Pete Rose dead at age 83

No one remembers Roy Campanella! Was still going strong before his accident.
Campy was definitely shortchanged at the beginning and ending of career. He could have put up some gaudy numbers otherwise.

was reading an article (can't remember where). according to the article, about 20 years ago, Rose met with then-Commissioner Bud Selig. Rose, Selig and their respective advisors reportedly worked out a deal: Rose would make a public statement admitting he bet on baseball and taking responsibility for his actions. as part of the deal, Rose would agree to stop gambling, and stop hanging out at Casinos and associating with known gamblers. If Rose met all of the terms, MLB would allow him to be considered for the Hall of Fame.

according to the article, everyone shook hands and agreed to the deal.

the next day, Rose was seen doing an autograph and memorabilia signing - at a Casino. Selig found out, blew a gasket and the deal was off.

Pete Rose was his own worst enemy.
I heard the same story on Barreiro.

He needed money to gamble with.

It's as simple as that.

Do they pay you for the hall of fame?

Does anyone actually believe someone as competitive as him would throw games to win bets?

I heard the same story on Barreiro.

He needed money to gamble with.

It's as simple as that.

Do they pay you for the hall of fame?

Does anyone actually believe someone as competitive as him would throw games to win bets?
Gambling Addiction, just like any other, will take you and twist you/your values:morals, like a frickin 🥨, until you’re a shallow imitation of who you once were: the house always wins😉

I heard the same story on Barreiro.

He needed money to gamble with.

It's as simple as that.

Do they pay you for the hall of fame?

Does anyone actually believe someone as competitive as him would throw games to win bets?
The point is we don’t know whether he did or not, and that’s the problem. He committed the ultimate sin in competitive sports by introducing doubt into the legitimacy of the outcome.

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