Sid: I've been covering Gophs for 70 years, Mason firing was one of most unfair ever

The timing of the Mason firing, after a huge extension, and at a time in the season when replacing him would be extremely difficult, made it likely to result in a poor hire, as it did. The entire episode damaged the program for years.

Mason wouldn't have had a defense that surrendered less than 23 pts/gm even with the players on the current roster. Nice try though Rupey.

Disagree....Replace the current OC and OLC with Mitch Browning and Gordie Shaw ; add Jay Sawvel staff on the other side of the ball you've 12-0 . You would also have two RB's with over
a 1000 yards each running the ball. Thank you very much.

Disagree....Replace the current OC and OLC with Mitch Browning and Gordie Shaw ; add Jay Sawvel staff on the other side of the ball you've 12-0 . You would also have two RB's with over
a 1000 yards each running the ball. Thank you very much.

Mason wouldn't have Sawvel on his staff. Take that to the bank.

It might be time for both Sid AND his employer to concentrate on current time and future. IE thinking about replacing him OR taking the tape out of his recorder. No doubt he loves the program, but his time has come.

Disagree....Replace the current OC and OLC with Mitch Browning and Gordie Shaw ; add Jay Sawvel staff on the other side of the ball you've 12-0 . You would also have two RB's with over
a 1000 yards each running the ball. Thank you very much.

Why did Mason never accomplish close to that in the 10 years he had then? I'm confused.

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Mason would have had this team 6-6, 4-5 in the B1G, and last in defense.

Can you provide anything beyond 10-years of consistent data to support this?

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Disagree....Replace the current OC and OLC with Mitch Browning and Gordie Shaw ; add Jay Sawvel staff on the other side of the ball you've 12-0 . You would also have two RB's with over
a 1000 yards each running the ball. Thank you very much.

aight cool so if we were in a totally different reality that ignores all the events leading up to the firing and that transpired after this is totally plausible

you're off your game today

Can you provide anything beyond 10-years of consistent data to support this?

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I could go through a montage of things on Glen Mason , but it would go on deaf ears because you have no idea what went on inside the athletic department. If you would like to meet me in San Diego I would be glad to enlighten you . As with all good liberals, I'll buy.

I could go through a montage of things on Glen Mason , but it would go on deaf ears because you have no idea what went on inside the athletic department. If you would like to meet me in San Diego I would be glad to enlighten you . As with all good liberals, I'll buy.

Wouldn't good liberals take money from the rich to buy and not use their own?

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Glen got fired for openly campaigning for the tOSU job - he had enough on the field success to give him a lifetime contract given what he inherited. The tOSU complaint is a legitimate gripe but the butthurt people blew it out of proportion and just waited for an excuse to fire him - the collapse in a bowl game was that excuse (we all knew the real reason) after a semi-decent season. For me, my gripe with Mason is that I hate to see untapped potential. Mason's heart was never in recruiting - which is why we lacked depth for the B10 grind - and didn't have enough athletes for both a good O and D. For me, Mason's downfall came down to him simply not putting enough effort into recruiting and never giving the appearance that he did - or would in the future. That said - Mason is my favorite Gopher coach over my history as a fan.

Why is Sid still bringing this up. I think people saw Mason for what he was as he never coached again.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glen got fired for openly campaigning for the tOSU job - <B>he had enough on the field success to give him a lifetime contract</B>

How can you expect anyone to read any further or take you serious after this?

Was Glenn campaigning for tOSU job also the reason he never coached again, anywhere?

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Glen got fired for openly campaigning for the tOSU job - he had enough on the field success to give him a lifetime contract given what he inherited. The tOSU complaint is a legitimate gripe but the butthurt people blew it out of proportion and just waited for an excuse to fire him - the collapse in a bowl game was that excuse (we all knew the real reason) after a semi-decent season. For me, my gripe with Mason is that I hate to see untapped potential. Mason's heart was never in recruiting - which is why we lacked depth for the B10 grind - and didn't have enough athletes for both a good O and D. For me, Mason's downfall came down to him simply not putting enough effort into recruiting and never giving the appearance that he did - or would in the future. That said - Mason is my favorite Gopher coach over my history as a fan.

I agree with the recruiting part, but I will also add that he really started getting fed up with the administration ; Maturi in particular. I had a opportunity to golf with ass't coach Carey Bailey and he was more than happy to share his opinions. That's when I found out that Mason was not a happy camper when it came trying to get money for the ass't coaches. He lost several because of that. Gibbs. Hudson , etc...

How can you expect anyone to read any further or take you serious after this?

Was Glenn campaigning for tOSU job also the reason he never coached again, anywhere?

Glen's performance - with the hindrances of no Admin support, garbage facilities, 40 years of football futility preceding him, no major off-field scandals, and winning in trophy games would have probably landed him a lifetime contract at the U if not for the perceived tOSU slap in the face. He MADE THE PROGRAM RELEVANT. If it were not for Mason - we would not have TCF today because no one would have cared about irrelevant Gopher football and I don't think there was another coach in the nation willing to come here at the time Glen took over that could have delivered the same results he did. You might want to re-write history now and claim that his teams or he was terrible - but those with a memory exceeding that of a goldfish know the challenged he faced and that much of our national exposure and shiny new facilities were built on the foundation Glen built by actually putting a good product on the field after 40 years of irrelevance.

As for ever coaching again as some sign of 'good/bad coach' - you are delusional. He was realistically considered for the tOSU job. If he had wanted to continue coaching or take on another project program - there would have been countless suitors. It was a personal choice not to continue likely due to his lack of enthusiasm for the recruiting and year-round nature of college football.

I agree with the recruiting part, but I will also add that he really started getting fed up with the administration ; Maturi in particular.

MACturi almost killed Gopher football with Brewster. He was completely unqualified for the position he was placed into and the results speak for themselves. I think he still thinks he is responsible for TCF - no - that was Glen making people actually care about Gopher football - not support MACturi created via his hiring of Brewster and the 'exciting/successful' teams he fielded.

Glen's performance - with the hindrances of no Admin support, garbage facilities, 40 years of football futility preceding him, no major off-field scandals, and winning in trophy games would have probably landed him a lifetime contract at the U if not for the perceived tOSU slap in the face. He MADE THE PROGRAM RELEVANT. If it were not for Mason - we would not have TCF today because no one would have cared about irrelevant Gopher football and I don't think there was another coach in the nation willing to come here at the time Glen took over that could have delivered the same results he did. You might want to re-write history now and claim that his teams or he was terrible - but those with a memory exceeding that of a goldfish know the challenged he faced and that much of our national exposure and shiny new facilities were built on the foundation Glen built by actually putting a good product on the field after 40 years of irrelevance.

As for ever coaching again as some sign of 'good/bad coach' - you are delusional. He was realistically considered for the tOSU job. If he had wanted to continue coaching or take on another project program - there would have been countless suitors. It was a personal choice not to continue likely due to his lack of enthusiasm for the recruiting and year-round nature of college football.

2 points....

1. I didn't say he was terrible. Simply said the "lifetime contract" statement was pure looney bird talk. And, it was.

2. Mase chose to give up coaching? You might want to tell him that as I have heard him reference many times how he wanted to coach again, but initially didn't get any good offers and then once he was out for a couple years there was no interest in him at all. So, I'm stuck with believing Glenn himself and you calling me "delusional" as you know better than the man himself or believing you who already proved himself as a looney bird in this thread. I'm going with Glenn.

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2 points....
1. I didn't say he was terrible. Simply said the "lifetime contract" statement was pure looney bird talk. And, it was.

2. but initially didn't get any good offers

On point 1 - yes, you are delusional. Had Glen not flirted with tOSU, he would still be here. Sorry, but that is a fact because there was no way on earth they were going to firing Glen when he was making annual bowl trips, winning 6+ games in the non-watered down Big 10, won rivalry games, put stars into the NFL, and put Gopher football on the map despite the lack of Admin support, facilities, and money. Sorry, you are delusional if you think firing him outside of the tOSU pursuit was a possibility.

On point 2 - I said Glen not coaching was a CHOICE. You 'counter' that point by saying that Glen turned down offers so it was not a choice. Is your issue with the English language or are you still drunk from watching NFL today?

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