PA Guy

Lovely retort.

Stating that constant bloviation from the stadium's PA announcer is not part of the game day experience is so idiotic the only reasonable explanation is trolling.

I don't care which alleged 'respected' poster made the claim.

Really?! You really, honestly believe that?!

GoAUpher isn't an 'alleged' respected poster.. He IS a respected poster. It's clear you don't browse the forums enough if you are blind to that fact.

See, I'm ok with your disdain for the PA guy. He doesn't bother me, but I can understand how he could grind on some people's nerves. What got me to rail against you is how you claimed you were seriously considering dropping your season tickets (to what sounds like pretty nice seats in the DQ club room) because of the PA guy.

Hell man.. What did you expect most hardcore Gopher fans to respond with?? To me, and many others, one isn't a fan of a team if they turn in their season tix because of a bunch of petty stuff, with the PA guy on top of their list.

That's not what I said. I said I'm considering dropping them because the gameday experience sucks (contrary to some, Jamie is the most notable part of my experience except the game). Many many many outdoor club seatholders have cancelled tickets. The DQ club food and service sucks, very few people show up to the games in those seats (and often they are opposing fans) so the atmosphere from your neighbors blows, and now you throw a huge helping of Jamie at me. It's more than I can take. You can call it petty if you wish, but you haven't walked in my shoes.

also, 7 pages!! Even if I'm 1+ of those pages because of my TWENTY FIVE POSTS!!! That should tell you something U of M.

That's not what I said. I said I'm considering dropping them because the gameday experience sucks (contrary to some, Jamie is the most notable part of my experience except the game). Many many many outdoor club seatholders have cancelled tickets. The DQ club food and service sucks, very few people show up to the games in those seats (and often they are opposing fans) so the atmosphere from your neighbors blows, and now you throw a huge helping of Jamie at me. It's more than I can take. You can call it petty if you wish, but you haven't walked in my shoes.

also, 7 pages!! Even if I'm 1+ of those pages because of my TWENTY FIVE POSTS!!! That should tell you something U of M.

I know it's a novel concept.. But maybe try getting out of your posh seats and get seatback seats. That's where the atmosphere is at anyway, not holed up indoors with an open 'window'.

also, 7 pages!! Even if I'm 1+ of those pages because of my TWENTY FIVE POSTS!!! That should tell you something U of M.

Yes, 25 of 121 posts from one person. It does tell me something. It is probably time for Section2 to discontinue his tickets so the rest of us can move on. It sounds like Gopher football gameday just isn't for you.

I know it's a novel concept.. But maybe try getting out of your posh seats and get seatback seats. That's where the atmosphere is at anyway, not holed up indoors with an open 'window'.

Those are indoor club seats. I have outdoor club seats with a seatback.

Yes, 25 of 121 posts from one person. It does tell me something. It is probably time for Section2 to discontinue his tickets so the rest of us can move on. It sounds like Gopher football gameday just isn't for you.

Awww, am I hurting your feelings because I don't like something? I'm so sorry to have taken up all your time and forced you to search thru this thread page by page to count the number of posts I made in a stalkerish manner. It sounds like message board discussions on improving the gameday experience for diehard fans isn't for you. If we were selling out games, I would agree, just cancel your tickets whiner, the rest of us love it! But that really isn't the case here now, is it? Seems pretty obvious that the game and stadium experience are subpar, which in addition to the crappy performance is a serious problem. TWENTY SIX POSTS!!!

The PA guy would not get ripped nearly as hard if he didn't have to talk for 80% of the game, anyone gets annoying when you have to listen to them for 2.5 hours. Solution to the problem=get the U to stop squeezing every penny out of TCF and ruining the game day experience through ad after ad and the other dumb announcements. You improve ticket sales by improving the gameday experience, and behind product on the field, I think the advertisements are the biggest turn off. I guarantee you student attendance would improve with less ads and more band play/stuff actually happening in the student section

If we can't get the PA announcer changed, maybe we can just give him some simple rules: allowed to do the annoying first down cheer only when it's after a 3rd or 4th down conversion; has to donate $500 to the marching band or some other charity every time he says something stupid like "that was a manley pass out of bounds" or "that's another 6 points in the bank".

The problem is these decisions are being made by typical business-types. All they care about is bottom-line. They look at spread sheets and see that they can add X amount of dollars and they think it would foolish not to.

And this is definitely happening at other schools. The game day experience is slowly being ruined. What schools need is someone with a marketing background who is in charge of fan experience.

Do you know why Target is a nicer shopping experience than Walmart? Because they employ professionals that research and implement new ways to constantly better the guest experience, from the parking lot to checkout.

They could make a few extra bucks by cramming bargain bins in the middle of the aisles, but they know clean aisles and less clutter will make you spend more time there and come back more often.

Right now going to a game at TCF Bank Stadium is like shopping at Walmart.

Lovely retort.

Stating that constant bloviation from the stadium's PA announcer is not part of the game day experience is so idiotic the only reasonable explanation is trolling.

I don't care which alleged 'respected' poster made the claim.
Ugh...reading comprehension fail on your part my friend. I never said it wasn't a part of the gameday atmosphere. I responded to Section 2's assertion that it was a MAJOR part of the GD atmosphere. I my opinion, it really is not. Sorry.

Awww, am I hurting your feelings because I don't like something? I'm so sorry to have taken up all your time and forced you to search thru this thread page by page to count the number of posts I made in a stalkerish manner. It sounds like message board discussions on improving the gameday experience for diehard fans isn't for you. If we were selling out games, I would agree, just cancel your tickets whiner, the rest of us love it! But that really isn't the case here now, is it? Seems pretty obvious that the game and stadium experience are subpar, which in addition to the crappy performance is a serious problem. TWENTY SIX POSTS!!!

Just FYI, you have 28 posts in the thread. You can find this out by clicking to the right of the thread title, where it says "Replies:" and a number. Click the number, in this case it would take you to this page: There's my helpful tip for the day.

The problem is these decisions are being made by typical business-types. All they care about is bottom-line. They look at spread sheets and see that they can add X amount of dollars and they think it would foolish not to.

And this is definitely happening at other schools. The game day experience is slowly being ruined. What schools need is someone with a marketing background who is in charge of fan experience.

Do you know why Target is a nicer shopping experience than Walmart? Because they employ professionals that research and implement new ways to constantly better the guest experience, from the parking lot to checkout.

They could make a few extra bucks by cramming bargain bins in the middle of the aisles, but they know clean aisles and less clutter will make you spend more time there and come back more often.

Right now going to a game at TCF Bank Stadium is like shopping at Walmart.

See? When you put thought into a post that doesn't flame/insult anyone else or make any absurd comments, you get gold like this post.

And I know some will be confused with what I'm about to say right now.. But I agree with the quoted 100%.

And this is definitely happening at other schools. The game day experience is slowly being ruined. What schools need is someone with a marketing background who is in charge of fan experience.
DEFINITELY true. Michigan fans are on high alert for the "NFL-ization" of the GD experience at The Big House now that they have the new huge HD scoreboards on each end. If you watched the game on Saturday you'd see they are right to be worried. There is already more music getting pumped in via the PA then I can ever recall hearing at a Michigan game (be it in person or on TV). Their wealth as a "have" in college FB is definitely protecting them from ads for now though.
Right now going to a game at TCF Bank Stadium is like shopping at Walmart.
Ha ha...nicely played.

I never said it wasn't a part of the gameday atmosphere. I responded to Section 2's assertion that it was a MAJOR part of the GD atmosphere. I my opinion, it really is not. Sorry.

Fair enough. I just feel like it should be as carefully considered as all other sensory elements, mostly because it has the ability to take over the experience like almost nothing else.

This is a lotta words about the PA announcer.

Fair enough. I just feel like it should be as carefully considered as all other sensory elements, mostly because it has the ability to take over the experience like almost nothing else.
I agree with this. I also think its easy enough to tune out if you give it a try. There are plenty of times when I realize I haven't heard a thing Jamie has said other than the 1st down cheer (which I notice because I'm watching the game and see when we get a first down). But that's me and I am definitely not everyone else.

I agree with this. I also think its easy enough to tune out if you give it a try. There are plenty of times when I realize I haven't heard a thing Jamie has said other than the 1st down cheer (which I notice because I'm watching the game and see when we get a first down). But that's me and I am definitely not everyone else.

Maybe I am just directly in the path of a speaker. Point stands, if you don't notice him at all, why would you resist a change to another person/style that you still wouldn't notice, but that would make gameday's much more enjoyable for others? I'm glad this thread has become conciliatory and we're all understanding each other, group hug.

Point stands, if you don't notice him at all, why would you resist a change to another person/style that you still wouldn't notice, but that would make gameday's much more enjoyable for others? I'm glad this thread has become conciliatory and we're all understanding each other, group hug.
I've already said I don't care who is on PA.

As for the more enjoyable for others thing, you're trying to prove your point using the posts of a select group of posters on a internet board that is frequented by a small population (relative to the whole) of Gopher fans. Not a representative sample. Want Jamie gone or to change his style? Convince the powers that be (which means any season ticket holders with these feelings should be using the end of year survey for starters). Besides, the "enjoyment of others" standard is impossible to enforce since it is extremely unlikely that any figure (PA guy, coach, AD, president, etc) will be universally liked.

I've already said I don't care who is on PA.

As for the more enjoyable for others thing, you're trying to prove your point using the posts of a select group of posters on a internet board that is frequented by a small population (relative to the whole) of Gopher fans. Not a representative sample. Want Jamie gone or to change his style? Convince the powers that be (which means any season ticket holders with these feelings should be using the end of year survey for starters). Besides, the "enjoyment of others" standard is impossible to enforce since it is extremely unlikely that any figure (PA guy, coach, AD, president, etc) will be universally liked.

This is my attempt at change. I'm not trying to enforce any standard. I do disagree though, many many PA guys are universally liked, Bob Casey, yankees PA, Julius, lots and lots. Just like Ray Christensen was universally liked, whereas Dave Lee was universally disliked. Lots of GH posters complained about Dave Lee. Couldn't you use these same arguments on them? Dave Lee isn't that bad. This isn't a representative of listeners? Same arguments. If I were in your shoes, and I saw something minor to me that would make a lot of other people enjoy games more, I'd get on board. That's just me though. I dont' care about he PA guy's feelings, I want a big time atmosphere to help turn our program around and although unlikely, help keep MN kids home.

This is my attempt at change. I'm not trying to enforce any standard. I do disagree though, many many PA guys are universally liked, Bob Casey, yankees PA, Julius, lots and lots. Just like Ray Christensen was universally liked, whereas Dave Lee was universally disliked.

Overwhelmingly liked? Certainly. Universally liked? Unlikely. Not everyone is happy with something all the time. That just doesn't happen. You put up a somber announcer and some guy will want someone more energetic. That's all I was trying to say. Pleasing people when it comes to taste isn't a universal deal.

That said, I'm not on board with replacing Jamie because he doesn't bother me and in some cases I do enjoy what he brings. Do I like his style all the time? Nope. But I'm not put off by it enough to try to see him gone. Would I care if someone else took over? Nope. I might care if the new guy stopped doing the first down cheer since I do have a stronger opinion about that, but again, that would be more about the cheer than the guy on the PA.

This is my attempt at change. I'm not trying to enforce any standard. I do disagree though, many many PA guys are universally liked, Bob Casey, yankees PA, Julius, lots and lots. Just like Ray Christensen was universally liked, whereas Dave Lee was universally disliked. Lots of GH posters complained about Dave Lee. Couldn't you use these same arguments on them? Dave Lee isn't that bad. This isn't a representative of listeners? Same arguments. If I were in your shoes, and I saw something minor to me that would make a lot of other people enjoy games more, I'd get on board. That's just me though. I dont' care about he PA guy's feelings, I want a big time atmosphere to help turn our program around and although unlikely, help keep MN kids home.

The one thing I do notice from all the PA guys you do like is that they are all dead. Things aren't the way they were 20 years ago. You and many others would say that things have changed for the worse, and maybe they have, but things have definitely changed since the heyday of the three PA announcers you specifically call out.

Yes, 25 of 121 posts from one person. It does tell me something. It is probably time for Section2 to discontinue his tickets so the rest of us can move on. It sounds like Gopher football gameday just isn't for you.

Sounds about right to me.

The one thing I do notice from all the PA guys you do like is that they are all dead. Things aren't the way they were 20 years ago. You and many others would say that things have changed for the worse, and maybe they have, but things have definitely changed since the heyday of the three PA announcers you specifically call out.

Your point? People in charge of running stadiums think they need things to be loud and glitzy and in your face and enthusiastic in general these days. They are wrong. Anyone who talks about really liking a PA guy doesn't mention this new style, but we live in a copycat world, and everyone wants to be Michael Buffer. Perhaps you should consider that the old style was much better. It wasn't broke...

Overwhelmingly liked? Certainly. Universally liked? Unlikely. Not everyone is happy with something all the time. That just doesn't happen. You put up a somber announcer and some guy will want someone more energetic. That's all I was trying to say. Pleasing people when it comes to taste isn't a universal deal.

That said, I'm not on board with replacing Jamie because he doesn't bother me and in some cases I do enjoy what he brings. Do I like his style all the time? Nope. But I'm not put off by it enough to try to see him gone. Would I care if someone else took over? Nope. I might care if the new guy stopped doing the first down cheer since I do have a stronger opinion about that, but again, that would be more about the cheer than the guy on the PA.

Fine, let's focus on the word universal and compare it to overwhelming. Because that's what this debate is about. You say you're a respected poster? :)

Your point? People in charge of running stadiums think they need things to be loud and glitzy and in your face and enthusiastic in general these days. They are wrong. Anyone who talks about really liking a PA guy doesn't mention this new style, but we live in a copycat world, and everyone wants to be Michael Buffer. Perhaps you should consider that the old style was much better. It wasn't broke...

We get it. I agree with you, but please stop it already. Is it worth coming off as a complete whiner?

The no replay of a close call or penalty thing isn't only MN, it's everyone.

I was at the USC game and they seemed to show every interesting replay, controversial or not.

I was at the USC game and they seemed to show every interesting replay, controversial or not.
I phrased quite poorly there. At least in the B1G (and I'm pretty sure nationally), it's up to the home schools video staff to show/not show a replay. However, it is definitely the norm for the schools to be cautious about what gets shown which was what I was trying to say. I honestly didn't check up to the big board at USC that often so I couldn't say. I'd certainly prefer a more relaxed approach to replay's though.

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