Seth Green

I don't have a problem with any kid that wants to leave the state. Lots of us might do the same given a chance. However, I do have a problem with these assemblies and then they pick somewhere else. Make your announcement ... go out and celebrate with family/friends ... but don't do another one of these attention grabbing deals where you choose somewhere else.

We did all we could do. We will continue to get better and these things will turn around.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't have a problem with any kid that wants to leave the state. Lots of us might do the same given a chance. However, I do have a problem with these assemblies and then they pick somewhere else. Make your announcement ... go out and celebrate with family/friends ... but don't do another one of these attention grabbing deals where you choose somewhere else.

So go ahead and be an attention grabber as long as you choose MY favorite team. Seems logical...

So go ahead and be an attention grabber as long as you choose MY favorite team. Seems logical...

For those who still have any interest...believe his regular season finale is tonight in Forest Lake.

So go ahead and be an attention grabber as long as you choose MY favorite team. Seems logical...

Oh I see he wants attention but wants to decide exactly which kind of attention.
The kid had an open invite to go to his ceremony. Wish I woulda went and booed when he chose anything other than my favorite team.

My grandma wasn't happy when I chose to go to school out of state. I'm sure Seth Green will get over the fact I boo his college choice.

Oh I see he wants attention but wants to decide exactly which kind of attention.
The kid had an open invite to go to his ceremony. Wish I woulda went and booed when he chose anything other than my favorite team.

My grandma wasn't happy when I chose to go to school out of state. I'm sure Seth Green will get over the fact I boo his college choice.

Seems a bit over the top to boo and high school kid for his college decision...

A few observations:

1. Everyone seems to think Green is handling this the right way and that he was gracious with the Gophers by letting them know in person and giving them plenty of notice. Keep in mind Oregon gave him a short window of time to commit and told him they still will be recruiting other QBs for the class of 2016. Given that he won't be on a college campus for 20 months, a lot can happen (Oregon gets NCAA penalties, coaches leave, Green gets injured and his offer dries up, he has a change of heart, etc, etc, etc). Now maybe Green is the kindest, humblest recruit ever and decided to spend 3 hours at the U yesterday consoling the staff and telling them how much he liked them out of the goodness of his heart. Or maybe he was keeping his options open for what may happen down the road...

2. Green is only a national recruit because he wanted to be one. His offers came because teams showed some interest, and he flew out on his own dime and earned camp offers. Many of our current recruits and players on the team could have also played this game, but because they wanted to be Gophers they don't have the offer list that some players have. Point being, most Minnesota kids that are national recruits are just that because they are already looking to leave.

How exciting for Seth. An offer from a premier college football program is quite a feather in his cap. Too bad for the U but good for the young man. Those that deride him for passing up the "hometown hero" route need to realize 1) a change of scenery can be good and broaden horizons; 2) you need look no further than this board to realize he is more likely to be a goat than a hero; 3) we have a roster full of guys who spurned local offers to play here. Some guys leave home and good for them and us.

That said, and this is in no way a disparagement of the young man but Green seems rather "ordinary" by way of an Oregon recruit. I agree with those who think that this situation is more fluid than Green or his coach let on once a higher rated qb commits to Oregon. Minnesota may not be his final destination but it is a long time until signing day 2016.

Oh I see he wants attention but wants to decide exactly which kind of attention.
The kid had an open invite to go to his ceremony. Wish I woulda went and booed when he chose anything other than my favorite team.

My grandma wasn't happy when I chose to go to school out of state. I'm sure Seth Green will get over the fact I boo his college choice.

Ummm, what?

My reply was to someone that dictated what kind of attention was appropriate. Had nothing to do with Seth's rationale. No doubt Seth will get over you booing. I was just pointing out how ridiculous people like you are.

6 pages, 100 replies and over 10,000 views? People need to relax. Seth Green is 5' 4'' tall, and sure he's done Buffy, Can't Hardly Wait, The Italian Job and Robot Chicken etc. but has anybody every even see him throw a football?


He didn't play for the community in which he lives. Why would you think he'd stay in MN? He can't play at Oregon at the level he's currently playiing

I guess it depends on your definition of "really really good", but guys who are or likely will be playing in the NFL include Tyler Marz, Beau Allen, Billy Turner, Michael Floyd, and James Laurinaitis.

How about Larry Fitz?

He's an interesting case. Could he get the schlicte treatment and be downgraded for 4 to 3 star? Unlikely. But it reminds me of watching Derrick Green tape after he committed to Michigan. Didn't understand the hype as he looked pretty ordinary. Maybe these guys will explode on the scene as upperclassmen. But seems to me if they aren't highly productive in HS (see Green, Seth) it's a pretty big leap to be productive in college. It's not like he's new to the position. Those who follow high school ball have come away unimpressed. Workout warrior and game day pacifist?

6 pages, 100 replies and over 10,000 views? People need to relax. Seth Green is 5' 4'' tall, and sure he's done Buffy, Can't Hardly Wait, The Italian Job and Robot Chicken etc. but has anybody every even see him throw a football?


He was great in the Austin Powers movies.

And how can you forget Family Guy.

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Perra was far better as a senior than Green is as a junior. Perra made everyone better and carried a good team. Maybe Green's potential is higher?

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