PA Guy


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Terrible terrible terrible terrible. Annoying voice. Tries way too hard. Makes the game about him. Tries to be like Michael Buffer. Reads commercials NON STOP ALL GAME LONG. Really destroys my enjoyment of the game and the college atmosphere. Yes, it's amplified when we don't show up to play. But really, this is amateur college football with a band and cheerleaders to entertain us. Someone please fire this guy.

I have no problem with the PA guy. And it's not his choice to read commercials.

I have no problem with the PA guy. And it's not his choice to read commercials.

Ok, well WHOEVER's choice it is, and whoever is making the decision on how many ads to have this guy read KNOCK IT OFF. It seriously is making me consider not renewing my tix. I have no interest in having that annoying guy blaring ad after ad and banal special interest piece after special interest piece the entire game. I want to hear the band, the crowd, and that's why I'm a college football fan and not a Vikings fan. Enough with this guy. You aren't michael buffer and you're not at a tractor pull. You should compliment the atmosphere not overpower it with commercialism and fake enthusiasm.

Not only that, but he gets half of the game calls wrong. He said the Gophers got a sack when the QB went 2 yards, then said NMSU got a regular tackle when Gray was stopped 2 yards behind the line of scrimmage. Not that hard to differentiate between a sack and a tackle.

did the pa guy also do an entire commercial during the actual game?! I was dumbfounded that I heard this guy talk during a play

are there only certain parts of the stadium that you can hear this guyI usy don't recall hearing him once all day and was in section 101.

Not trying to argue for or against, but isn't that the same guy we've had for years?

Yeah, he read an entire ad for Subway while NMSU ran a play.

I'm not crazy about the guy either, but as another poster said, he has no control over the number of ads he needs to read.

did the pa guy also do an entire commercial during the actual game?! I was dumbfounded that I heard this guy talk during a play

Was it "that was a Manly throw away"? Something like that announced made me laugh today.

Yeah, he read an entire ad for Subway while NMSU ran a play.

I'm not crazy about the guy either, but as another poster said, he has no control over the number of ads he needs to read.

I'm not jacked about the ads.. The guy himself I don't have a problem with.. Well, until that Subway ad/promo where he blabbed during that play and a half. I was pissed at that point. That was straight embarrassing.

Was it "that was a Manly throw away"? Something like that announced made me laugh today.

OMG, yeah.. I didn't realize NMSU's QB was named Manley (didn't buy a program this time around), so that threw me off. What a great way to announce that play.

I think that he does an OK job, though I cringed and shook my head on the last offensive play of the game when he attempted to fire up the crowd-noise was not desired at that time. I get that it was likely an awkward moment with what had just transpired on the Gopher sideline, so I'm willing to cut some slack.

If it wasn't for all those ads, our ticket prices would go up.

As for the missteps, it's his first game of the season too.

If it wasn't for all those ads, our ticket prices would go up.

As for the missteps, it's his first game of the season too.

Who cares about the missteps. I don't accept the free weekend condo with the caviat that I just need to listen to a 4 hour presentation on timeshares. There is a balance between cost and advertising. Currently they are WAAY out of balance.

The ads are a turnoff and take away from time the band or cheer squads have to do their thing, hence it takes away from the collegiate experience.

I also took notice tonight during the Michigan/ND game that Michigan uses the full size of their scoreboard during the game, something we have yet to do in Year 3. Of course why do you need a replay board if the powers that be don't allow you to show any replay that might be deemed controversial?

ou people need to take your little complaints about the Game Day Environment...

directly to badger joel macturi. HE is the administrator who IS responsible for everything that every employee at the stadium does, says, and is also responsible for all the advertising that gets blasted at the long-time season ticket holding fans at the game.

Take your complaints to bjm...and also copy the new prexy...

; 0 )


I heard two different discussions about the PA guy at the game today.
One was behind us at the game and one was on the shuttle after the game.
People complaining about all the announcements at change of possessions.
There are way too many. Tom Burnett tribute..awesome. Ronald McDonald fine. But these kinds of things are on non stop. Then there are the commercials. Then the pull up contest etc There is just way too much stuff. The game itself--the players seem like an afterthought.

Absolutely there should be tributes and awards etc but not at every opportunity. The TV timeouts last an eternity in person. But the annoyance of the PA guy was why you really noticed.

My opinion, the PA guy should be professional. He shouldn't be a fan, cheerleader or carnie. Definitely did not enjoy that aspect of the game.

The ads are a turnoff and take away from time the band or cheer squads have to do their thing, hence it takes away from the collegiate experience.

I also took notice tonight during the Michigan/ND game that Michigan uses the full size of their scoreboard during the game, something we have yet to do in Year 3. Of course why do you need a replay board if the powers that be don't allow you to show any replay that might be deemed controversial?
Maybe don't compare us to Michigan just yet. I'm guessing they have a bit more dough to toss around than we do, and don't need to run ads of Wolf Brand Chili.
Listen, I don't like the ads either, but until we start selling out every game and getting more donations, get used to it.

What was with him announcing the dance squad and them running out on the field at the wrong time? PA guy had a tough day.

The vendor organizer did too. Lots of lost $$ opportunities missed. They were far and few between. I would have easily dropped $10 more dollars today on water/coke or even a snow cone.

They ran out of water at the stands by us.

Maybe don't compare us to Michigan just yet. I'm guessing they have a bit more dough to toss around than we do, and don't need to run ads of Wolf Brand Chili.
Listen, I don't like the ads either, but until we start selling out every game and getting more donations, get used to it.

I get that. But I also listened to Maturi on the pregame show talking about how he wants to build a gameday atmosphere that leaves people wanting more and leaves people wanting to return. He was talking in the context of trying to promote tailgating. Having the 5th largest scoreboard in the NCAA is worthless if you don't use it. There is a "wow" factor when you view it form the outside but there is no "wow" factor during the game.

I get that. But I also listened to Maturi on the pregame show talking about how he wants to build a gameday atmosphere that leaves people wanting more and leaves people wanting to return. He was talking in the context of trying to promote tailgating. Having the 5th largest scoreboard in the NCAA is worthless if you don't use it. There is a "wow" factor when you view it form the outside but there is no "wow" factor during the game.
They could definitely get more creative with the ads & PA scripts. I don't mind the Boston Scientific Heart of the Game or the company that had the USC highlight of the week.

Maybe don't compare us to Michigan just yet. I'm guessing they have a bit more dough to toss around than we do, and don't need to run ads of Wolf Brand Chili.
Listen, I don't like the ads either, but until we start selling out every game and getting more donations, get used to it.

No no no. Not, "get used to it." I'm a (very well) paying customer. My experience sucks. If it does not change I will no longer be a paying customer. Thus, all the ads he's reading will be heard by no one. Thus, they will make far less money.

I don't like the PA guy, and I don't like all of the ads, but I understand that they are a revenue source, and thus I grit and bear it.

My issue with the in-game experience is the a) for the most part, awful music selections, and b) the timing that they play them. For instance, they didn't play zombie nation until mid-way through the third quarter (after half the students had left), and were so late playing it, that it couldn't even really get going. This crap has been going on for three years now. Can we get somebody in there that understands the timing of the timeouts, the music that will connect with students AND the rest of the crowd (I am not a student), and has some overall sense? It's just awful right now, and has been, as I said, for three years now.

Oh, and with regards to the music, students should be prioritized. They're the ones standing the whole game, and capable of getting the rest of the crowd into it (when they really get going).

That said, again, the selections and timing have to be better.

The ads are embarrassing. No other school does it to that level, at least not the stadiums I've been too. They have a "chompion of the game" for gods sakes. Maybe they can charge $5 for water and then make up the difference what snickers pays.
Use the entire scoreboard also. After a TD they only flash the words touchdown on a full screen. Great time to use a full replay.
I don't know if it's a MN thing or a big ten thing but why not show questionable call replays. Maybe its just MN nice.
I wonder if whoever is in charge of football operations has ever been to a stadium outside the MIAC.
Fact is, things that take place during games don't happen at other schools.

Contracts with officials don't allow close calls to be replayed in the stadium.

Momentum changes are just a fond memory thanks to the guy in the red hat and non-stop promos and ads. Do they really think that we can't sit for 30 seconds without sensory bombardment?

...and turn down the volume on the scoreboard because it is way too loud. Please get rid of the 1990's ..."and that's another Golden Gopher 1st Down!". That has to be the most annoying crowd booster. Please come up with another way to get everyone excited about the first down.

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