Re-read your are talking about the U "building their case". The same U that can barely market themselves out of a paper bag when they have teams that are decent and fans that care is somehow building a case with a media who could care less trying to keep a coach none of the fans want or will pay to go see? And they are apparently so good at it that all the media is eating it up and helping them with their "case". (to believe that is to believe the stupid things Doogie tweets because that is all this stuff is)Uh no. But I am not sure what caused that post by you.
You cant have it both ways, either the U is completely inept and so disorganized they can't run an Athletic Department (likely) or they are super genius level shmoozers who would rather lose money as long as they can curry influence with the local media that is dying and a national media that ignores them.
I see this crap all the time all over the place...people who are too invested and way too close to a decision who twist themselves into knots trying to prove that every horse they see is a zebra even though it is just a horse. The U isn't making a case for anything, the media is for their own selfish reasons that aren't even that hard to understand. And when the Gophers are eliminated from the BTT and everyone is ignoring them again the U will almost assuredly fire Johnson and the worry and anxiety will flip to some other version of all of us trying to vent our anxieties and frustrations. (the U will be cheap, the U wont interview the people Seth Davis likes, the media is pushing their guy, Coyle is a moron...etc)