Sid: I've been covering Gophs for 70 years, Mason firing was one of most unfair ever

On point 1 - yes, you are delusional. Had Glen not flirted with tOSU, he would still be here. Sorry, but that is a fact because there was no way on earth they were going to firing Glen when he was making annual bowl trips, winning 6+ games in the non-watered down Big 10, won rivalry games, put stars into the NFL, and put Gopher football on the map despite the lack of Admin support, facilities, and money. Sorry, you are delusional if you think firing him outside of the tOSU pursuit was a possibility.

On point 2 - I said Glen not coaching was a CHOICE. You 'counter' that point by saying that Glen turned down offers so it was not a choice. Is your issue with the English language or are you still drunk from watching NFL today?

Yes - Glenn could have coached in lesser conferences for bad teams. He thought he would get better offers and never did. He never received another good offer after MN let him go. You said he was in demand and chose not to be a coach again and even Glenn has said that isn't true. You seem to miss that point - oh, and you wanted to give a lifetime contract to a guy who was the definition of mediocre. Looney. Bird.

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You said he was in demand and chose not to be a coach again and even Glenn has said that isn't true.

Per your own statement "Yes - Glenn could have coached" - do you not see how ridiculous your argument is? FACT - GLEN NOT COACHING AGAIN WAS A CHOICE. Again - sober up before posting.

Second - I did not say that I WOULD have given Glen a lifetime contract - I am saying that he would have had one had he not openly campaigned for the tOSU job. See the difference? Would he have deserved it? Probably not because his lack of recruiting initiative would have capped us at 9-10 wins in the best of time. Would he have ever been fired? - ABSOLUTELY NOT. He was doing this in the worst of circumstances and the reason why we got Brewster to begin with is that no big-names wanted to do anything to do with us given the situation they would have inherited.

If you insist on replying - please wait until your BAC dips below .2 or have your wife proof read it for content. Thanks!

Per your own statement "Yes - Glenn could have coached" - do you not see how ridiculous your argument is? FACT - GLEN NOT COACHING AGAIN WAS A CHOICE. Again - sober up before posting.

Second - I did not say that I WOULD have given Glen a lifetime contract - I am saying that he would have had one had he not openly campaigned for the tOSU job. See the difference? Would he have deserved it? Probably not because his lack of recruiting initiative would have capped us at 9-10 wins in the best of time. Would he have ever been fired? - ABSOLUTELY NOT. He was doing this in the worst of circumstances and the reason why we got Brewster to begin with is that no big-names wanted to do anything to do with us given the situation they would have inherited.

If you insist on replying - please wait until your BAC dips below .2 or have your wife proof read it for content. Thanks!

The last refuge of the internet loser.

Per your own statement "Yes - Glenn could have coached" - do you not see how ridiculous your argument is? FACT - GLEN NOT COACHING AGAIN WAS A CHOICE. Again - sober up before posting.

Second - I did not say that I WOULD have given Glen a lifetime contract - I am saying that he would have had one had he not openly campaigned for the tOSU job. See the difference? Would he have deserved it? Probably not because his lack of recruiting initiative would have capped us at 9-10 wins in the best of time. Would he have ever been fired? - ABSOLUTELY NOT. He was doing this in the worst of circumstances and the reason why we got Brewster to begin with is that no big-names wanted to do anything to do with us given the situation they would have inherited.

If you insist on replying - please wait until your BAC dips below .2 or have your wife proof read it for content. Thanks!

Back pedal.

I haven't had a drink today and didn't watch 1 minute of NFL. You are like 0 for 4 in this thread alone. You sure do seem like the rational one tho.

I'm still not sure why if Glenn was so great, and had so many suitors (your words), that he didn't have all the big schools chasing him? They must have all been mad about tOSU thing also. Looney. Bird.

Also, you are wrong on why he got fired. Like Joe needed some "excuse" and just waited and waited. Maybe he got fired for being here 10 years and showing things were never going to be above mediocre. Just maybe. Sorry to hurt your feelings. 0 for 4.

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I haven't had a drink today and didn't watch 1 minute of NFL.

I was actually just being polite as I didn't want to just assume that you lack the commonsense/self-awareness that you actually argue against your own point - not only from prior posts - but within the post itself. Seems your problem lies in the English language/logic. Sorry, can't help you there - don't have the time to instill that knowledge in you.

I'm not sure what was "unfair" about Mason getting fired... he had just gotten an extension so presumably he got paid alright.

Mason did a good job getting the team to where they were, kudos for that, it was not really clear he could ever take them any farther.

Earth to Sid. Earth to Sid. The most unfair firing was the Canning of Cal Stoll. There was really never any justification, only some idea that the team needed to throw it more. And the 40 years in the wilderness began with Salem being hired.

I was actually just being polite as I didn't want to just assume that you lack the commonsense/self-awareness that you actually argue against your own point - not only from prior posts - but within the post itself. Seems your problem lies in the English language/logic. Sorry, can't help you there - don't have the time to instill that knowledge in you.

Good Talk.

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I'm not sure what was "unfair" about Mason getting fired... he had just gotten an extension so presumably he got paid alright.

Mason did a good job getting the team to where they were, kudos for that, it was not really clear he could ever take them any farther.

I agree to the extent of 'what was he willing to expend on time/energy for recruiting'? However - Mason did not have the advantage of a prior decade of .500+ football, a prior decade long bowl tradition, some recent big wins vs. rivals, TCF and related facilities, and an AD support for himself - the programs - and his assistants. If Mason had those things - even doing exactly what he was doing on the recruiting trail - would his results have been better? I would have to argue that it would have. If not - why was the positive impact of TCF on recruiting used as a rationale for building it?

Disagree....Replace the current OC and OLC with Mitch Browning and Gordie Shaw ; add Jay Sawvel staff on the other side of the ball you've 12-0 . You would also have two RB's with over
a 1000 yards each running the ball. Thank you very much.

Yeah, those guys have been sought after so aggressively since being let go. We can argue about Mason all we want and what his desire to coach elsewhere was, but these two have stayed in the coaching ranks and have never even come close to the job responsibilities they had at a P5 school when at Minnesota. I can't give you a reason for that other than their fan club here has overestimated their abilities compared to what the football establishment thinks.

PS--As for building TCF, the desire for better recruiting may have been a hoped-for by-product of the project, but the primary reason was to get football back on campus and escaping the mausoleum that was the Metrodome. This makes Sid's revisionist thinking all the more hilarious because he and his buds down at the Downtown Council thought bamboozling the Gophers off campus and into the Metrodome would be a win-win as it would allow the sell high school football players from the South that they wouldn't have to play outdoors in cold weather if they came to Minnesota. Clearly, the dumbest thing that the U has ever agreed to do and Sid and his clique--in all of their wisdom--thought it was just dandy.

If Pitino can show recruiting chops in the next two classes and it translated to the court. He is an upgrade for the program.

I'm in the camp that feels Mason was shorted the opportunity to coach in the stadium he fought to get. We'll never know how that would have panned out, but I don't think we would have gone backwards. Since Mason has left we had 3 wins over Iowa and beaten 3 ranked teams, in those 10 years.

Mason beat #11 Purdue and #21 Michigan in 2015 alone and was fired the next year. He deserved to coach into the new stadium and get some better support from administration.

On point 1 - yes, you are delusional. Had Glen not flirted with tOSU, he would still be here. Sorry, but that is a fact because there was no way on earth they were going to firing Glen when he was making annual bowl trips, winning 6+ games in the non-watered down Big 10, won rivalry games, put stars into the NFL, and put Gopher football on the map despite the lack of Admin support, facilities, and money. Sorry, you are delusional if you think firing him outside of the tOSU pursuit was a possibility.

Complete and utter BS. I hope for your sake that you're just playing stupid on this board, given how consistently terrible and wrong your hot takes are.

Mason was hired by Mark Diehard who was fire on a bogus charge. Tom Moe took over as intern AD. Moe was a former Gopher football player and he and Mason got along extremely well. Glen lobbied for Moe to take the the job full time, but Moe had some health issues. Then came Maturi who was the consummate " bean counter " who was a title X poster boy who treated football as a egual to all the other sports on campus. To a football guy like Mason who grew up under the Woody Hayes era this was a bad marriage from the get go. I attended many functions during the Mason years and you could be blind as a bat and see the body language between Mason and Maturi was extremely bad. Throw in the fact that Mason worked under three Presidents I think he squeezed blood out of a turnip in regards to the football program.
And I'll go to my death bed believing he would have been a success had he been given the opportunity to coach at TCF.

And I'll go to my death bed believing he would have been a success had he been given the opportunity to coach at TCF.

No, no, no - Mason was the devil incarnate and the fact that he did not coach at a top 10 team after leaving Minnesota proves beyond any doubt that he was terrible for Minnesota...and he probably bleached his teeth as well!

Seriously, the lack of commonsense on this board is embarrassing...

Mason was fired for these reasons:

Michigan 2003
Wisconsin 2004
Virginia 2005
Texas Tech 2006

Fans were sick of these idiotic losses and the "Fire Mason" chants were loudly displayed at both home football games and other events like basketball and hockey.

Mason was fired for these reasons:

Michigan 2003
Wisconsin 2004
Virginia 2005
Texas Tech 2006

Fans were sick of these idiotic losses and the "Fire Mason" chants were loudly displayed at both home football games and other events like basketball and hockey.

Don't forget this one:

The laugh line in that re-cap is Mason saying that he preached to kids to always play 60 minutes. You need to coach for 60 minutes as well. As per the Virginia game in 2005, I thought the whole coaching staff (which was in limbo due to the on-going negotiations on the part of Mason) mailed that one in.

Mason beat #11 Purdue and #21 Michigan in 2005 alone and was fired the next year. He deserved to coach into the new stadium and get some better support from administration.

He beat a 5-6 Purdue team and a 7-5 Michigan team.

Because of that he deserved 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009?

He beat a 5-6 Purdue team and a 7-5 Michigan team.

Because of that he deserved 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009?

The Purdue win came after 6 straight losses to Tiller and Purdue. He lost to them the next year too. The Michigan win also came after 6 straight losses and again he lost to them in 2006.

Was a BIG proponent of Mason's extension, though thought he was asking for too much money for himself. Also didn't like how he let the public think it was all about pay for his assistant coaches, long after that was settled in the negotiations. But he earned that extension.

Just can't get past the feeling that all the crazy she-et he pulled in his last season was deliberate attempt to get fired. He'd get the rest of the money owed him and go out and get a better job.

He got the first and never even got an offer for the second.

He's pretty happy now though isn't he? Good for him. Going back to Warmath him and Cal Stoll were the best coaches we've had. Holtz, may have become that but his actual record was 10-12.

Come to think about it? Have we ever had a post about Mason before? :horse::horse::horse:

Seriously, the lack of commonsense on this board is embarrassing...

I do applaud you for recognizing and admitting your own faults.

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He beat a 5-6 Purdue team and a 7-5 Michigan team.

Because of that he deserved 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009?

2006-2009? I read somewhere he would have been given a lifetime contract for this.

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Mason was fired for these reasons:

Michigan 2003
Wisconsin 2004
Virginia 2005
Texas Tech 2006

Fans were sick of these idiotic losses and the "Fire Mason" chants were loudly displayed at both home football games and other events like basketball and hockey.

Right...Mason dropped the punt against Wisconsin.....Hater's going to hate.

god this is a worthless thread - can we create a new forum for all mason related talk? its ancient history at this point and doesnt matter for how we go forward

Right...Mason dropped the punt against Wisconsin.....Hater's going to hate.
If it was just the one game then it's not a big deal, but Mason teams had established a pattern of blowing games in astounding fashion.

I think there needs to be a limit on how far back GH can go to argue coaches.

I respectfully suggest a "one former coach" limit.

In other words, you can discuss the current coach and the previous coach - but any coaches prior to that are off-limits.

No more Brewster, no more Mason. They are the past. Let the past go.

Same rule for AD's. talk about the Current AD and the previous AD. Maturi is gone. Let him rest in peace. (yeah, I know he's not dead - it's a figure of speech)

Is it pathetic that Mason has such a rancid rap sheet of horrific collapses that the bowl game meltdown to Virginia barely moves the meter?

The Mason firing was trading the washer/dryer set for what was behind Door Number 3. It could have been a new car; instead...


Psst.....Minnesota was outscored 21-7 in the fourth home. Shocker, I know.

Right....and Penn State was behind Wisconsin 28-7 In the B1G Championship Game. The blocked punt was a TD, so 14 to 7. BTW....Country Jer and Big Country still haven't beat Wisconsin.

Firing Mase was a big mistake. He should have opened TCF.

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Right....and Penn State was behind Wisconsin 28-7 In the B1G Championship Game. The blocked punt was a TD, so 14 to 7. BTW....Country Jer and Big Country still haven't beat Wisconsin.

Mase was 2-8 against Wisconsin, and got totally boat raced by some pretty crap Badger teams. So I wouldn't run around playing that card.

Dude, you've gotta let it go. Mase is gone and not coming back. We all get that you played golf with Glen, he charmed you over a few beers, whatever. He had a full decade to get us a top-3 finish in the Big Ten and couldn't get it done. I agree that he did a nice job turning us around and making us relevant, but it was time for a change.

The fact that Maturi totally butchered the timing and resulting hire of Brewster is a separate issue.

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