Sid: $70 million football facility to break ground in Dec. Nanne Update: Not true!

The only way this gets done if grandpa Sid decides to give millions of dollars of his own fortune while he is still living.

Nanne: 'No truth' to report of groundbreaking $70M practice facility

"I'm out of town and I read this morning the erroneous report that Sid Hartman wrote about having plans to break ground in December for a $70 million facility. That's totally irresponsible," Nanne said on his weekly appearance on the Mackey & Judd show. "There are no plans to break ground and the facility that we're looking at is not remotely close to 70 million [dollars]. We want to get that word out because that is just totally, totally incorrect."

Nanne had interrupted a question morning show host Judd Zulgad was asking to set the record straight on the report from long-time columnist Sid Hartman.

"Very miffed, very miffed. Because all it does - we've got a committee of 45 and they've never heard this before. They get up and read it in the paper and say, 'Why don't we know what's going on?'" Nanne said in the radio interview.

Go Gophers!!

Sid probably spilled the beans a little early.

That might be a possible scenario but based on Nanne's comments Sid really blew it. I know people want information but this is why it is important to let the process play out without a lot of noise.

Who the eff is in charge over there? "So, Souhan, you want to print a column that mocks people with a disease? Well, I sure don't see anything wrong with that. Oh, Sid. What do you have? Oh a practice facility? For 70 million? Well, that sounds a little nuts, but you're pushing 100, so what are the odds you heard something wrong? Print it!"

I dont think Nanne would bash the report so much if any of it was true.

so what the hell was Ryan Burns talking about then?

so what the hell was Ryan Burns talking about then?

So is this wrong as well or do we in fact have $35 million ready to go from a corporate sponsor? Why are people so quick to believe "sources"? I honestly can't believe that anyone would believe that a Fortune 500 company is ready to pony up 35 fricking MILLION dollars for a kitchen and training center. I'd love to be wrong, but anyone that believes that isn't in corporate America. But if Burns' sources are correct, I'll eat crow. I can't believe anyone believed Burns' source either. People are really irrational with this and "reporters" are so worried about being first instead of right.

"Very miffed, very miffed. Because all it does - we've got a committee of 45 and they've never heard this before. They get up and read it in the paper and say, 'Why don't we know what's going on?'" Nanne said in the radio interview.

Committee of 45? No problem believing that if involves the U.

Total Debt Outstanding on Athletic Facilities
Total athletic facilities debt balances owed by the athletics department that have not been previously paid.

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities+473% from 2006-2012
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012
$39,000,000 $37,300,000 $35,975,000 $231,635,000 $75,841,529 $236,606,000 $223,280,000

When you're 230 million in the hole, might not be the best time to go on a spending spree.

Who the eff is in charge over there? "So, Souhan, you want to print a column that mocks people with a disease? Well, I sure don't see anything wrong with that. Oh, Sid. What do you have? Oh a practice facility? For 70 million? Well, that sounds a little nuts, but you're pushing 100, so what are the odds you heard something wrong? Print it!"

Asked myself the same thing. But then I realize the pathetic senior editors over there have no directive other than 'GET CLICKS!' Reputation be damned.

This is pure conjecture on my part. The $70 Mill amount is a little less than 25% of the full sports facility plan, the football facility is likely part of any first stage, December would be a reasonable date to release a plan. If something along those lines was mentioned I could see Sid getting it wrong.

Thanks for nothing Sid.

If the football facility is close to that amount we will be in great shape but by no means will it be in Oregon territory. Though Oregon has reported that their football facility cost $68 million this report has that amount doubled http://

I was out there last fall for a game, the talk around Eugene is its well over $200 million in actual costs and it looks the part, an amazing facility.

"Very miffed, very miffed. Because all it does - we've got a committee of 45 and they've never heard this before. They get up and read it in the paper and say, 'Why don't we know what's going on?'" Nanne said in the radio interview.

Committee of 45? No problem believing that if involves the U.

That's a reference to a committee of donors undoubtedly. And it explains why they are ticked to not be the first to know. So the "45" was actually a positive tidbit to be dropped. Source: I have much related experience with donor steering committees on capital projects.

Well, in fairness to Sid, he said December but didn't say what year.

This is pure conjecture on my part. The $70 Mill amount is a little less than 25% of the full sports facility plan, the football facility is likely part of any first stage, December would be a reasonable date to release a plan. If something along those lines was mentioned I could see Sid getting it wrong.

wasn't the full plan 190mil? 70/190= 37%

and 70 mil is redicoulous for a football practice facility, oregon is considered to have if not the best, one of the best and I think their's was under 70 mil, how the strib actually thought any of sid's report was credible is beyond me

It took Northwestern 18 months from their announcement and "commencement of fundraising" to break ground. It will take Minnesota eight. I might even bet the facility id paid off by the time it opens.

Naysayers of Norwood Teague and Lou Nanne, you can stick it.

Sid not the only one jumping the gun on this.

Sid not the only one jumping the gun on this.

Are you calling out highwayman? What do you expect when it is reported by the local newspaper. You know, the people that are suppose to verify their sources and fact check before publishing something!

Are you calling out highwayman? What do you expect when it is reported by the local newspaper. You know, the people that are suppose to verify their sources and fact check before publishing something!

I don't know? Maybe let the University confirm the report before telling people to "stick it".

Are you calling out highwayman? What do you expect when it is reported by the local newspaper. You know, the people that are suppose to verify their sources and fact check before publishing something!

The Strib isn't the only one. Burns said $35 million from a local company. That's so laughable. No company in Minnesota is giving 35 million for a practice facility when the actual stadium got $35 million over 25 years.

The Strib isn't the only one. Burns said $35 million from a local company. That's so laughable. No company in Minnesota is giving 35 million for a practice facility when the actual stadium got $35 million over 25 years.

Well, you are suppose to get credible news from the Star Tribune. Although, we find out more every day they only care about clicks. Integrity is lost over there.

Sorry Lou, but when it comes to facts & accuracy, I'm going to have to go with Sid! :D

If only the good people at Starkey had made a device that could help Sid listen....

Look - Sid is losing it. Anyone who listens to him on the radio, or watches the Sports Show on Sunday knows that. The real question is whether the powers that be at the Strib or 'CCO have the stones to tell a 'legend' that he can't cut it anymore. Of course, they have to be careful, because that is an age discrimination suit waiting to happen.....

Look - Sid is losing it. Anyone who listens to him on the radio, or watches the Sports Show on Sunday knows that. The real question is whether the powers that be at the Strib or 'CCO have the stones to tell a 'legend' that he can't cut it anymore. Of course, they have to be careful, because that is an age discrimination suit waiting to happen.....

Age has nothing to do with not being able to do ones job. They will be just fine if they deal with facts. 'CCO and the Strib only have to deal with a Rogue Writer/Reporter that is ruining their credibility in the Twin Cities Market. Fire away!! There may be a backlash among the Blue-Haired Ladies though.

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