Shortell's future

Mean Joe

Jun 27, 2012
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After watching this game it just seems that shortell will not be a fit for this offense. If he is going to be successful the coaches need to change up their offense. Shortell can not be running the read play, defenses know he is not a threat to run. You can tell that the coaches rely on a QB who can run to set up the run game. It will be interesting to see what the coaches do next year. I would not be surprised to see Nelson as the starting QB.

You're assuming Nelson is any better. If my intense dislike of AWeb taught me anything, its that the coaches have the guy most likely to win starting. No matter how much you wish it was otherwise. So when you see Shortell starting game 1 next year, you'll know the redshirt freshmen aren't the answer...

Its one game

That's a fact many people here are incapable of grasping.

Way too high and way too low.

Praise or shoot the QB....of course that would be the officials if it were a closer game.

LOL - The sky is falling in Gopherhole after just one loss!

Philip Nelson better be ready next year. Max has a long way to go.

Philip Nelson better be ready next year. Max has a long way to go.

I'll bet Philip Nelson has even further to go. Hopefully, the coaches will find a way to tailor the offense to Max without changing too much.

I hope shortell figures it out. I'd rather not have to start him Nelson. If Max completes those early fly routes this is a different game. Nobody showed up to play. But theQB has to show up if you want to remain competitive in a ball game while your defense figures it out.


Let me see if I got this right.....we win everyone is great. We lose everyone must be benched?

This is what I will say; Shortel can only run the offense the coaches put him in. At Mn we run tHe read option.

When has the offense looked really good under Jerry Kill? Why assume that it is Max (or MarQueis) and not the scheme, the playcalling, the offensive line or any other position group? I would agree that Max is not ideal to run the read option, but then why give a scholarship to another big QB in Leidner? I think there are a lot of questions about the offense as a whole and the QB's performance is just one of them.

I'll bet Philip Nelson has even further to go. Hopefully, the coaches will find a way to tailor the offense to Max without changing too much.

As disappointing as things may be, Max is probably far ahead of Nelson at this stage; the Gophers need a running back or two to make any offense work.

My concern isn't his lack of mobility. He missed short several receivers that had gotten past the defense, not a good sign for our best pure passer. Several of these were off by 10 yards or more and at least one resulted in an interception.

When has the offense looked really good under Jerry Kill? Why assume that it is Max (or MarQueis) and not the scheme, the playcalling, the offensive line or any other position group? I would agree that Max is not ideal to run the read option, but then why give a scholarship to another big QB in Leidner? I think there are a lot of questions about the offense as a whole and the QB's performance is just one of them.

This is not a knock on our staff but the GREAT coaches scheme to their players. Good coaches have to find the players to run their schemes.

However, what pisses me off is when coaches claim the don't have the talent instead of saying (of course they won't) hey, I'm not adept at certain schemes so we have to get my type of players (speaking in generalities...not focused at anyone in particular).

This is not a knock on our staff but the GREAT coaches scheme to their players. Good coaches have to find the players to run their schemes.

However, what pisses me off is when coaches claim the don't have the talent instead of saying (of course they won't) hey, I'm not adept at certain schemes so we have to get my type of players (speaking in generalities...not focused at anyone in particular).

At the NCAA level, I couldn't disagree more with this post.

I remember reading an interview of Max recently and he said that he thought Nelson was definitely ahead of where he was last year at this time. Max' is a fine Big Ten BACKUP. His problem is not he is his feet. Unless has can gain significant mobility between now and next year, you will see Phillip Nelson as our starting QB. Having seen him in person, the kid can not only pass..but he can RUN! I am not knocking Max..he is who we thought he was.

Don't over-react. If Max is the starter next year, the game-plan will be tweaked more than it can be in the middle of the season. He's not Gray running, but he's not Scott Mitchell or Sean Salisbury either.

My God people. Did anybody notice that Kirkwood ran for 33 yards today? Or that Iowa's defensive line dominated our offensive line? Or that our defense allowed 24 points in the first half?

No running game. Poor protection. Playing from behind. Hmmmmmm

When Iowa forces Shortell (a red-shirt sophomore making his 4th start) to pass he is going to make mistakes. He made some mistakes today. I will bet that he will learn from his mistakes and be better next time.

My God people. Did anybody notice that Kirkwood ran for 33 yards today? Or that Iowa's defensive line dominated our offensive line? Or that our defense allowed 24 points in the first half?

No running game. Poor protection. Playing from behind. Hmmmmmm

When Iowa forces Shortell (a red-shirt sophomore making his 4th start) to pass he is going to make mistakes. He made some mistakes today. I will bet that he will learn from his mistakes and be better next time.

The problem remains that the whole team is young. Just think about our O-line for a minute. Walk-on Freshmen Jon Christenson makes his 1st ever start. Soph walk-on Caleb Bak makes his 4th or 5th? As does redshirt freshmen Campion. Epping is playing his 2nd game at center out of position, and E. Olson remains the grizzled veteran as a junior. The line is really young. I think they did a very good job in pass protection, the sacks were on Max for holding the ball too long. Run blocking still has a ways to go though.

Part of the issue with Max is that on a good team, he'd be a redshirt freshmen who never would have had to see game action yet. Since Alipate and Parrish didn't pan out, there's a gaping whole at QB, in addition to O-line, WR, RB, etc. etc.

This is not a knock on our staff but the GREAT coaches scheme to their players. Good coaches have to find the players to run their schemes.

However, what pisses me off is when coaches claim the don't have the talent instead of saying (of course they won't) hey, I'm not adept at certain schemes so we have to get my type of players (speaking in generalities...not focused at anyone in particular).

Interesting. This certainly SEEMS like a knock on the coaching staff. Of course, since it seems like almost every post of yours I read is a knock on the coaching staff, I can't say I'm too surprised.

Interesting. This certainly SEEMS like a knock on the coaching staff. Of course, since it seems like almost every post of yours I read is a knock on the coaching staff, I can't say I'm too surprised.

I would suggest you work on your reading comprehension. My man....I couldn't be any clearer this was not directed at Kill. And no I don't particularly care for Kill; I'm have no problem saying that. But again; my comment was not directed at him. What ever issues I have with Kill, it has nothing to do with coaching. The man can flat out coach.

My God people. Did anybody notice that Kirkwood ran for 33 yards today? Or that Iowa's defensive line dominated our offensive line? Or that our defense allowed 24 points in the first half?

No running game. Poor protection. Playing from behind. Hmmmmmm

When Iowa forces Shortell (a red-shirt sophomore making his 4th start) to pass he is going to make mistakes. He made some mistakes today. I will bet that he will learn from his mistakes and
be better next time.

I'm with you; I think folks are going waaayyy over board on this. The same folks who correctly want to give a player (Gray) who has been in the program for fours years but only a QB for two years; more time to develop, are quick to pronounce Shortel a bust after less than 1 1/2 years?

I would suggest you work on your reading comprehension. My man....I couldn't be any clearer this was not directed at Kill. And no I don't particularly care for Kill; I'm have no problem saying that. But again; my comment was not directed at him. What ever issues I have with Kill, it has nothing to do with coaching. The man can flat out coach.

Ok, I'll bite.

In the past, you have said that you were upset with Kill for saying that the team lacked the talent necessary to win consistently in the Big Ten. Now, you say good coaches never say they lack the talent to win and that they adjust to the people they have. At the same time, you say Kill is a great coach.

My man: Which is it?

It's no secret Shortell is a weak runner and more of a "pure" passer. Since he is a very little threat in the running game, he has to be accurate for us to be successful. I'm not saying he is the only reason, but he certainly wasn't very accurate at times today. He did have some very nice throws to the sidelines though.

I think he's got a shot to be a very good QB. I just think Gray has to be the guy when he's healthy again. As others have said, our OL is extremely young and inexperienced. A running QB neutralizes that a little bit in my opinion.

I'm with you; I think folks are going waaayyy over board on this. The same folks who correctly want to give a player (Gray) who has been in the program for fours years but only a QB for two years; more time to develop, are quick to pronounce Shortel a bust after less than 1 1/2 years?

Agreed. I'm surprised I'm not seeing more calls for Nelson to be the starter against Northwestern. In a loss like this one, folks look for a scapegoat. Shortell wasn't good today, but I am amazed at how quickly people forget how little experience he, and the entire team, has. Of course, it is always easier to be emotional and look for someone to blame.

Sportsfan24 said:
I would suggest you work on your reading comprehension. My man....I couldn't be any clearer this was not directed at Kill. And no I don't particularly care for Kill; I'm have no problem saying that. But again; my comment was not directed at him. What ever issues I have with Kill, it has nothing to do with coaching. The man can flat out coach.

What is your beef with Kill if not coaching? He seems like a solid dude. You had no problem sending your son to play for Brew so I'm curious why you would have a problem with Kill, who appears to be a much more likable personality.

Phil Miller blog: Postgame: QB situation poses challenge for Gophers

So when Gray comes back, presumably once the season resumes Oct. 13, does it make sense to find room for Shortell, too? Sure seems so. Even Shortell sounded hopeful, answering (when pressed by interviewers) that "This coaching staff, they did a two-quarterback thing at Northern (Illinois). ... I could (give) MarQueis a break, or whatever they (want)."

Go Gophers!!

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