Pat Reusse

Except for the fact that he hasn't had a drink in about 20 years and also lost a lot of weight several years ago, this is spot on. :rolleyes: Amazing how the smallest perceived slight at Kill justifies such a personal attack.

No kidding. Reusse would never resort to personal attacks:

2. Football: See details above for the trend-setting collapse for the gridders of Brewster -- herewith known as Blackie, in honor of his new hair-dye job.

When will Reusse retire? Please go away! When need some fresh writing.

I'm sure a gopherholer will get the job when he does retire as so many seem to think they could do it better. What with all the established media being "lazy and incompetent."

Not seeing the harm with this article? It's been all over KFAN that Kill has been cheating on his meds on game days. Apparently they make him slow & sluggish. They said Kill feels like they slow him down and he can't afford to be slowed down on game day. They also said he looked noticeably more relaxed and mellow in practice. I can see why a competitor like Kill would skip the meds on game day to be as sharp as possible, especially when they're losing. I'm no doctor but it also seems dead on that stress causes the epilepsy attacks. He never seems to have one when we're winning and things are going good. That's not to say he's faking them, or this is not real, just that stress and the things that go along with it, like lack of sleep, poor eating habits, etc. can have all sorts of negative health effects.

Again, it's a matter of tone, not substance. I could take the same exact set of 'facts,' and write a sympathetic column about Kill - a guy who was so committed to making the U a winner that he was willing to risk his own health. paint him as a tragic hero. As opposed to Reusse, who paints Kill as a selfish manipulator - then turns around and says he likes the guy.

And Costa - I'm not a doctor, either. So I cannot speculate about what does or doesn't lead to seizures. I will just say that I have known people who had to take medication for various reasons, and hated the side-effects so much that they would quit taking the meds or cut back - exactly what Kill did. I think it's too easy to just say "stress" is the cause. it's a multi-faceted situation.

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