Seth Green

Wouldn't be surprised if he moved to WR since they do have a higher rated QB. Maybe he'll transfer back to the U.

We can't control which shoe company sponsors Oregon. We can't control whether or not they play for a Natty. We can't control how hot the chicks are at Oregon. What we CAN control is how we continue to recruit Green & how many games we win. We just need to continue building the relationship & continue winning games. If we go 9-3 & win our bowl game to go 10-3, we'll be the Cinderella team & media darlings. Then do it again next year to prove it's not a fluke. Every game we win makes it just a little tougher for Green (or any other local recruit) to rationalize not playing for the U. That's what we CAN control. If Green flips to the U it's more great publicity, if not someone else just as highly ranked will want the spot.

We can't control which shoe company sponsors Oregon. We can't control whether or not they play for a Natty. We can't control how hot the chicks are at Oregon. What we CAN control is how we continue to recruit Green & how many games we win. We just need to continue building the relationship & continue winning games. If we go 9-3 & win our bowl game to go 10-3, we'll be the Cinderella team & media darlings. Then do it again next year to prove it's not a fluke. Every game we win makes it just a little tougher for Green (or any other local recruit) to rationalize not playing for the U. That's what we CAN control. If Green flips to the U it's more great publicity, if not someone else just as highly ranked will want the spot.

agreed 98%, because we certainly can (and should!) start admitting more hot girls at the u.

For some reason I have really appreciated the way Green has handled this from the start. I'm usually pretty bitter and upset when local kids abandon the state, but this one doesn't sting as much. Oregon would be a very tough place to turn down...they have top not facilities and it's in a great part of the country I'm honestly more concerned about the interest Croft is now getting, and I really hope we can hang onto him.

Bobby Bowden (or was it another coach) said that he loved when a junior committed to another school. It just tells him who his competition is.

Keep on the path we are on and we may get the next big QB. Winning only helps.

On another note. I can't decide what is more annoying.

People who tweet @ recruits or those that tell people it's a NCAA violation for tweeting @ recruits.

People who tweet @ recruits are worse

There is no way to do that and not be a total creep

Unfortunately, the state of MN doesn't make a lot of really, really good players. . .

Michael Floyd
James Laurinaitus (I refuse to look up that name)
Beau Allen (it depends upon your idea of really really good, he's in the NFL)

James was all set to commit until Greg Hudson left, he was a beast at OSU.

Seantrel Henderson-NFL ('10)

Trevor Laws-NFL for two years ('03)

Marcus Coleman-tryouts with NFL teams but got hurt, three year starter on good Bucky O-lines. ('03)

Nick Davidson- on his way to the NFL('12)

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Nick Davidson- on his way to the NFL('12)

Possible, but I doubt it. He's a junior and has barely seen the field. He didn't play at all during his first 2 years and is only playing on special jumbo packages this year.

For some reason I have really appreciated the way Green has handled this from the start. I'm usually pretty bitter and upset when local kids abandon the state, but this one doesn't sting as much. Oregon would be a very tough place to turn down...they have top not facilities and it's in a great part of the country I'm honestly more concerned about the interest Croft is now getting, and I really hope we can hang onto him.

Got me looking. Found this.

Don't forget about AJ Tarpley who almost never gets mentioned here. Almost 260 career tackles for a perennially dominant Stanford D.

Good luck to Green at Oregon. It would have been awesome to have him, but we've already come a long way with recruits that aren't even ranked on recruiting sites. The encouraging part is that Minnesota recruits are at least starting to take us a little more seriously instead of just throwing the "M" hat on the table for show.

We still have a great shot to make 2016 a great class, especially with top Minnesota recruits. It seems like we have a really good shot with both Garcia and Coughlin.

I watched both of them play in HS quite a bit. Seth Green certainly has more upside, but Perra is a much better QB right now. I think you'd be surprised at the amount of people who have seen both play who would share the same thoughts as Tikited. (Again, obviously Green has WAY more upside)

If Perra went to Cretin, he'd have been a Phil Nelson-level recruit (not Seth Green level).

Agree with basically everything you said and it has nothing to do with where they committed. Perra was the better high school quarterback and it's not even that close. How that will translate to the next level I have no idea but Green has a lot of work to do.

I wish him well. As mentioned previously in this thread as a QB it has to be almost impossible to pick us over Oregon. If Jerry can win the game running the ball all game, he will. Not a criticism, just the facts. Now, when we lose an OL even to Alabama or especially to an Arkansas or if we would lose a RB somewhere else even if it's a marquee football school to me that hurts a lot worse. We should be an OL and RB dream school; even while recognizing that not all other things are equal like tradition, facilities, etc. I know he may project as a a DL, but the recruit we need to get for this year's class is Carlberg out of DeLaSalle. The kid is an athletic stud and whether it's OL or DL will play early wherever he goes.

James was all set to commit until Greg Hudson left, he was a beast at OSU.

Seantrel Henderson-NFL ('10)

Trevor Laws-NFL for two years ('03)

Marcus Coleman-tryouts with NFL teams but got hurt, three year starter on good Bucky O-lines. ('03)

Nick Davidson- on his way to the NFL('12)

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How about MBIII? he was a MN kid and went to a pro bowl if I'm not mistaken. Utecht is an MN kid with a ring. There were a lot of local guys in the '02-'05 teams that were very good.

Matt Spaeth pretty much sucked and had no athletic ability or chance to ever play in the NFL, but he's a local kid too who got some mop-up duty with the local Big Ten team. I think he made one special teams tackle once in a game.

I can't blame Green for choosing Oregon and am glad he didn't go with another B1G team. I think it's smart of him to make his decision now while he's still hot. He was not very impressive in the game last week against a small Mounds View team. Who knows, it's a long time til signing day 2016.

oh well

We want guys who want to be here. If Seth does well in Oregon then more power to him. could he do well here sure but i dont think life ends just because a kid decides to leave the state.

I think most College coaches say anything to get athletic kids in their program. so what if Green ends up a WR or a DB was he really that tied into the QB position? only Seth and his Dad knows that.

Wish he would have been a Gopher but it is hard to fault him for choosing Oregon if he didn't want to be a hometown hero. I feel like he handled the process better than some previous recruits and seemed to be pretty up front with the Gophers staff throughout the process. If he has success at Oregon great for him it just better not happen against the Gophers. Time to put even more focus into Garcia, Coughlin, Kegel, and some other very good 2016 in-state prospects.

We want the guys that want to be Gophers to be Gophers, if the guys heart is not in it than it is best they go elsewhere. The big timers that always think they need to leave Minnesota and are looking for something else will seem to always do that, but we are turning the corner in that we actually get some of these guys now. Green is a very talented kid and a great athlete but he is very raw and a bit imature and under developed as a quarterback right now. Oregon must be recruiting him on sheer potential right now or based on being a really good athlete as a Junior, because that guy has a lot to learn about playing quarterback still. His progressions are still really slow, he guides the ball, and he telegraphs throws, makes some bad decisions at times, and some poor footwork and inconsistent throwing motion, for a guy that has played quarterback as long as he has and has that much hype, he has a big ceiling for improvement. That said he is still a kid and has a lot of potential and room to grow and you cannot teach that combination of size and athleticism, the critiques I have are all things that are coachable and things that with higher coaching can be fixed.
That's not sour grapes just my observation and opinion. He better be prepared to move positions if need be and go in ready to compete because Oregon recruits quarterbacks like Green a lot and will have 3 to 4 guys just like him in the 2016 class. Good luck to him with the Ducks he is a good football player that must be impressed by the prestige of having an Oregon offer. May it be all that he is looking for, but now that he is not going to be a Gopher, I'm putting him in the past.
Let the guys that want to be Gophers be the one's that help us contend for a national title some day.

Former Gopher QB Clint Brewster chimes in:

<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Go Gophers!!

I hope the best for Green and take no pleasure in Clint Brewster or anyone not being a fan. Would have loved to have seen him here. Not everyone wants to be the hometown hero, some prefer to move away for a while and get a new vibe. Totally understandable. No hate. Today he has the world in the palm of his hand. Never been there, am jealous.


Is gopherdudepart2 Clint Brewster? lol
I'm 6-2 and 300 pounds, and played defensive back before freshman growth spurt, when I was young and D-line in high school as I grew and put on weight and length. I have a buddy that played college QB 1AA, those are more his observations about Green after seeing him play Mounds View last week than mine, but I agree with his observations about Green.
Not sure why Brewster tweeted what he did.

I'm 6-2 and 300 pounds, and played defensive back before freshman growth spurt, when I was young and D-line in high school as I grew and put on weight and length. I have a buddy that played college QB 1AA, those are more his observations about Green after seeing him play Mounds View last week than mine, but I agree with his observations about Green.
Not sure why Brewster tweeted what he did.

He works for Michigan's 247 recruiting site and does scouting reports and such, so he probably shares his opinions about a lot of prospects.

Boo!!! Hiss!!!

Guy had an open invitation to attend his announcement and then chose someone other than my favorite team. Wish I woulda went just so I could boo his decision.

Hope he's healthy, but lives to regret not choosing the Gophs.

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