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Or, ya know, he misspelled it by accident or the autocorrect brought that in. Or, we could go with bashing the intelligence of a kid just because he signed with our rival. 'Cause that's classy and mature.

Well, read his twitter. He's clearly an idiot, but I was hoping he'd be OUR idiot. Instead, it appears that he's chosen to be Iowa's idiot, so I wish him nothing but footballing failure for the next four years of his life.

Take a look at his Twitter feed and find me 1 coherent sentence then...not bashing his intellegiance but recruits using Twitter in general. Just look at one of top recruits in country gettin expelled for saying things on Twitter. More to lose than gain especially with teenagers who have not matured yet and say whatever they feel like

That may all be true, but I feel confident in saying that Moss' Twitter typo is never even mentioned, nor his intelligence questioned because of that tweet, had he signed with Minnesota.

If you're looking for coherent, intelligent, well-written sentences, you need to step away from Twitter immediately LOL

DT Jordan Hinojosa (Miami, Fla.) has signed with the Golden #Gophers. Welcome to Minnesota, Jordan.

Very excited about Jordan coming here; lot's of potential!!

Quick shout out to "getthemall" if you're on here; congrats!!! Feel free to add any insight if you like, it's always great to hear from you!

Coaching staff is not expecting any more LOIs today, so we sit at 27 (scholarship) for now.

Weird that they had Nicholson visit just last weekend if they didn't expect him to be academically eligible.

That may all be true, but I feel confident in saying that Moss' Twitter typo is never even mentioned, nor his intelligence questioned because of that tweet, had he signed with Minnesota.

If you're looking for coherent, intelligent, well-written sentences, you need to step away from Twitter immediately LOL

Totally agree on the twitter comment. I can barely stand to look at twitter feeds because it just looks like a jumbled mess most of the time.

On the subject of Moss, the fan reaction is predictable. We bash Wisconsin fans all the time when they claim they didn't really want a kid that signed somewhere else and yet we see the same thing happening here. In general people seemed excited about Moss and his potential, stinks to see him heading to one of our main rivals.

Totally agree on the twitter comment. I can barely stand to look at twitter feeds because it just looks like a jumbled mess most of the time.

On the subject of Moss, the fan reaction is predictable. We bash Wisconsin fans all the time when they claim they didn't really want a kid that signed somewhere else and yet we see the same thing happening here. In general people seemed excited about Moss and his potential, stinks to see him heading to one of our main rivals.

+1 on both points. Disappointing on Moss, but everyone here was doing the happy dance on Keanon Cooper and Michael Carter when they made last-minute commitments to us. Granted, those two seemed less "out of the blue," but they were still surprises to some extent.

Well, read his twitter. He's clearly an idiot, but I was hoping he'd be OUR idiot. Instead, it appears that he's chosen to be Iowa's idiot, so I wish him nothing but footballing failure for the next four years of his life.

He will be one of Iowa's most intelligent citizens (with the exception of Gopher in Iowa). I also wish him footballing failure with the Hawkeyes.

Totally agree on the twitter comment. I can barely stand to look at twitter feeds because it just looks like a jumbled mess most of the time.

On the subject of Moss, the fan reaction is predictable. We bash Wisconsin fans all the time when they claim they didn't really want a kid that signed somewhere else and yet we see the same thing happening here. In general people seemed excited about Moss and his potential, stinks to see him heading to one of our main rivals.

Agree with most of this, but... is Iowa a rival anymore? We OWN them!!!

I didn't intend my comment to demean Dinero's intelligence, I just find it amusing that these kids don't proof read their one sentence tweets. It's not like you or me tweeting, they know know the tweet is going to be RT and copy and pasted all over the internet, you'd think they'd want to take 3 seconds to proof read so they don't end up looking like an idiot.

Edit: I don't follow these recruits like most of you (other than the big name guys at the top of the class), but I would have liked Dinero at the U. I'm not going to hate him for not choosing us, although I will be cheering against him (obviously).

Agree with most of this, but... is Iowa a rival anymore? We OWN them!!!
If you're serious, it's probably worth noting that if 2 games in a row counts as owning then you may not want to contemplate what that means for us and WI.

I didn't intend my comment to demean Dinero's intelligence, I just find it amusing that these kids don't proof read their one sentence tweets. It's not like you or me tweeting, they know know the tweet is going to be RT and copy and pasted all over the internet, you'd think they'd want to take 3 seconds to proof read so they don't end up looking like an idiot.
You have, at least, four grammatical mistakes in two sentences; you should take your own advice.

If you're serious, it's probably worth noting that if 2 games in a row counts as owning then you may not want to contemplate what that means for us and WI.

Thanks, but not serious.

Haha...yeah you caught that right before me. That's kinda the point though. Bashing someone's intelligence (particularly when it comes to grammar) is a very slippery slope.

I'm as guilty as any but thought I'd play the game!

Hey Dr. Why do you have to stomp on the little people who want to feel so important!! JUST TEASING, Bayfield!!! I am one of the little people btw,

go gophs!!

Well, should know me by now, I take rumors to be worth what I pay for them, I prefer to be patient and wait for official word before I "try get a scoop before the facts are known. I still love ya, man.

Moss was one of the players I was most worried about. Rodrick Williams, Harbison, and Hinajosa worried me as well. I am ecstatic that these other guys signed. Losing Moss kind of stinks. It's not entirely surprising, but I think he's a really talented kid. I would have preferred him going to Kansas, Maryland, or any school outside the Big 10. That said, hopefully Andre and Phil Nelson will be able to tell him what carrying around that pig is like.

So with things basically wrapped up it would appear that Kill's claim that the recruiting sites were wrong about half the guys on their list turns out to be false as they basically had things nailed from the start. Losing Moss was a bit disappointing but glad the majority of guys that were expected to sign did. Good deep class, not all that exciting from a high end talent standpoint but should add lots of depth to the roster and hopefully the staff will get the most out of these guys going forward.

In case not seen in the Moss to Iowa Thread:


Join Date
Sep 2010
Batavia, IL

RT @ToddWorly247: Just confirmed with the coach of Dinero Moss that he's going to Ellsworth Community College in Iowa.

So with things basically wrapped up it would appear that Kill's claim that the recruiting sites were wrong about half the guys on their list turns out to be false as they basically had things nailed from the start. Losing Moss was a bit disappointing but glad the majority of guys that were expected to sign did.

If I remember correctly, Kill made this statement back in November. Since that time, players that were listed as "commits" that ended up not signing include: T Hills, B Morris, S Hinds, J Ballesteros, D Twitty, B Nicholson, D Moss. That's 7 just off the top of my head. His comment was a bit of an exaggeration, but not that far off...

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