Pat Reusse


Jun 7, 2015
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Check out is latest article. What a moran. Can't wait to pile on.

Go Gophers

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Here is what he wrote

We watched Jerry Kill function as a big-time football coach, when things were going good for the Gophers, when there were no serious setbacks with his program building, and he looked terrific physically from Week 1 through the Jan. 1 bowl game.

I went to three or so of his Tuesday media sessions and each time left saying to media colleagues: “Dang, he looks good. He’s slimmed down, he doesn’t have that ruddy color … he’s definitely handling this.’’

This season has been different. There have been setbacks --- the embarrassing effort against Kent State that resulted in a 10-7 victory, the shutout loss at Northwestern, and 11 days ago, the meltdown against a mediocre Nebraska team.

It appears that Kill can’t deal with setbacks. His public seizures at TCF Bank Stadium were in games the Gophers were in danger of losing to lowly teams (New Mexico State and Western Illinois).

It is a great thing for most coaches to reject the reality of setbacks, but obviously not good for a man who is willing to fudge on his epilepsy meds because he thinks it gives him a chance to get a better effort from his team.

That's a new low. What an absolutely fu**ing prick! Pathetic human being.

He makes a living being a royal p. What goes around comes around sooner or later...

Stress is not good for one with Epilepsy. This crossed my mind. He really struggles when things are not going well. Patrick chose to say it in the way he always does.

What is PR saying that is despicable, below the belt, or otherwise unfair? Did we read the same article?

He can't deal with set backs? Don't you and Pat know Jerry's life story. Pat needs to get a life. He never liked Kill and he couldn't wait a day or two to think it through and write a fair article. I am canceling my online Tribune today. Enough of the negative crap.

Go Gophers

What made me most doubtful that the Gophers would settle on Kill was the health situation … meaning cancer, at that time.

And I have to say, while it was wrenching to watch Kill’s emotional retirement announcement early Wednesday morning, there was a sense of relief that this wasn’t the worst health news.

Maybe I’m alone, but when the information on Kill’s sudden retirement started to spread after 7 a.m., I had this thought:

Kill wouldn’t be doing this because of epilepsy. He has a handle on that. It has to be a reoccurrence of his cancer.

Immediately, I went on-line (a bad place for medical information, I agree) to read about what happens when kidney cancer returns. The prognosis wouldn’t cause you to go skipping down the sidewalk in joy.

Early in Wednesday’s announcement, Kill made it clear that he was stepping away because of renewed epileptic seizures– brought on, it seems, when the coach stopped following his doctor’s directives and ignoring his medication schedule..

It is a great thing for most coaches to reject the reality of setbacks, but obviously not good for a man who is willing to fudge on his epilepsy meds because he thinks it gives him a chance to get a better effort from his team.

We have a good hint from 2014 that Kill can handle his epilepsy, as long as he does what he’s supposed to do. As a reporter who didn’t see eye-to-eye with some of Kill’s poor-mouthing this season, and said so, I still liked “Country Jer’’ as a guy, and from here …

Well, it’s good news that what he’s dealing with is his old rival epilepsy, and not a reoccurrence of that “other deal’’ (as he might say) from 10 years ago


I'm no attorney, but this smells of libel to me.

It is a great thing for most coaches to reject the reality of setbacks, but obviously not good for a man who is willing to fudge on his epilepsy meds because he thinks it gives him a chance to get a better effort from his team.


In Kill's press conference, he did imply that he had stopped (or ignored) taking medication because it made his mind cloudier when it came to coaching football. So not really a libelous statement IMO.

Reusse just wrote it in his normal style, which is snark.

I really don't know why people on GH continue to post links to the Strib. Just ignore the Strib, your day and life will be much happier .

He can't deal with set backs? Don't you and Pat know Jerry's life story. Pat needs to get a life. He never liked Kill and he couldn't wait a day or two to think it through and write a fair article. I am canceling my online Tribune today. Enough of the negative crap.

Go Gophers

While I agree that PR should have chose a much better way to phrase it, I guess I don't read it as a negative hack job on Jerry like you do, and I would guess that's because you probably hate every single one of his articles. And today is a very difficult day.

I see plenty of compliments in it, and some difficult, though matter-of-fact statements of reality; I read it similar to what MaxyJR1 pointed out a few minutes ago- stress is very bad on someone who has epilepsy, and losing/setbacks probably causes Jerry more stress than most people. He is uncommonly driven, even to the point that he will not follow his medication regimen if it helps him achieve the success he is seeking.

Also, he said at the end of the article that he likes Kill. And he is a journalist, he doesn't get a day or two to ruminate on such a big piece of breaking news like this. All hands were on deck and every Strib sports personality except perhaps Sid had something posted before noon today.

I'm no attorney, but this smells of libel to me.

It is a great thing for most coaches to reject the reality of setbacks, but obviously not good for a man who is willing to fudge on his epilepsy meds because he thinks it gives him a chance to get a better effort from his team.

The first part Jerry admitted. The second part was phrased badly, but it just implies if Jerry felt better, he believe he'd coach better, prepare better and his team would be better.

The old days they'd have all day to write the articles for the morning paper. Now it's a rush.

What made me most doubtful that the Gophers would settle on Kill was the health situation … meaning cancer, at that time.

And I have to say, while it was wrenching to watch Kill’s emotional retirement announcement early Wednesday morning, there was a sense of relief that this wasn’t the worst health news.

Maybe I’m alone, but when the information on Kill’s sudden retirement started to spread after 7 a.m., I had this thought:

Kill wouldn’t be doing this because of epilepsy. He has a handle on that. It has to be a reoccurrence of his cancer.

Immediately, I went on-line (a bad place for medical information, I agree) to read about what happens when kidney cancer returns. The prognosis wouldn’t cause you to go skipping down the sidewalk in joy.

Early in Wednesday’s announcement, Kill made it clear that he was stepping away because of renewed epileptic seizures– brought on, it seems, when the coach stopped following his doctor’s directives and ignoring his medication schedule..

It is a great thing for most coaches to reject the reality of setbacks, but obviously not good for a man who is willing to fudge on his epilepsy meds because he thinks it gives him a chance to get a better effort from his team.

We have a good hint from 2014 that Kill can handle his epilepsy, as long as he does what he’s supposed to do. As a reporter who didn’t see eye-to-eye with some of Kill’s poor-mouthing this season, and said so, I still liked “Country Jer’’ as a guy, and from here …

Well, it’s good news that what he’s dealing with is his old rival epilepsy, and not a reoccurrence of that “other deal’’ (as he might say) from 10 years ago

I am no fan of Reusse. But someone finally posts more of the article with full context and guess what? It doesn't sound nearly as bad as first reported. This is no Souhan job.

If I have to say comment on Reusse's column from what Iceland12 posted above, I am afraid the Strib Nazi's would not post it.

I don't hate the guy like a lot do...I just think he feels like he says things that other people are thinking. Almost like he is the speaker of the hard truth. I don't believe this to be the way it is in reality. Giant in his own mind so to speak.

Also, he said at the end of the article that he likes Kill. And he is a journalist, he doesn't get a day or two to ruminate on such a big piece of breaking news like this. All hands were on deck and every Strib sports personality except perhaps Sid had something posted before noon today.

Seriously,have you read what many national football writers,who have more on their plate than Fatrick has ever had (OK,don't take that literally) had written and posted online before the Strib piece was up ? Reusse couldn't wait to stick the knife in and twist and it wouldn't have made a difference if he had waited until tomorrow,next week or next year.

I really don't know why people on GH continue to post links to the Strib. Just ignore the Strib, your day and life will be much happier .

A couple of their twins writers are ok..... but pretty much that.

I don't know why folks feel the need to post stuff they don't like.

Seriously,have you read what many national football writers,who have more on their plate than Fatrick has ever had (OK,don't take that literally) had written and posted online before the Strib piece was up ? Reusse couldn't wait to stick the knife in and twist and it wouldn't have made a difference if he had waited until tomorrow,next week or next year.

I still don't see any knifing or twisting in his article. Perhaps a few bad phrasing choices here and there but that's it. Geez does everybody here at this point just channel pavlov and believe that every single Reusse piece is immediately a hatchet job?

The strib had like a half dozen stories about it by noon today. They all cannot write the same middle of the road, Scoggins-style articles, they work with their editors to all coordinate different perspectives on the story. PR's is certainly a unique take that you won't see in all the standard write-ups of this big news story. But still, not a hatchet job at all.

The Reusse haters who have posted in this thread are complete morons who each gave Reusse the reaction he was hoping for when he wrote the column. Reusse reads GopherHole as often as he reads the morning newspaper. If you all had just ignored him it would have been a huge disappointment to him. Even the posters who post that they never read anything Reusse writes are giving him what he wants. But you just can't help yourselves and you never fail to do your part to insure that every "I Hate Reusse" thread goes into multiple pages.

The Reusse haters who have posted in this thread are complete morons who each gave Reusse the reaction he was hoping for when he wrote the column. Reusse reads GopherHole as often as he reads the morning newspaper. If you all had just ignored him it would have been a disappointment to him. But you just can't help yourselves and you never fail to do your part to insure that every I Hate Reusse thread goes into multiple pages.

I feel like I am screaming at a wall right now.

What did Reusse say that was negative, hatchety, or just mean towards Jerry Kill? And what did he say that could be considered "trolling the readers" like he does with some of his articles?

I feel like I am screaming at a wall right now. What did Reusse say that was negative, hatchety, or just mean towards Jerry Kill? And what did he say that could be considered "trolling the readers" like he does with some of his articles?

I think it's just he says things that may be true and it comes across in a snarky tone.

Also, the timing is very weird to be snarky. Imagine if someone wrote something similar right after Flip passed away? I don't believe in always having to be rosy and oh so and so was great all the time, but an hour after they just gave a tearful press conference about having seizures and retiring and everything may not be the best time.

So it wasn't that bad of an article, it's just oddly placed amongst all of the heartfelt, emotional commentary today.

This is what happens when Patrick Reusse writes a hot take. Is anyone surprised?

I feel like I am screaming at a wall right now.

What did Reusse say that was negative, hatchety, or just mean towards Jerry Kill? And what did he say that could be considered "trolling the readers" like he does with some of his articles?

Just to be clear. I not a Reusse hater. That is why I love these threads. Reusse was just telling people what he thinks. He is under no obligation to be a member of the Jerry Kill Can Do No Wrong Club. GopherHolers may love Kill but that feeling is not universal in the real world.

I have to admit, the general topic of the article, the fear that it wasn't the seizures but that his cancer had come back, was exactly what I thought when I heard the news this morning...

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