Sid: $70 million football facility to break ground in Dec. Nanne Update: Not true!

Hey, it's a (much-needed) facilities upgrade. I'm excited.

Lets pump the brakes here a bit. El Sid said it was $70 million. 1. He's 9,000 years old, hearings going quickly, and he's been known to jump the gun and run with something he doesn't know anything about.

I was nervous at first that it wasn't true since Said broke the news and no one else. But the fact that the athletic department hasn't come out and refuted it or corrected it yet has me more and more excited that it is true.

So what. We'd have the most expensive one when it is built and it will take longer until it is considered outdated.

Can somebody explain to me what the hell a "training table" is, and why it would cost $35M?

Can somebody explain to me what the hell a "training table" is, and why it would cost $35M?

A training table is essentially an organized effort to optimize an athlete's diet. This effort focuses on getting the individual athlete the nutrients needed to optimize his/her body type for the both the sport and position he/she plays. This optimization builds upon an individual's body type and characteristics to prepare a specific diet tailored specifically for the individual.

Here's Oklahoma State's:


If the price tag of the training table is $35m, I would assume it would be for all sports and not just football. Training table is essential a huge buffett. Still not sure about the $35m.

If the price tag of the training table is $35m, I would assume it would be for all sports and not just football. Training table is essential a huge buffett. Still not sure about the $35m.

It would definitely be for all athletes. I don't know about the price tag either.

It took Northwestern 18 months from their announcement and "commencement of fundraising" to break ground. It will take Minnesota eight. I might even bet the facility id paid off by the time it opens.

Naysayers of Norwood Teague and Lou Nanne, you can stick it.

You got that right. It is pretty sad to see how they have acted during this process. My young grandchildren have more patience than they do.

Like others I am pumping the brakes a bit on the Sid announcement. I believe him, but I'll wait until the U actually releases a statement before I raise my glass and tip my cap to Kaler, Teague, Nanne, et al. Which is not to say that I don't have faith in this group's fundraising abilities (quite the opposite in fact). Very excited to hear more details as they come.

I said on Twitter last night, with Sid potentially breaking a big story and Reusse writing a Pohlad apologist piece, we're a just a 'Souhan pushes handicapped woman into traffic' away from the Strib Sports Desk Super Trifecta.

How long do you think it is before we got confirmation one way or the other that Sid was telling the truth?

How long do you think it is before we got confirmation one way or the other that Sid was telling the truth?

April 2nd

Sid jumped the gun because he thought it was April 1st ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="">@afurry</a> Making calls on that very question this morning. A few people who should know are saying the story is news to them.</p>— Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) <a href="">March 27, 2014</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>My question on Sid's report after checking around: he cutting the last big check to guarantee a December groundbreaking? <a href="">#gophers</a></p>— Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) <a href="">March 27, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

If the price tag of the training table is $35m, I would assume it would be for all sports and not just football. Training table is essential a huge buffett. Still not sure about the $35m.


Only the have's get Training Table. Rest of that athletes get dorm food.

Guys, this is Sid. He probably heard 70 million, when what was actually said to him was 17 million...

If Sid got this wrong or jumped the gun, he should be forced into retirement. Actually he should be forced in to retirement, regardless.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="">@afurry</a> Making calls on that very question this morning. A few people who should know are saying the story is news to them.</p>— Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) <a href="">March 27, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Poor Doogie. For a guy who prides himself on "scoops," I can't seem to remember him ever having one.

Lou Nanne just shot the article down according to Mackey. Bummer.

Welp...that's disappointing. But I'd like to believe things are progressing at the very least then, which is all I really expected at this point.

Lou Nanne just shot the article down according to Mackey. Bummer.

Lou Nanne just shot the article down according to Mackey. Bummer.

Welp...that's disappointing. But I'd like to believe things are progressing at the very least then, which is all I really expected at this point.

If Sid got this wrong or jumped the gun, he should be forced into retirement. Actually he should be forced in to retirement, regardless.
Was this in the Strib? If so, Sid is not the biggest problem. An editor could have stopped it from getting published.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Louie Nanne seriously ticked off. RT <a href="">@rubble67</a>: <a href="">@1500ESPNJudd</a> Things that make you go ... Hmmm</p>— Judd Zulgad (@1500ESPNJudd) <a href="">March 27, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Sid probably spilled the beans a little early.

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