I see you haven't lost your charm staying away from tOTB, MplsGopher!
Ski U Master made an interesting point about security lines at airports. Without question, those measures reduce risk in an airplane and are likely worth the inconvenience. There are many other examples where we try to reduce risk through our actions -- speed limits just happen to be one of the most obvious. We make trade-offs for risk vs. convenience all the time by hopping in a car. Attending a football game with eyes wide open shouldn't be any different, in my opinion. For the college and high school athletes participating, it is more risky to drive to the game than to participate in it (speaking about COVID here). Fans should make their own decisions on whether or not to attend and who they want to engage with after/before/during the game. I'm on board with social distancing, limiting the number of fans, mask wearing etc while at the game -- those measures would be more akin to the security line analogy Ski U Master made initially.