Reading between lines, expect fans to be present?

Yep. If 4 of my top 5 lineman are out and we're playing say, Michigan, I'm forfeiting instead of getting TM killed in a sure loss.

Alternative plan:

I play QB for a game.

Everyone here gets a good laugh in!

With all due respect, the issue is not whether players will die. the odds of that are very, very low.

I still believe the real issue is whether you can have a legitimate season while controlling covid-related disruptions.

Look at what's happening in MLB. 15 of the 30 players on the Miami Marlins active roster have tested positive. Now what - play with minor leaguers?

Imagine something equivalent happening in football. Imagine learning on Friday that 4 or 5 or 6 starters have tested positive and can't play on Saturday.

do you shrug your shoulders and run the 2nd string out there for a key game?

Those are the type of issues that are much more realistic. and you have to have a plan to deal with them.

I suspect that the "let them play" crowd would be singing a very different tune if the Gophers had to play a key game without Morgan, or Bateman, or any other key starter due to covid.
This is exactly why schools will likely not open. And if they do they will likely close down quickly.

People outside that demographic, who are involved with the game on all aspects, matter too.

They also get paid to do a job. Like hundreds of millions of Americans who are currently working. Perhaps we should ask them if they want to have a season?

They also get paid to do a job. Like hundreds of millions of Americans who are currently working. Perhaps we should ask them if they want to have a season?
You want to ask them if they’re willing to die for their job, in order to delivery non-critical entertainment?

You want to ask them if they’re willing to die for their job, in order to delivery non-critical entertainment?

My guess is the overwhelming majority are willing to take the risk, with precautions, like most Americans working their jobs. Otherwise, they’d probably quit, or try to take a leave of absence. Do you ever leave your house?

My guess is the overwhelming majority are willing to take the risk, with precautions, like most Americans working their jobs. Otherwise, they’d probably quit, or try to take a leave of absence. Do you ever leave your house?

We need to have a portion of the state budget dedicated to training all dogs on their unbelievable spit sniffing trait.

My guess is the overwhelming majority are willing to take the risk, with precautions, like most Americans working their jobs. Otherwise, they’d probably quit, or try to take a leave of absence. Do you ever leave your house?
It shouldn't be up to them to "take the risk", since lives/harm to others than just themselves is at stake when they take such risk. We should be giving them unemployment, until the vaccine is available.

It shouldn't be up to them to "take the risk", since lives/harm to others than just themselves is at stake when they take such risk. We should be giving them unemployment, until the vaccine is available.

You still haven’t answered my question. Do you ever leave your house for work, or otherwise?

If there was a Marlins-like outbreak that hit most or all of the offensive line, then "next man up" would be an absolute farce and likely impact the QB/RBs physical health going forward.
Obviously it wouldn't be ideal but there are ways to get by even if say 3 or 4 starting o-linemen are gone. Change the game plan, run more quick hitting plays, rely on your defense getting the job done. Players get thrust into games before they are ready all the time.
Another option would be to add a few weeks during the season or after the season for games that need to be rescheduled.

Please stay on topic and don’t ask irrelevant questions.

Yes I do, every day.

Thanks for answering. I don’t know what you do, but we’ve established that you’re willing to take a certain degree of risk by leaving your house and working. And you probably view your job as “essential” to you, regardless of whether we’d survive as a nation if you were forced to stay home and collect unemployment until there’s a vaccine (which could theoretically be never). This is not an argument for or against having a college football season. It is me calling out your hypocrisy.

My guess is the overwhelming majority are willing to take the risk, with precautions, like most Americans working their jobs. Otherwise, they’d probably quit, or try to take a leave of absence. Do you ever leave your house?

Uhhh, most Americans really don't have a choice? Even if they want to take the risk even with precautions, it's that or lose their job, which means losing health insurance during a pandemic.

Uhhh, most Americans really don't have a choice? Even if they want to take the risk even with precautions, it's that or lose their job, which means losing health insurance during a pandemic.

Sure, and that number will increase by a lot of there isn’t a college football season. Again, not an argument for, or against. Just stating facts.

Hey for any of you who have lost hope...haven't seen this covered in the Strib...


This Stanford professor says the pandemic will be over in 4 weeks (just in time for football season ;)) He was one of the first to say the true death rate is well under 1% (taking into account mild and asymptomatic cases that don’t get confirmed through testing).

In his feed, he later explained what he means by “excess deaths,” so you can check that out if you want. It will be interesting to see whether he turns out to be right.

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We've been had, thanks @MplsGopher and all your pathetic fellow minions

Yeah, that’s the most interesting chart I’ve seen since the beginning of the pandemic....

Deaths “from” COVID vs. Deaths “with” COVID in many cases. That’s been well documented.

I’m sure there are some who would have lived a little longer (days, weeks, perhaps even months) but the virus was just too much to overcome. Look no further than the nursing home population. Most of them actually fight off the infection, and live to tell about it. Many of them are even asymptomatic.

There are certainly outliers, but they are few and far between. This appears to be an extremely contagious cold (and a little more severe, honestly).
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Thanks for answering. I don’t know what you do, but we’ve established that you’re willing to take a certain degree of risk by leaving your house and working. And you probably view your job as “essential” to you, regardless of whether we’d survive as a nation if you were forced to stay home and collect unemployment until there’s a vaccine (which could theoretically be never). This is not an argument for or against having a college football season. It is me calling out your hypocrisy.
I don't leave my house to work. But even if I did, there would be zero hypocracy in calling for people to be allowed to work from home or else be given unemployment (if there is no way to do that) until the vaccine very likely arrives late this year.

Sure, and that number will increase by a lot of there isn’t a college football season. Again, not an argument for, or against. Just stating facts.
By a lot? Not true.

And who says those people will lose their job, anyway? Not true.

HA, is there a way to see how many people have put a poster on ignore? What a great feature if so
Of course not. He made it up.

It's extremely easy to post a picture. If he had one, he would've posted it by now. Of course now he'll try to photoshop something. :sneaky:

This one is pretty interesting.

This is either fake or the stats have been massaged to the point of being meaningless.

All you need to do is look at excess deaths. That tells the actual, true story: far more people have died this year than in a typical year. The only variable is cv19, and therefore they died because of cv19.

Really not that hard, unless you're trying to pretend that there is some other story that isn't there.

The sad reality is that the vast majority of folks who were in nursing homes who have died of cv19, had years left that were stolen away by the disease.

Cases have leveled off for a bit now:


Deaths are going the wrong way fellas ....


Then what is the solution MplsGopher?

I've been pretty consistent from the start in thinking we never went far enough in the beginning. If you aren't willing to close your liquor stores, abortion clinics, gun shops, and weed dispenseries because these are "essential businesses" then you aren't taking things as seriously as other countries. Now four plus months in and policy seems to be dictated by where the least resistance will come from. A school classroom or football game is dangerous but a "peaceful protest" or riot with thousands of people is not.

I'd like my college freshman daughter to be able to go to a football game. I would like my sophomore in high school to play on her tennis team. I want my fourth grader to be able to go to school with her friends. If that means we need to change how we interact with my senior citizen parents, then so be it. I'm ok with that and so are they by the way.

WTF? Why are abortion clinics mixed in with gun shops and weed/liquor stores?? Wow. Is womens' health not essential? Are women supposed to stop having the right to choose during the pandemic?

This is one of the strangest examples I've seen on this board and my mind won't stop racing trying to figure out your thought process here.

PS. Marijuana is approved for some level of medical use in most states in the country. Many people rely on it for help with PTSD, anxiety, depression, pain, etc, so cutting off peoples' access would be like closing a pharmacy. I know a lot of antiquated people have a hard time understanding marijuana is actually a BETTER alternative in many cases than prescription drugs, but it's being proven each day for people whose lives its improving.

^^^ LOL, how perfect that the data he’s using for the US stops at June 20. Almost perfectly timed to completely miss-avoid the recent rise in deaths.

Too funny, can’t make it up!

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