mason did; at least nobody has TYPED that. Can't speak to the voices in your head. Turn the computer off and go to sleep before your hallucinations get the best of you. :)

No it isn't. Nobody has said that the last 7 and a half years have been good. Nobody has typed that Brewster, Horton or Kill have done a better job than Mason did; at least nobody has TYPED that. Can't speak to the voices in your head. Turn the computer off and go to sleep before your hallucinations get the best of you. :)

Ok I can agree that no one has said that they were great I just don't understand the Mason bashing. I don't want him back but at the end of the day he did more for Gopher football then most people think. We'd probably still be in the Metrodome if he hadn't made the team respectable... its just amazing the level of unappreciation fans have...

Ok I can agree that no one has said that they were great I just don't understand the Mason bashing. I don't want him back but at the end of the day he did more for Gopher football then most people think. We'd probably still be in the Metrodome if he hadn't made the team respectable... its just amazing the level of unappreciation fans have...

If you said that Mason did a helluva lot for the program, but the U needed to move a different direction in 2006, I think at least 2/3 of the board would agree with you. The rest would be split between people who forgot the good, and those who thought and continue to think he was the best chance we had. I respect Mason a ton. I wish 2004 to 2006 had gone better, and from that he would still be our coach. Those years can't be erased, and I don't think it would work for anyone involved for him to return.

And yes, a big FU to Souhan for even writing this. I will never click on another article from him (and I did not on this one).

If you said that Mason did a helluva lot for the program, but the U needed to move a different direction in 2006, I think at least 2/3 of the board would agree with you. The rest would be split between people who forgot the good, and those who thought and continue to think he was the best chance we had. I respect Mason a ton. I wish 2004 to 2006 had gone better, and from that he would still be our coach. Those years can't be erased, and I don't think it would work for anyone involved for him to return.

And yes, a big FU to Souhan for even writing this. I will never click on another article from him (and I did not on this one).

I thought Mason's days were numbers in 2006 & felt that he was 1 phone call away from bolting to another program & thats something that always kept fans on edge. Who knows... maybe he would've stayed put for good had he got a sniff of TCF but I don't think he was the end all be all of coaching I just wished we would've hired a real coach after Mason... I was always upset that they hired someone who had ZERO head coaching experience whereas if they would've hired someone like Kill back then the program would've been in better shape because at least the team was coming off of multiple bowl seasons in a row & would've made it a lot easier to sell but right now I think too many may think of us as a guinea pig & finishing bottom of the Big Ten won't help if that makes sense...

After reading this thread, I feel compelled to point out that
"The Walking Dead" has its season premier on AMC Sunday night.

Just for fun, imagine the Zombies are the Mason fans, and the people in the prison are the Gopher Hole regulars, then sit back, pop some popcorn, and watch them slaughter each other.

I thought Mason's days were numbers in 2006 & felt that he was 1 phone call away from bolting to another program & thats something that always kept fans on edge. Who knows... maybe he would've stayed put for good had he got a sniff of TCF but I don't think he was the end all be all of coaching I just wished we would've hired a real coach after Mason... I was always upset that they hired someone who had ZERO head coaching experience whereas if they would've hired someone like Kill back then the program would've been in better shape because at least the team was coming off of multiple bowl seasons in a row & would've made it a lot easier to sell but right now I think too many may think of us as a guinea pig & finishing bottom of the Big Ten won't help if that makes sense...

That's a fair take. I admit I was sold on Brewster - I hoped his recruiting prowess would give him time to learn on the job. I thought he would keep a stable set of coordinators to help him in the transition, but either by his design or lack of commitment from the coaches, that did not work. Brewster was an epic failure here. And I don't say that maliciously, I think Brewster could coach somewhere someday - he just was not ready yet. That falls on Maturi - I don't blame Brewster for reaching for HC gig. In hindsight, a Kill-like hire in 2006/2007 would have been the best for the program. For the time being, I think patience is the best course. It's only year three.

That's a fair take. I admit I was sold on Brewster - I hoped his recruiting prowess would give him time to learn on the job. I thought he would keep a stable set of coordinators to help him in the transition, but either by his design or lack of commitment from the coaches, that did not work. Brewster was an epic failure here. And I don't say that maliciously, I think Brewster could coach somewhere someday - he just was not ready yet. That falls on Maturi - I don't blame Brewster for reaching for HC gig. In hindsight, a Kill-like hire in 2006/2007 would have been the best for the program. For the time being, I think patience is the best course. It's only year three.

I agree its only Year 3. Kill said Minnesota would take longer because he has to correct the culture first. I'm just shocked at the fans who are shocked that we could potentially go 0-8 in conference play this year when nearly EVERY expert put us to finish 11th this Season & stated that Minnesota would be a better team then 2012 but with a worse record. Anybody who watches football should've seen this year was gonna be like how it is so far... we're still on course to be good again but some people really expected 2013 to be 2003 all over again...

I agree its only Year 3. Kill said Minnesota would take longer because he has to correct the culture first. I'm just shocked at the fans who are shocked that we could potentially go 0-8 in conference play this year when nearly EVERY expert put us to finish 11th this Season & stated that Minnesota would be a better team then 2012 but with a worse record. Anybody who watches football should've seen this year was gonna be like how it is so far... we're still on course to be good again but some people really expected 2013 to be 2003 all over again...

I agree. I thought we'd win 2 in the B10 this year to start the season. The problem is, I counted Iowa as a win. And the second win I counted as 'we're close enough to a few of the other teams, that one has to pan out.' After SJSU, I figured an Iowa win, and we can win two against the next seven. I still think we will probably win one. I'll be happy with a second. Like you said, we're on course to be good again, and despite what our record says or may say at the end of the year, we are improving. The way that Kill builds a program, a 2003 season probably isn't realistic until year 6 or 7. When I say 2003 season, I think 6-2 or 7-1, because that is really how good our team really was... the momentum just broke in a terrible way for us. I hope for a 5-3 record by year 5. As long as the trend is upwards with Kill in terms of performance as opposed to record, we should keep him. And we should probably keep in mind that there will be a year or two where he may dip slightly because of the uneven recruiting classes that he's been forced to recruit.

I agree. I thought we'd win 2 in the B10 this year to start the season. The problem is, I counted Iowa as a win. And the second win I counted as 'we're close enough to a few of the other teams, that one has to pan out.' After SJSU, I figured an Iowa win, and we can win two against the next seven. I still think we will probably win one. I'll be happy with a second. Like you said, we're on course to be good again, and despite what our record says or may say at the end of the year, we are improving. The way that Kill builds a program, a 2003 season probably isn't realistic until year 6 or 7. When I say 2003 season, I think 6-2 or 7-1, because that is really how good our team really was... the momentum just broke in a terrible way for us. I hope for a 5-3 record by year 5. As long as the trend is upwards with Kill in terms of performance as opposed to record, we should keep him. And we should probably keep in mind that there will be a year or two where he may dip slightly because of the uneven recruiting classes that he's been forced to recruit.

Well said. We're slowly finding our Offensive weapons 1 game at a time. This Offense should be pretty decent eventually... we have weapons like Kirkwood, Cobb, Maxx & Engel have shown to be useful & Leidner looks like a legit Big Ten QB. They should be pretty good once they start gelling. Defense is banged up right now but they haven't played too bad. I was watching the Stanford/Utah game & thinking "why can't this happen for us?" in a sense that we could hopefully catch a Nebraska or Ohio State slipping, it would be nice, lol...

I agree its only Year 3. Kill said Minnesota would take longer because he has to correct the culture first. I'm just shocked at the fans who are shocked that we could potentially go 0-8 in conference play this year when nearly EVERY expert put us to finish 11th this Season & stated that Minnesota would be a better team then 2012 but with a worse record. Anybody who watches football should've seen this year was gonna be like how it is so far... we're still on course to be good again but some people really expected 2013 to be 2003 all over again...

It may be a bit problematic that the 2014 and 2015 Conference Schedules look more difficult than the 2013 Conference Schedule looks. It is entirely possible that the team may continue to improve, yet not be able to improve their Conference Record. That is one tough situation to deal with it Coach Kill and his Staff must. Conference wins will continue to be hard to come by for the remainder of this 2013 season, the 2014 season and the 2015 season.

The question is: will Gopher Hole Posters, the media and the administration be able to restrain their usual angst, anger and animosity that too few wins and a lack of an invitation to a "big-time-January First Bowl Game" can bring about?

I really do think Coach Kill and his Staff need to win at least one conference game in 2013. Two with an invitation to a bowl game would be much better. Otherwise, the 2014 and 2015 seasons may bring some very unsettling times.

Beat Northwestern Gophers!

The ultimate solution. I keep telling you guys and it doesn't sink in
5 year...2.5 million a year for Mason
Kill takes over as Special Ass't to the AD in charge of football operations.
" California here we come...."

The ultimate solution. I keep telling you guys and it doesn't sink in
5 year...2.5 million a year for Mason
Kill takes over as Special Ass't to the AD in charge of football operations.
" California here we come...."

If you personally kick in $10 million of it I'm in. If this is just another "they should spend millions" post who gives a damn?

On the basis of what? One Tournament win in 23 years? Zero conference championships in 31 years?

Gopher fans want to pretend that the basketball team is so much better than the football team, when it has no basis in reality. The Gopher football team was once elite, and the Gopher basketball team has never been. At present, neither are even close to contending. If you want to re-hire Glen Mason, there is no way to simultaneously think that firing Tubby Smith was a good idea. Both are the best coach their respective teams had in decades. The difference is that Smith's best season at Minnesota was his last, while Mason's was 3 years before he got fired, which is not coincidentally the same time that he gave up and quit recruiting.

Well I would start with beating a top 5 team in the country last year.

I said this the night Jerry Kill was hired and I'll say it again - anybody thinking we were going to make a big jump in the Big 10 before year four of his tenure is walking around blind without a cane.

The words "stay the course" have been written several times in this thread and that's the best course of action.

Kill and his staff will be fair game if significant improvement is not shown next year or 2015.


I learned from talking to Oregon fans when we played them a couple of times that the Oregon program had been built by going to bowl games most every year dating back quite a ways. And then, they gathered up Billions of dollars from one of the richest men in America and now they are quite a program.


I always find it funny how fans criticize Mason when the guy had us literally one play away from the Rose Bowl -- which had he done, he'd be a legend here. Instead he's scorned.

Not even one play. How about one bounce.

Chris Perry's fumble bounces a different direction, and its a scoop and score to win the 10/10/2003 nightmare, and a very likely trip to the rose bowl, if not more. Glen shouldn't be the coach now, and his tenure ran its course, but to act like the Mason years should be lumped together with the rest of the crap seen since 1967 is so far from the truth I don't know where to begin.

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